"As a result, he will become extremely expressive and demonstrative of the pain he is feeling in the two very sensitive organs he wears on the outside of this body: he might become very vocal, while his his body and face might take on undignified expressions and poses, in reacting to the intensely exquisite pain his testicles are exposed to. A man with functioning testicles will suffer greatly from a simple knee to the nuts, and his body becomes for all intents and purposes, an appendage to his spheres."

Two months after the kick

Sam sat alone by the bleachers, with his usual egg sandwich as he watched the town's dance troupe rehearse their moves for the upcoming ball. Most of them were cheerleaders back in the academy, and they were just finished with their stretching warmups which involved arching their backs and bending forward to stretch. He was watching Lizzy practicing her moves, an irrational fear of her crept over him inexplicably.

Lizzy was a few years his junior, and he had many fond memories of the times he would remain behind with her after his matches, in the showers. She wasn't particularly his cup of tea, with her short hair barely reaching past her shoulders, and over her average looking breasts. Apart from her willingness to keeping him pleasured in any way he desired, there was not much of her that was too memorable to him, and her often dry breath would even annoy him whenever he was done using her.

The women started practicing cheerleading kicks, kicking their feet upwards into the air. Sam shuddered each time their kicks flew upward, each foot kicking into the air flashing into his mind memories he wished he could forget, as he closed his legs and instinctively reached a hand lower down to feel his sac. He starts sweating, remembering the excruciating pain he felt from Yvonne's devastating kick to his testes, as the memory of his injury started getting to him.

He starts to feel faint, as a phantom pain in his privates started stirring together with the haunting memory of Yvonne's girly laughter echoing through his mind as he remembered how the skinny woman had left him writhing in pain on the ground. He shut his eyes, struggling with the great feelings of fear and insecurity in himself from how much he suffered from Yvonne's kick. At that very moment, Lizzy noticed Sam and called out to him.

"Hey Sam!", she calls out, running over to him as a few others trailed behind her.

"Haven't seen you around outside in forever... Where have you been?", she asks.

Her voice cut through his thoughts, distracting him from the feeling between his legs as he adjusts his groin area gingerly, taking several tries, as the girls watched him shift uncomfortably. He snaps back to reality as Lizzy steps closer to him, pushing his chest out to appear normal as he responds.

"Oh, uh, I've actually been recovering from something. But it's not really a big deal, don't worry about it."

Lizzy makes a mental note of him adjusting himself, remembering how huge he was down there, and also how embarrassed he looked trying to prevent anyone from finding out what really happened.

"Really? Me and girls heard from rumors going through the town... We've also noticed how confident Yvonne became since around when you disappeared. She's become quite the socialite, and if I must add, a bit of a slut.", she hinted, taking in all of his awkwardness.

Sam felt a wave of anxiety rush over him, realizing that Lizzy and the rest of the team was at least partially aware of what happened to him. He stopped avoiding her gaze, and sweet smile, as he looked her in the eye, about to ask her how she knew. But something in him stopped him from revealing the truth that Yvonne had kicked him in such a sensitive part, and that it had actually hurt him terribly while causing him loads of problems with his ability to react and experience sexual pleasure.

"Oh, uh, well, it's, uh... like I said, it's not a big deal and... no one needs to know, okay?", he stammered nervously, feeling his face flush with embarrassment as this large group of girls stood around him questioning him about his condition.
Amber spoke up at this very moment, staring at the bulge in his pants. "We heard that you got into a fight with Yvonne. We heard that she kicked you in the nuts and sent you to the hospital. And that you had to go to the emergency room. Is that true?"

Sam felt even more embarrassed, as he remembered ruthlessly humiliating Amber, and essentially destroying her socially for once daring to have a crush on him. Realizing that the details of his injury, and treatment has spread through the town gave him a new sense of uneasiness. One of them pointed at his bulge as he adjusted himself again, as his face turned bright red as he nodded.

Amber immediately announced, "No wonder you had to be hospitalized! You males are so fragile in that part!". A few of the girls started to giggle at her comment, and they looked at Sam with anticipation, eager to get more details out of him.

Sam, feeling incredibly embarrassed and awkward, just said, "Oh, yeah, I guess so...", and attempted to leave. Just then, one of the girls asks if Yvonne really did send him to the hospital by kicking him in the testicles. He felt a great sense of shame as he had not yet mentally recovered from the injury caused by Yvonne's action that had affected him in ways that can't be reversed. Something in him made him stay put to share more details than he was comfortable with sharing. Perhaps it was anger he felt, feeling utterly defeated by the injury and the fact that it had indeed made intimacy with his girlfriend, Amanda, go from an almost daily activity to an occasional event.

Every time he had sex with Amanda now, she would unintentionally fixate on his scrotum, thinking about the injury Yvonne had inflicted to him. She would stare at where his other testicle used to be, and touch the area of his sack that now was empty. He knew how much anger she felt at Yvonne for kicking him and causing him to lose a teste, nearly making him lose function of the most important part of his body. It had been months before he could even get an erection again, and he could not help but feel ashamed whenever he noticed Amanda fixating on his lost manhood. It made him extremely self conscious with how much Amanda focused on how he nearly lost his manhood from a fight he instigated, instead of him when they would be intimate.

Sam nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah. I even had to have surgery." He was hoping this would diminish Yvonne's surprising recent surge in popularity, totally unaware that the ladies he was speaking to would think she had incredible amounts of girl power. The girls are quite surprised by this, and they exchange looks with one another, not believing that one small kick from a woman as skinny and small as Yvonne was capable of causing all of this damage.

Amber, who had been unabashedly staring at his bulge, looked up at him. "Surgery? What for? Did she injure something inside of you or something?", she said, as she leaned forward, planting her head on her palms and squeezed her chest together, noticing how uncomfortable her cleavage was making him. He immediately realized that he had made a mistake by telling them this, as Amber shook her shoulders, causing her breasts to jiggle. She was not even hiding the fact that she was clearly showing off her body to tease him now, as she inquired about his near loss of manhood and possible inability to reproduce. She giggles, noticing his face flush as he struggled to peel his eyes off her heavy breasts.

"Oh, it's not that bad. It sure isn't stopping you from enjoying a woman's body!", she laughed, pushing herself back and turning her body away from him, as Sam finally exhaled, his brows furrowed. His impairment had left him feeling emasculated and utterly terrified of Yvonne, but it was not preventing him from finding a woman attractive, as she looked at him staring again, and laughed in a teasing way again.

Sam had been so thoroughly distracted by her boobs, that he did not even realize that Amber had been slowly walking closer to him, and now standing right in front of him. It was a very intimate position to take, as he looked down at her face, with a bird's eye view of her short, thick body and plump, slightly saggy breasts from the gap in her shirt. In that very moment, Amber did not have a single idea of Sam's injury, and how dangerous it was for him to get hit in the sac again. All she knew was that she had his attention, and she was going to user it to tease him more. She moved even nearer, and he breathed in her womanly sweat, which only sent him into a lustful trance. It was almost as if she was taunting him with her body, in an attempt to arouse him as much as possible, and it was working.

He took his eyes off her for a second, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath to center himself. And that was when she suddenly lifted her knee, hitting him right in the sac. Caught off-guard, Sam let out a loud shriek of pain, doubling over as the pain started to sink in. He was not expecting it at all, as all the girls burst out laughing.

"Wait!", exclaimed Amber. "Wait!". Amber had a long history of taking cocky guys down a notch this way, and she knew exactly what it was supposed to feel like when her kneecap connects with that lump in the pants of men. Unlike Yvonne, however, she understood reproductive anatomy and lacked her malice, so she never really went close to kneeing with all her strength. Unlike Yvonne, who kicked with the intention to dig her foot into him so deeply that she felt that lump go flat against her shoe.

"What?", Lizzy said between laughter, as Amber announced her discovery.

"That felt different! I only felt one! Holy shit! Sam lost a nut because of Yvonne!"

One of the girls exclaimed. "What? You lost one of your balls? How does that even happen?"

Sam looked up from the ground, any sexual feelings radiating from his genitals in his earlier lustful trance sapped from him as he curled up on the ground trying to manage the pain. "Yvonne kicked me so hard that.. so hard that I had to go to the hospital... her kick was so hard... she ruptured my left testicle..."

The girls stared at him in disbelief, and were now laughing hysterically, completely enjoying this revelation.

"I know what it feels like to knee a guy there! And my kneecap only felt one. Holy shit, Yvonne de-balled you!", Amber said, as she sauntered over to Sam's tightly curled body on the ground, bending downwards as he took another good look at her, whispering into his ear, "Oh, wow, so you're actually de-balled now? I've never seen a de-balled guy and now I want to see it..", she said with a devilish grin, wondering if Sam would break his trust with Amanda, as the muscular male rolled over to be further from her, slowly mustering the strength to get on his feet.

He gives them a concerned stare, as he gingerly stumbled away from them, one hand reaching down below him holding his bruised teste.

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Replies to This Discussion

lovely writing! thoughts and prayers for this boy's last testicle...

It's not as big a waste (check out part 4!) of his "endowment" and function.. I'm jumping back and forth in time on this series a lot for some reason

Amazing. Oof, what an embarrassing (and excruciating) way for everyone to find out he's a few grams lighter. I wonder if Amber feels a little bad knowing he no longer has a spare. Seems unlikely though.

A few grams lighter! I like that, maybe I'll work it into the next chapter. The next one is going to be intense. It will be the final confrontation although I will have a few chapters after dealing with the fall out.

Heh, that made me think of this threat from the TV show Hustle:


"Tell me, or you're losing a couple more ounces right here, right now."

I'd be honored! Can't wait to read more.



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