Bob and Margaret have a normal marriage. They’ve been together since college and had 2 kids who are now grown and out of the house.

One night Marge was leaving the community pool and was mugged by a man in a mask demanding her wallet and keys. She gave it up and luckily their insurance covered any losses. However she felt powerless and the feeling wasn’t going away. Bob suggested maybe she should take a self defense class. She found a local class and was surprised to find it was all women, mostly around her age which made it a bit less intimidating. She had no prior training and was well into middle age so this was welcomed.

She was also pleasantly surprised the instructor was about her age as well. After some brief introductions to the rest of the class she sat down on the mat cross legged and the instructor began.

‘Okay class . Welcome back to self defense for women. Today were going to practice more strikes for a quick escape from a male attacker.’

There were a few life size dummies at the front where they all took turns practicing stakes to the eyes, throat and groin. It was very informative but there was something missing as obviously the dummies were not grabbing, threatening, or defending themselves.

The class ended and the instructor told then that next week would be focused on groin attacks specifically. She asked that the women ask their spouses/friends if they would be interested in helping the class by being attackers. ‘Of course they will be wearing protection, but it’s much better to have someone who’s actually grabbing you to practice some of the techniques. Please take a liability form home with you and ask around. If any of you can help with this you’d really be helping your fellow women out’.

Marge came home and was hesitant to ask her husband but the instructor made it sound like she would be letting her class down if she didn’t at least try. She waited until they were lying in bed to ask.

‘Hun?’ she said in a soft tone

‘Yes, sweetheart?’ her loving husband responded

‘For my class next week, the instructor asked that we bring our spouses to help us with some moves. From the sounds of it would be pretty light and I would be the only one who’d be practicing on you but it would be focusing on groin hits’

‘What?!’ He said sharply ‘I don’t want to get kicked in the balls!?’

‘Sorry I forgot to mention, you’d be wearing protection’ she added ‘we could go out this week and get you a good cup so you wouldn’t have to worry’

He hesitated looking at his wife with uncertainty. ‘And it would just be you that’s hitting me there?’ Almost as if he was about to say yes.

‘I think so, yeah!’ she said, almost not believing how easy this was

‘Okay I can give it a try’ he said tepidly

‘That’s wonderful, I love you so much! We’ll go out this week to make sure these little guys are safe’ she said as she reached down cupping and giggling his balls through his underwear.

‘Whoa easy!’ he said already almost regretting it. He had never done anything like this and was a bit nervous about not only the pain but the potential embarrassment of having his most manly parts kicked in front of a group of women. His wife had always been somewhat docile and the fact that she would shake his testicles around the way she just had was a new phenomenon in their marriage – one that turned him on a bit. Bob started to get a bit hard and his wife noticed this jumping on top of him and proceeding to give him the best sex they’d had in years.

They went out that week and Bob modeled a few different cups for his wife but they decided in one with a bit of padding on the outside so was to not hurt his wife when she tried her moved out. Bob had never been much into playing sports and didn’t have much experience cup shopping. Instead of getting a large one he got one that was a bit more snug thinking it would be better to have a closer fit. He also failed to try out hard hit before buying only tapping on the outside lightly before buying. Since it was padded he really didn’t feel anything and decided it would be like that in the class. After all they were both a bit older and didn’t think his wife could really hit that hard.

The fateful day came and all he could think about at work that day was how nervous he was for the experience. He also found the idea of his wife hitting him turned him on in a way he didn’t expect.

As they showed up to the class he held her hand tight as they walked from the car into the community center. As they enter the room he was a bit disturbed to find that there were around 15 women and around only 4 other men, each of which seemed as nervous as he was. The instructor came straight over to shake his hand and thank him for agreeing to help out. ‘You must really love your wife to agree to this - I know the ladies in this class really appreciate it’ she said with a wry smile. He looked at his wife with a worried expression, almost to sat ‘this wasn’t part of the deal’. She looked back with a bit of a playful expression took his hand as they sat on the gym mat with the other.

‘Ladies and gentlemen! This is going you be an interesting class. We have some very brave volunteers this week who are going to help us so let’s give the boys a hand’ The women clapped for them looking them up and down with a big smile. ‘The numbers are around 3 to 1 so well split into groups of 4 with one man in each group and begin the class.’

Bob whispered to his wife ‘I thought I would be just you?!?’ clearly worried. She responded that she did as well but that the other women must not be a lucky as she is to have such a loving husband. ‘I’ll make it up to you later, my brave man’ she added with a suggestive wink. Normally this would drive him crazy but now it was more of a sobering realization that he was in for more than he bargained for.

They stood in groups as the instructor began. ‘Ok ladies first is a kick from in front, this is a standard move and you should be about 2-3 feet away. Let’s get in a line and have you line the kick up a few times then try it out once full speed.’ Bob stood there dumbfounded as his wife pulled him square with her, her foot tapped the outside of the cup a few times and then said ‘Ready for it, hun?’ he nodded slightly and she let fly a solid shot to his groin that lifted him up a bit. The cup helped a lot but it was still shocking. Also he realized that the snug fit wasn’t as good an idea as he thought, as there was a bit of impact felt by his testicles, nothing too dramatic but he didn’t think that it would hurt at all, this could be a long hour.

Now the next women lined him up, it was strange as he was now in uncharted waters. This women looked a bit more fit and he didn’t have the same trust as with his wife. She repeated the same process as her bare foot softly touched the cup lifting it a bit for practice. She gave him a nod as if to say here it comes and delivered a solid shot. The hollow sound of her foot hitting the cup echoed the room and this time it really did sting a bit. His balls felt like they were the dice inside a red yatzee cup. He stepped back a bit to walk it off though the pain was staring to creep in. He was glad there was only one women left. A pretty overweight frumpy looking women in her mid to late 50s. Looks can be deceiving however as her kick didn’t lift him off the ground like the others but was the most direct hit to the balls he had felt yet. This time he did fall to one knee looking up at them as they held back laughter. ‘He felt that one!’ his wife said to the women. He couldn’t believe his eyes as she actually high five the woman who had just dropped him.

‘Great work ladies! Looks like our guys need a minute but next is going to be knees. Men this one might hurt a bit more than the kicks so brace yourselves’

As the women lined up his wife took it easy on him with the knee but received so such charity from the other ladies. Both their knees hit him hard and fast and caused him to bend as the waist grabbing tight the material on his knees trying to look tough. After the third one the third lady gave him a pitiful pat on the back that was supposed to be supportive but really just added to his embarrassment. He stood tall and tried to shake it off still holding on to the bit of dignity he had left.

There was still half an hour left in the class as he starred at the clock at the front of the room.

‘Now comes the more intimate part of the class. We are going to practice how to punch and grab when a man is grabbing you from behind. Well start with a punch. The men will grab you and you will throw your closed fist into his groin. This will cause the separation you need to turn and either deliver a follow up kick or knee to the groin. We do not need to go full speed on the second part but I want to see you all get in a couple repetitions as getting it right is crucial in a mugging situation.’

Bob’s balls were still ringing, he was glad that it wasn’t full speed but it was still worrying that they would all get a few chances to strike him where he was already hurting.

As they progressed through the drill the ladies took mercy on him as none of the strikes were as shocking as before. Because of this he was feeling a bit more comfortable. He would grab the ladies and they would punch his cup then give me a light tap with the foot. It was honestly a bit arousing to him to be grabbing these women in a way he would previously only ever touch his loving wife. And the hits were not enough to cause him the pain he was feeling from the previous drills. This wasn’t as bad as he was worried it would be with only about 15 minutes left.

‘OK let’s move into our final move for the day. There’s a reason we save it for last however as this one is not for the faint of heart. Men we ask that you remove your cups as we will be practicing a squeeze and hold rather than a punch’ Bob’s heart sank. This isn’t what he agreed to at all and he didn’t want these women to grab him by his actual balls, and squeeze them no less. He also realized this meant they would make intimate contact with more than just his balls only adding to his hesitation. He looked angrily at his wife who also seemed a bit surprised by this turn of events. She pulled him aside and told him how much it would mean to her and how the class was almost over. He loved his wife but this was a bit much. She agreed that didn’t like the idea of these women touching him this way and called the instructor over.

‘Why does he need to take the cup off? Can’t we just pretend like before?’ she asked demandingly

The instructor looked a bit irritated and responded hastily ‘My focus is on keeping women in this community safe. I understand this isn’t the most dignified but you also agreed to it in the forms you brought in. If you only care about yourself than maybe this class isn’t for you.’

Margaret looked at Bob as if to say ‘please this means a lot to me’. Against his better judgment he agreed. He just loved his wife too much to let her down.

The men all reached into their sweatpants and pulled the cup out of the girdle that was holding it leaving them completely vulnerable. They layer it down on a table at the side of the room and returned to their groups.

There was an anticipation in the air as they all knew this class had just become more than they thought it would be. The women tried to stay professional about it but there was definitely an excitement to grabbing their classmates husbands and boyfriends in their most private of areas.

‘ok boys, grab the first woman in line tight from behind. Ladies, reach down, located his testes and pull them away from his body while twisting. We are not trying to seriously injure anyone but at the same time, guys, this one’s going to hurt.’

Bob’s wife was first in line. He grabbed her and she followed the instructions. She reached under his penis locating both testicles and pulling them away from his body. His pelvis shot forward and she released immediately. That one did hurt and he could tell his wife had gone as easy as possible on him. She didn’t really squeeze but it was still a shock to his system. Both the other ladies watched intently as they were seeing his junk for the first time cradled in his own wife’s hand. That was the other thing about this, Bob wasn’t small but wasn’t exactly a point star either. To have his genitals be on display for these ladies was something deeply humiliating for him and his wife. That was just the beginning however as they would both get a chance to do the same to him in a moment.

Now was the real thing. The second woman turned her back to him giving him a little wink that only he could se before turning. He slowly walked up behind her and grabbed her around the body. Without intending  it he had put both his arms under her somewhat large breaks lifting them up a bit. With an almost knee jerk reaction she wasted no time reaching down, grabbing a handful and pulling everything she’s grabbed forward. Bob’s eyes widened as she held him , not letting go right away as his wife had. Instead she twisted about 10 degrees and took opportunity to loom down at the poor man’s dick and balls she had in her right hand. After about 2 seconds she lifted up slightly and released. Bob fell to the ground with one hand on his balls and the other arm over his forehead. His was on his knees hunched over tapping his feet in the ground in a vein attempt to alleviate some of the pain he was feeling.

He looked up at her with her hands on her hips in a triumphant stance. “sorry about that but I didn’t expect you to touch my boobs like that”. Was she really complaining about getting touched inappropriately? When he had just has his manhood crushed by her hand? After a minute or so the final woman got a bit impatient waiting for him to nurse himself.

‘C’mon Bob, I won’t be quite as harsh as she was but I do want my chance at it.’ His wife helped him to his feet and he assumed the position. He knew he couldn’t withstand another hit like that but did it anyway hoping she would keep her word.

Her grabbed her but not as tight and made sure to stay far away from the breasts this time, opting for a higher hold closer to the shoulders, more of a hug as he was a few inches taller. She went a bit slower reaching own and pretty much groping at him for a minute making sure to cop a nice feel of his dick before grabbing his testicles like they were a fruit in the grocery store she was checking the ripeness of. She curled her fingers around the back of them and pulled forward as instructed. This time Bob let go immediately. Even though it wasn’t as forceful as before the culmination of all this hits made it just as bad. He let out a pathetic whimper and she closed her hand around his balls and pulled forward. His hands moved down and grabbed her wrist which was still holding on, this made her give him one last painful squeeze before allowing him to sink to the mat holding himself in the fetal position.

His wife rushed to his side rubbing his back while he rocked back and forth. His nuts had been absolutely abused by these two women who at this point had stopped pretending they cared about any pain they’d inflicted. They both looks down at him with a smug expression, quite proud of their handiwork. ‘That’ll keep him in line’ they laughed to Margaret as she shot them a look but at that moment there was a shift in her perspective. She and two other women has just put her husband into a heap on the ground beneath them. She felt empowered and had to admit that he looked quite pathetic on the ground, unable to even get up and walk.

She looked around the room to a similar scene. 5 men on the ground in various states of agony, and 15 women watching them. The feeling in the room was one of superiority. Men brought to a heel by the women in their lives using their unique male weakness to subdue them.

On top of that it was setting in that there women had also felt her husband up in the process. He wasn’t the most well endowed which I’m sure was embarrassing for him. The fact that his entire package fit so easily in their hands really added to this humiliating experience.

‘How are your little guys feeling’ quipped the older woman. ‘It’s amazing such little things can do that to a such a big strong guy ‘ said the other. He looked up at them with a helpless and shamed look in his eyes.

‘That’s it for today’s class everyone, I want to genuinely thank the guys for their help. It’s important women realize the power they have and you all have helped them to realize this. In my experience the pain your feeling will subside in about 15-20 minutes, however you may feel some residual effects for the rest of the day. So ladies you may want to let you men take it easy tonight and make sure they know how much you appreciate their sacrifice.’

She was right, about 15 minutes later Margaret was able to lift Bob to his feet and help him to the car. ‘I’ll drive’ she said as she helped him into the car. The ride home was mostly silent but in the end Bob wasn’t even that mad. He loved her too much to be.

Views: 513

Replies to This Discussion

Great premise! Enjoyed the story and appreciate the use of a middle age couple.

Thanks! It's something I don't see alot of so I was interested in that angle. I also wanted to do one more focused on the psychological elements

This is great, thanks for writing it. I'd love to see a sequel. Perhaps he agrees to a proposition his wife comes up with (more sex, a threesome or something like that) but he has to last the whole class. But either he forgets his cup or it breaks or it gets dislodged and to win the bet, he has to keep going. Just a thought. 

Thanks for the feedback! I was considering doing more parts where either he discovers that it turns him on more or returns to the class with it escalating a bit further. Appreciate you reading it and I'm really glad you liked it!

Yeah, maybe he liked the small cup so much he decides to go buy an even smaller one (of course, the sales lady is sure to remind him the cup he bought is a CHILD size!). The smaller cup makes his balls swell pretty bad, but he loves it and keeps going - maybe even passes out at one point. (Could add a scene where there is a nurse in the class and she checks on him. Some of the ladies notice the really small cup and giggle. Luckily, the nurse finds no permanent damage, however, his wife asks him about the cup when they get home and he confesses his new-found love of the pain and she loves it which leads to chapter 3!!) Haha, I'm writing the whole sequel!! Some ideas anyway - thanks again for the story. 

Great story! Would love a follow up, also with him being busted without the cup, and by the other women, so his wife can watch him completely curled up at their feet from a hard knee or kick. Promising him sex or otherwise to keep up the training... ;o)



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