I read an interesting status before that got me thinking...

What is it that bothers guys so much about getting hit in the balls? I mean, from the standpoint of somebody who gets turned on by it (in a certain light) it may be hard to fathom, but I can't be the only one who feels as if it is blown way out of proportion sometimes...

FACT: Getting kicked in the balls can really hurt. Even for a guy like me who enjoys it under certain circumstances, it'll still put me down to the ground rolling for a few minutes when they are hit dead on. 

But some guy seem to be SO against it that you'll hear them say things like "a girl can hit anywhere but the balls are off limits", and even girls see it as being almost the ultimate punishment for a guy who has really pissed them off. 

I find it odd because I have always thought, if for some reason some girl were REALLY pissed at me and wanted to inflict serious pain, I would much rather her kick me in the balls than punch me in the face. I mean a kick in the balls hurts like hell but in most cases you'll get back up again in a few minutes and be completely fine....I know I have been kicked hard enough to drop me for minutes on end but a few hours later my balls weren't even sore to the touch. Maybe I am just a freak? On the other hand, a punch to the face, even from a small girl, is surely going to cause a fat lip, bloody nose, swollen face etc... things that could annoy you for a few days. It may not drop you to the ground, but it wont go away in 10 minutes either. 

I figure there are really only 2 reasons why guys seem to blow the whole getting hit in the balls thing way out of proportion IMO....

1) Most guys really don't know how much abuse their testicles could take. I think a lot of guys think that they are at serious risk of permanent  injury every time they get hit. Guys who are into BB know that they can take a bit more abuse than you'd expect....though on rare occasion with the right force/angle/contact serious damage can happen. It doesn't seem common though...
2) It is probably a lot more embarrassing for a guy to be rolling on the floor holding his testicles than to be standing there holding his bloody nose/swollen lip...even if the latter causes longer lasting pain. 

As for girls, I am guessing the reason why you may like it over say a punch to the face is-

1) It can be used in playful situations and not seem overly violent. A guy could be annoying you (a friend) and you can punch him in the arm but it may not have an effect. A light hit to the balls will definitely have more effect, and although you may piss the guy off, it really isn't seen as being near as violent as say a punch to the face. You could probably always play the innocent card and just say "sorry, I didn't think it would hurt THAT much". 

2) It is sort of poetic justice for people you may be REALLY pissed at; it isn't just disabling them but it's disabling them using the most private of parts. Kind of disables, violates and embarrasses all at the same time. 

3) The obvious, in a serious situation where you are afraid of retaliation, a hard kick will probably incapacitate a guy much more than a punch to the face...unless you are a trained fighter/martial artist with some power in which case you are probably much better off using strikes to the head. 

What do you guys think? Discuss!

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I think the simple fact is that for most guys, it hurts way more than it does for us.  Usually, if a dude is in a fight, he can take a punch to the face and keep going but a kick in the balls will end things right quick.  We take a licking and keep on ticking.  We are ubermensches in that respect.

its a big pain, i believe in general, guys who have the fetish can take a bit more, but for other guy it should be embarassing, after all if the girl is too close its almost impossible block the strike, when they are close of a girl they know have the disposition to hit them there, they probably feel the same than us, despite, fetish its generally a psychological fixation, the feelings of defensiveness, and or being overpowered are real.

For women, I believe in general, they still are a bit shy, and threaten or kick a guy there its an almost secure way of public exposition, and not necessary in the good way.

I also agree with you in the sense that If a girl want to punish me, I would like more a kick in the nuts rather tan a punch in the nose,

I agree with both of you, it is definitely more disabling than a punch to the nose. I mean I boxed for a few years and I could take a punch to the nose/face no problem but a hard hit to the nuts would bring me down. Still though, even before I knew I liked it and 'conditioned' myself so to speak to handle the pain better, I still saw it as an intense but temporary pain where as a hit to the face may be less intense but the effects are longer lasting.  Swollen lip, loose tooth, broken/bruised nose etc... all can be a pain in the ass for days. 

I am thinking fear is a huge factor for men. We don't really have it. I don't think we FEEL the pain any different than other guys (unless you were hit so many thousands of times that nerve endings have been damaged, I guess that is possible). We just know it better. We know that it is unlikely that serious damage has been done, we have an idea of what we are in store for and how long it will last. This makes the whole experience much more bearable. 

For a guy who isn't 'used to it', they are probably terrified of permanent damage, don't know how long the pain will last etc... That could make the experience FAR more unpleasant even if the actual pain isn't any different. Psychologically it just gets blown out of proportion. Kind of like when you are in pain and don't know what it's from, just going to the doctor and having them tell you it is something that isn't a big deal makes you feel a whole lot better. 

That probably also explains why hitting people in the balls works very well to disable a non combative person completely but sometimes wont have nearly the same effect on an attacker or a person in a fight. I mean, aside from adrenaline that is, one person has the opportunity to focus on what just happened to their balls while the other person is 100% focused on another task (fighting) and is only going to feel the pain for what it is. They don't have the mental capacity at the time to blow it up in their head. 

Guy gets a little too hands on with girl and she kicks him, he goes down for minutes on end...
Two guys get into a fight and a kick/punch is thrown to that area and you may see a reaction but normally nothing like the first scenario (unless it was a REALLY good hit). 

You'll even see it in sports, guys will get hit in that area a lot (without cups) and not really be phased...but then the lightest slap from a girl in a social setting will bring them down. More a state of mind than anything. 

Sometimes I feel as if guys embellish certain hits too. I mean all of us know in BB that even when you are with a partner who is TRYING to really hit your nuts...with clothes on a lot of the time they miss the mark. Yet in social settings, it seems like every time I have seen a girl playfully hit a guy in the balls no matter how light and how poor aimed, there is always a huge reaction from the guy. I don't know if guys do this to try to push the point for the girl not to do it again or if they like to ham up the reaction to get sympathy from the girl. Either way though, I have seen it so many times where I was just thinking "if that were to hurt, guys would't be able to go jogging without a cup" yet the guy is hamming up the reaction. 

What do you guys (and girls) think? Feel free to counter, add to, agree or whatever. I just want to hear opinions. What I am saying is just speculation, if you believe otherwise I want to hear! 

Occasionally I'll hear or read a guy saying that he'd rather suffer all kinds of devastating blows or injuries to his head or other vital areas rather than be kicked in the balls even once.  I think guys like that are either crazy or haven't actually been kicked in the balls so they're operating on what they think a ball-kick is like rather than on informed experience.

And some of those guys may be mad or defensive about being hit in the balls because they also see it as an invasion of their private body space, a form of sexual assault.  And I can understand that, but personally I think they blow it way out of proportion.  Some of them talk about it like it's only a hair's breadth away from gruesome death, which it most certainly is not.

Fetish aside, if we're just talking about picking an option where the suffering is less, then I'd pick a kick in the balls over a punch in the face every time.  The raw pain of the kick in the balls may be more, but the physical damage of a punch in the face is usually greater and I can handle temporary pain better than physical damage.

I like being kicked in the balls for fun!  I would not enjoy being punched in the face even a tiny bit.  Not under any circumstances.

tothelimit - your comments about the psychological aspect of being hit in the balls is spot-on.  Before I experienced being busted and could only wonder what it really felt like, I would see videos of guys being kicked or hit by girls, and sometimes the blows were really light, just a playful swat with a hand, yet the guy would flop to the ground seemingly totally disabled, and I just scratched my head in bewilderment.

At that time I had self-busted harder that the playful stuff I was seeing in those videos, and even been half-strength kneed by a girlfriend, and it never had anywhere near as dramatic an effect on me.  What was the deal with those guys, I wondered.  And I think tothelimit summed it up very well.  Some guys are surprised and not used to the sensation which feels different and a bit shocking the first time it happens to you.  Others are afraid that something is "damaged" so they go fetal and take some time to reassure themselves.  And others are hamming it up for sure, some making no attempt at all to take it standing up, more like taking a dive for a laugh or because they think that's what a guy is "supposed" to do so maybe they'd even feel weird if they didn't act "disabled".

I see comments on the net about kids in school tapping/sacking/busting each other and if a guy doesn't go down, some very uninformed individuals will tease him and say he has no balls, or is gay, or some other absurd thing, so it's like peer pressure to drop to the ground in "agony" if someone so much as glances at your testicles.

I am way too proud to take a dive.  I'll fight it to the end!  LOL

I've since experienced full-force kicks for real so I know how they really feel, and they were awesome. :)

One hard kick, or even half a dozen, definitely hurts (in a good way!) and takes me to a threshold where I want to take a break to recover a bit before continuing, but does not drop me.  I've been told I have a  high pain tolerance so that may be part of it, but moreso I think it's a mindset.  I'm not afraid of how it feels.  I know I'll be OK, and I can just experience the pain, which in my case is something I wanted.  

(I am sure that if I got kicked enough times I would drop, I just haven't gone that far yet, though I would like to).

For whatever reason I don't experience that instinct to curl up and protect the jewels from further hits.  (Which seems like a funny thing to me anyway because if you want to protect yourself, you're better off standing up and remaining active).  Withstanding a kick in the balls is more mental than physical, I think.  And once you have even a little experience with it, and make even a modest effort, many guys realize they actually can handle it.  But they have to want to.  Many don't.

Yeah I think you summed up why guys have that attitude in your comment.

As far as balls taking a big hit you are right, Some years ago I crushed them in a motocross accident that if the same thing happened to my face I would need teeth and face!.

It hurts so bad that I never really knew anyone was Around. My wife said she did not like to hit them yet when I was sleeping she hit them a lot (go figure). What is said is not what is meant in all cases.

As for women, All that I have known either at work or just friends like to, Maybe not full on but with a audience every time~ one time at a work meeting she back handed them just enough to give me pain and all watching at the meeting got a laugh!  



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