Our website, the Ning Network, & sexyslavetoy's belligerence. Please help!!!

Greetings members it appears we have a new member on this website named sexyslavetoy. As you all know the Ning network has told us to remove all indecent imagery on this website. He has out right challenged me 3 times. This is no longer between me and him He is now telling this entire community he doesn't care about the lifespan of this website, so I will not remove his picture any more, I'm tired of babysitting people. I will not boot him and I will say anything more to him, I am leaving it up to this community OR the Ning Network to decide.  

sexyslavetoy believes his foto is acceptable.

sexyslavetoy believes his words are acceptable
"I expected to post of me being kicked in the balls. But twice my pics were deleted because the host said the pictures contain nudity. AND THEY DONT! so more than likely I won't be back to this website. There is no reason for me to go to website that promotes the same thing I am promoting but because they are OBVIOUSLY BLIND and don't want to LOOK at the picture and see everyone has clothes on, but keep sending me rude emails saying the picture has nudity and resetting my profile. FUCK THIS SITE AND THE 2 bit BLIND CRACK WHORE who runs it!"

by sexyslavetoy

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Sorry to hear about the hassle - but don't give up the good fight, DVHour, this site is truly special and your work is greatly appreciated.
How is this dude gonna join a website, then disrespect The Admin??
DV busts his ass to keep this site going for ALL of us in the bb commu-
nity and all he is asking for is some help in dealing with this ingrate
who is bringing hostility and bad energy to our site. I think we should
show DV the support, gratitude, and respect he so deserves.
Anyone else besides me, David and Timmy agree, guys and gals?? :)
Toss the jerk. DV is a GREAT admin and truly respectful of everyone that comes here. If someone is providing a FREE site out of the good will of their heart, then the least one can do is respect his wishes. If he wants this place a family friendly busting community, then so be it. I'm happy to spend my time here, and have received nothing but honor and respect from the good Admin. So, sexslavetoy, go find some other rock to crawl under and know that we couldn't give two shits about you. Everyone else, I love you all. In a completely platonic, non sexual way. Well, maybe a couple of you in that other way...err, that sounded creepy. And now it's awkward...where's the damn post button...
There are plenty of other places on the 'net for him. He doesn't "get" this site. And we don't need him.
I think the pic is okay, although his attitude isn't. Since nothing explicit is actually showing ,I think it passes; still doesn't stop him being a total jackhole. I say suspend the bastard for disorderly conduct, if that's possible.
I really don't think any more needs to be said. Dv is simply looking out for the welfare of the site. It's fine if you disagree with one of his calls on the matter (although it's perfectly understandable to be more safe than have the site shut down). He shows his maturity by saying "FUCK THIS SITE AND THE 2 bit BLIND CRACK WHORE who runs it!". I think it should be a resolved matter already and just remove him and move on. Or if removing him is too harsh, at least delete the image in question.

David uk said:
Come on people, show your support for dv on this matter..what is the matter with you! There are over 2000 people on this forum and hardly any of you are giving your voice to dv.
If we accept and allow this sort of behaviour to carry on, then this site will follow so many forums that have been before, and become a hot bed of assholes and dickheads who think they can say what they want, to who they want, when they want, until eventually no one one wants to come here.
Yes this site is about sharing and having different opinions, and we won't all agree on many matters, but if we allow this total lack of respect to slide, where does it end?..By NOT saying anything on this matter is like sticking 2 fingers up to dv. It doesn't even have to be a long rambling, boring essay like this is becoming, just a simple keep him or ban him as a sign of solidarity towards the man who has put a lot of effort and time into making this site a place where most of us enjoy coming to, without having to deal with this type of shit. COME ON PEOPLE!
I don't get sexyslavetoy. There are plenty of other places to go for what you want, no one here agrees with you. This is more of a community, so therefore you need to respect the community. Adios.



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