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Ryan moorehouse commented on Kneelover's blog post Scrambled Eggs in the Morning
"Great story!"
Oct 18, 2019

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**PLEASE NOTE: ONE-WORD ANSWERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. WE PUT A LOT OF TIME INTO THIS WEBSITE, SO PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO FILL OUT YOUR PROFILE COMPLETELY. THANKS!** What Country are you from? How many languages can you speak? We have members from all over the world here; if English is not your first language, use Google Translate on our homepage.
Linked from another forum. Gotta keep the community strong!
How did you find this site? What drew you to this site? Please take these questions seriously; it helps to enrich the quality of this membership and gives others an idea of who you are, to better socialize in the chatroom and by messaging.
Mainly with my female friends...get them to give me a kick every now and the moment, totally single.
How long have you been into ballbusting and/or cuntbusting? And... what was your first experience like? (Give Details)
I've had multiple women bust me...and once I plunged deep into the fetish, I get the urge on a near daily to weekly basis
How many people have busted you or have you busted in your lifetime? How often do you have the urge to bust or be busted? (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
I could go lengths into the actual description of the feeling I get after a good kick. But to sum it up, most of the time it really feels like my balls are in my throat. I can't talk or breathe and the whole world stops for a moment.
Describe the feeling you get when the busting occurs (aroused, funny, empowered...)? Are the reasons for the bust out of self defense or is it for your entertainment? Do you have a busting buddy?
Kicks or knees...the look on the girl's face. And the complete inability to move for a few seconds. The swelling after can sometimes be fun...especially if the girl continues to lightly tap you throughout the day.
What's your favorite part of a bust (the kick, knee, punch) the 'ooowwww', the drop, rolling around, the inability to breathe...? (Give Details)
I've made my fair share of funny noises.
Have you ever seen someone hit so hard they passed out, puked, cried, lost breath, made funny noises, shivering on the floor...? (Give details on what you saw)
My ex standing directly in front of me, I'm naked and kneeling. She's clothed in a startlingly daring negligee. If i remember correctly, we had not seen each other for nearly a week due to business trips and the like, and besides the both of us being horny as hell, she was feeling exceptionally dominant. Her first kick was just a light teaser, but she didn't even hesitate after her foot bounced back. She blasted me hard, the resulting sound reverberating off the walls. I collapsed in on myself with a great oof and was motionless for a good time. she was eventually able to push me backwards and pry my legs apart so she could jump on for a ride, but the next day my balls were black and blue from just that one kick. Mmm, man, what a great bust that was.
Describe the most memorable or most favorite bust you ever experienced? (Give the background, the details about the moment of impact, both of your reactions, how you both felt afterwards, the injuries, you know stuff like this...)
barefoot kick, quick hard knee, quick hard thigh

Kneelover's Blog

Scrambled Eggs in the Morning

Posted on December 20, 2013 at 11:35am 3 Comments

Good Morning everyone!

After what seemed like an eternity, my BB engines warmed up and came raging to a most unexpected time. Typically, and I'm certain most are this way as well, a good busting session occurs in the afternoon or evening times as most people have jobs to be at during the morning hours. However, as myself and my lady love awakened today, we discovered that when the mood strikes...better get striking. Maybe it was because we switched sides last night...or… Continue

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At 8:05pm on February 1, 2011, Ned said…
"Is back from Iraq and loving being in America again!! May. 6, 2010"
I do not live in the USA but thanks for doing that and g;ad you made it back OK.
At 4:15am on May 1, 2010, Mallory {The Boss} said…
**********WELCOME HOME KL**********
happy u made it home safe and sound :)
At 4:45am on January 16, 2010, Mallory {The Boss} said…
Love the avatar :)


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