Guys, this is a serious issue, and I have tried for years to just keep content here, but it's impossible. I don't want to discourage you, but there are members of this site who don't speak English and as such don't read descriptions as well. Content is getting reposted, our to Pornhub and I'm doing my best to get them deleted. I wanted to be an optimist and say that this was a safe zone for videos, but let's face it; the internet is never safe. As such I will not be posting videos to KITG anymore. I will create a Joe | Violet site and there will be a very harsh screening process unless we're already tight on KITG. This is ridiculous, because people who blatantly disregard the wishes of amateur bb producers are ruining the sharing experience. I'm a fool for my wishful thinking, and I'm sorry it has to be like this. Our videos will still be made, but we will be very hidden. Thanks to all who support us, and stay in touch. It's been a good run.

Btw, we need to get this guys shut down on pornhub. "mark148"

He already said he'd delete our videos, but hasn't done so yet. 

I also sent him this link -> but he hasn't responded.

Fuck some people man...

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Replies to This Discussion

Ah man sorry to hear the bad news. My best of luck to you guys in the future.

It's frustrating for us fans, but I can't begin to imagine how frustrating it is for you and Violet. I resonate with everything everyone else has stated. Thanks for all you've done to contribute to the community and rest assure, you'll have genuine support from us all in wherever your path takes you next.

Hey man, I'm so sorry to hear about this. I've always loved and supported your videos (I've commented on a ton, with my favorite being the barefoot one!), so I'm super relieved that you've decided just to move onto a separate site instead of stopping them outright. Please let us know when your new site goes up. I wanna be first in line! :D

I'm really sorry to read this, but as you said; the internet is never safe. You should try creating a Patron site, I think most of us will support it since we really enjoy your videos. Good luck with the new site :)

It looks like mark148's page was removed from PH!

Yes Mark is gone but my and Eric video stay posted by unknown (former Marks i guess)

Very sorry to hear.  For the most part, I think that members of this site are pretty respectful of one another.  Another example of how it takes only a few bad apples, I suppose.  Like most here, I view you guys as champions!!!  I understand your decision and wish you the best.  Maybe one day you will regain your confidence and start to repost.

Respect for your decision, BBSaver. I'm sorry but... you are right!

The sharing really gets out of hand... Most of the stuff here can also be found on

Like most people here I am a huge fan of Joe and Violet.

I just want to say that you should be pragmatic about the interwebs.

If you post something / anything online it will get reposted. 

I'm saying this not to defend theses sorts of idiots, but more to say this is the way it is. So people should just be mature/realistic and post what they are comfortable e.g no faces etc. Sharing videos with a small group of people you personally know and trust is the definitley the way to go.

I think its a real shame that this is how things work.

Im sorry... 

Sucks that it's like this; I think we can all understand here, except for the couple of people reposting stuff.

It's a great idea to make your own website, and keep it lowkey. Then you can keep track of who's involved and such. I'd love to be a part of whatever you guys come up with, you've always made the best videos with the cutest gals.

Hope all goes well



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