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Just curious...this is for anyone that want's to answer this. Do Shot Putters wear jockstraps when they compete or even just during practice ?  

I don't know about shot putters.  My guess is that it would be a personal preference. 

But just so you know, a jock strap does not protect the balls much from impact.  A "cup" is needed for that, and I doubt shot putters wear those.  A jock strap by itself would leave the guy as vulnerable as any other regularly-clothed guy would be.

I know they don't, i was given an education on jockstraps a couple of years ago on this site, KITG can be very educational.

Oh OK, gotcha.

I thought you might have been wondering if the high school shot putter had been wearing a jock strap and if that affected how he reacted when you kneed him (like, if maybe he'd have been even more incapacitated without it). 

Either way you got him good.  :)

wow, now you opened up a new idea, LOL. if he had a jock strap on, would it effect him more? Now that's HOT

Possibly.  As others have said, the jock strap holds the balls nicely in place as a good target.

I don't think it would make a big difference.  But it would surely not protect him.

It holds them in place anyway, that's good enough for me : )

In my experience, the jock strap really just held the balls in a tight group, making most hits a double nut shot.  Being contained like that made the hits worse than if the balls had the ability to run free from the impact.

Ha, that's next level analysis 2swollen -- and very true.  Everyone once in a while, the fact that your balls are hanging loose allows them to avoid some damage.

Mother Nature's way to protect your balls, but she still gave you balls in the first place LOL

They always say, testicles prove that:

(1) God is a woman, and

(2) She has a sense of humor!

Well, we all know that's true.



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