I'm a lot more confident i my fetish and I'm willing to answer anything you ask.

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Nah.  For some yes, but its not embarrassing or humiliating to all guys.  The situation itself may be embarrassing but not because of the nut shot itself.

@ Lil Suzy,

Yes you are absolutely right.  In public it's as if the woman is announcing to the whole world how helpless she just made the guy.

Even if she doesn't say anything, her actions speak loudly: "How's your vulnerable manhood feeling now?  It hurts your balls a lot to be kicked by a girl doesn't it?  You can't even stand up, can you?"

And he's physically unable to do or say anything about it.

It's embarrassing for us guys to be so completely unable to maintain our composure when you kick our balls and basically we can't handle it and are forced to admit that in this way you are really strong and we are weak.

We men are supposed to be the big strong ones, but your female knee meets our testicles and that whole notion is turned upside down, and dramatically so.

I think that's a big part of it: how simple it is for you to get us.  You just swing up your knee with some power behind it and bam, right in the balls.  It only takes a brief moment, but we'll spend at least the next several minutes down on our knees helplessly trying (and failing) to cope with the wave of overwhelming pain in our balls. 

We don't really even have a chance to respond.  You bust our balls hard and you've got us.  It's already over.

It's so easy for you, and so painful and humiliating for us.  But that is part of what makes ballbusting so powerful and awesome and a turn-on.

if someone was willing to pay you for a ballbusting session all kicks would you be interested ?

No, I don't see myself meeting guys unknown off the Internet for sessions. I don't care to become an Internet Mistress for hire.  

an internet mistress?

In other words, no, i will not meet strangers for payment. 

last question, whats an internet mistress?

Just something i made up, it's not really all that hard to figure out what i was trying to say.

@ Tender Boy, 

That's why my sessions are basically mid level through out the entire time...it's all fun and games until someone looses a nut.

That's sensible.  We want to explore female empowerment and male testicle pain, but have everyone be safe and happy afterward.  :)

From the guy's side, I always try to advise people here to listen to their bodies, and if the last kick you got pushed you past your limit, and you're concerned about safety, then stop and take a break.  See how you are, only continue if you feel OK, and be smart about it.

For what it's worth, my most recent experiences were full-force kicking and I'm totally fine, so it can be done safely.  The pain is strong but it's an amazing rush.  And my partners told me they liked not having to hold back, to give it all they had.  And they were beautiful doing it too.

Also want to add during our sessions, once my bb buddy is on the ground, it's "Time Out" until he stands up again and indicates he wants another round of hits.

That's an excellent way to do it.

In a friendly/buddy BB session, when you put your friend on the ground with a good bust to his balls, is that the most satisfying part, or are all the kicks and knees equally fun?



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