Ok we are a couple that practices ask questions you like but please read the profiles first to keep from redundency.


We are a couple soon to be married



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congrats on the engagement!   First, do you guys incorporate ballbusting into sex (during sex, and if so elaborate)?


Second, Kate do you like cbusting and if so do you like both giving and recieving?

We do use BB as a means of foreplay for sex but she also BB me, sometimes if she is giving me a FJ. The best I can eleborate is she will kick me or knee me while we playight or wrestle around which leads both of us to arousal until I have had enough then it is on like donkey kong.. after so much (tarzan roar) the primal male has to come out.
how her bestfriened start bb u?
To Jon. Robert covered your first question.. thanks for the engagement comment Yay.. As to your question of CB .. No it is not somethging we are in to.

playfight said:
how her bestfriened bb u?I
I asked her if she would and she would BB Robert and she said yes.. I like tag team partners for him.
who kick him harder she or u?
i did bc it was her first time.

playfight said:
who kick him harder she or u?

Hey guys. Real cool of ya's to do the interview thing and congrats on the engagement as well. I guess my question would pertain to the friend situation as well, cause that sounds pretty damn awesome for you Rob!

Katlynn, being that busting is sort of a sexual thing for you two, was there any jealousy involved with the friend kicking Rob? I know you mentioned you suggested it, but as it played out, was there any regret or was it something he can look forward to getting more of as far as the tag team action goes?


Rob, Do you get to like bring in her friends sexually or is the ball busting from the friend totally innocent and different from the ball busting between the you two?  Do you find they get competitive when kicking you? I remember two of my ex's used to trample me, one of them it was at the time I was dating her but I was still friends with the other, and when the gf at the time, caught wind that the ex/friend had trampled me, the next time she did, she would really stomp the shit outta me and stay up there for a long time basically driving home the fact that she was the better trampler. It was pretty great. haha. Do you sense any competitive nature in one or both of them coming out when they team up for a session or do they perhaps feed off eachother's fun and energy levels or is it like less intimate and something after having experienced you might rather keep between yourself and Katylnn?

@Dave The only things we would bring friends in for is BB or BDSM activities. It was actually pretty tame with her friend she was giggly and hesitant. No hard busts by her friend at this time ((sorry guys)) That is good though I dont want kate to feel competitive she is enthuasistic as it is already about BB. I have my limits without provoking a red head. I would like her to find a friend to buddy up that shares our interests. .... Rob


@Dave There was no regret or jealousy and if she wanted to bust Rob again that is fine with me. and thank you for the well wishes on the engagement.. Katlynn

u guys are really cool and photos are thae best ,Kat feets are so sexy.it would be great if u make a video



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