Hello everyone, I want to set up some kind of guide, ways I think will make a better ballbusting bitch. I encourage anyone to add there own thoughts, male or female. These are just my opinion, and mainly the way I am when I am busting :) I will add things that have tried or done that work. Give me anything you can think of. I want to corrupt your mind ;)

1) There is always a reason to bust his balls.

Be it because he was staring at another woman, grabbed your ass, a smart ass comment, or maybe you just want to hurt his testicles to see him suffer as a man. Either way, there is always a reason your man NEEDS his balls busted, find it.

2) OWN his testicles.

Literally. As in your going to do whatever you want to them, when you want, how ever hard you want. Every second he is still able to function as man Is a special gift from you. Don't be afraid to constantly remind him of it either. Make him fear losing his balls every time you go near them.

3) Why have power, if you don't use it.

Don't ask to bust his balls, demand too. He is going to stand there and spread his legs and take as many hits as he can before he is on the floor, and then he gets busted harder for not being able handle it. Your goal is to bust, break, and shatter his manhood. It's his to goal to beg, plead, and bribe you not to destroy them. So tell him to start begging and make it good, you could always use more foot rubs, and body massages. See where I'm going with this.

I have more and will continue to add more as well. You are more then welcome to add more. One more thing; this is under the assumption that you are in a consensual bb relationship, I wouldn't suggest doing these things to strangers :)

ADVISORY: Could bring out a woman's BB bitch side. General caution is advised.
CAUTION: Men could find said BB bitch crazy and should take the begging part serious.

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Melinda, you are the ultimate ball busting bitch!  

With reference to your point #3, "why have power if you don't use it?":  I once had a gf that loved to kick me but would want much more than foot rubs or body massages.  She desired a more "personal" type of massage of the oral nature and she always wanted it done "just right" with consequences. 

I believe this may be what you were referring to with your comment of "See where Im going with this" however.

Yes that is exactly where I am going with this

That being the case, you'd be a nice BB Bitch to please!  ;)

Hard surprise busts and the fact that u are never safe...

Not sure if this should be a part of rule 2 or 3, or on its own.

I think it definitely belongs with #2.

This is a good start. I have been looking for something from a female perspective that I could give to my gf as explore BB together.

Here is another one thanks to Swo and Mal.

4). Time is everything.

Especially if he is taking too long after you kick him in the nuts to pull his sorry ass up. Patience is not a BB bitch's strong point. The longer you take to recover the worse your balls are going to be busted. He's got about a minute to coupe with his busted manhood and that's if your feeling generous. Any thing after that just reduces his chances of ever reproducing. Tell him If he can keep up, he gets to keep them.

YES! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this whole post and this point in particular.

Why this point in particular, you ask?

Because it ties in so perfectly with point #3 above: "He is going to stand there and spread his legs and take as many hits as he can before he is on the floor, and then he gets busted harder for not being able handle it."

Combined, these two points mean that it is our jobs as men to "pull our sorry asses up" after you ladies kick us in the balls so that you kick us in the balls AGAIN, which of course, brings us closer to the point where we're going to be on the floor, not able to get up, at which point, we get busted harder for not being able to handle it. It's the perfect catch-22! It's a game us guys have to try to win, even though we never will, and our only reward is more and harder kicks to the balls. 

Beautiful work, Melinda. I can't wait to see what else you come up with! ;-)

Glad I convinced you not to wait 25min for him to get back up! If he makes me wait more

than 3min, I just start stomping nutts...he's already on the floor anyway, teeheee ;)

hahaha, true

He should know how you want to bust his balls. If you ask him how he thinks you want to bust his balls, he should tell you how (kick, knee, squeeze etc) and how many times. If he gets it right, give him that. If he gets it wrong, add up what he said and what you wanted. So, if you want 10 knees and he says 5 kicks, give him 10 knees and 5 kicks. If he was half right and said 15 knees, give him 25 knees.



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