A guy get kicked lightly by accident, but it results in him going down and suffering a rupture? 

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Yup, that's the one I was talking about. Btw, this Leya Falcon does some amazing vids, mainly cos she really seems to enjoy crunching nuts in any possible way and demands that the guy takes it. She clearly doesn't hold back like many other actresses, but just lets him have it at full force for her own enjoyment. Apart from her audition that we already discussed I can also recommend her Testicle Wrestling vid where she comes up with the same suggestion as Kass Straighter did in here a while ago: "You get to grab my tits if I get to squeeze your nuts as hard as I can". What I liked the most about that particular scene was that he quickly had to give in, but when he tapped her arm to make her stop, she kept on squeezing juuuuust a little longer :D

Where can you find that video?

Well I couldn't find the squeezing one, but the link I posted earlier does show the video where the damage occurs

Yeah the squeezing one is non existent atm. Remember where you saw it? Sure that it was her?

That sounded like it hurt. Poor boy.

Do you have a link to that video? I want to see it! 

I'm into Ballbusting but that female cop was wrong..She did it to a child she was supposedly patting down..That wasn't cool at all..there's a line between fetsish/fantasy and abuse of power and nothing about that accident is "sexy".I hope she gets raped
I agree with you up until the raping part. That's too far the other way dude.

Oh don't get me wrong, I was asking for a link to the video he mentioned, and I agree with you, what happened with the boy was horrible and that it is a complete abuse of power. I don't agree with you hoping she gets raped, but she should receive a punishment fitting of her crime, as well as the guilt she will live with.

Does anyone know of any videos of a guy getting a rupture/injury in general? I've never seen anything to serious other then a little bleedingIi
Google search stomping balls till rupture. It's the only one I've found. It's pretty rough he starts bleeding pretty early and it just keeps going eventually she starts standing on them and you clearly see one pop and he says he thinks he just lost a nut.



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