We are both 24 years old but I am so afraid to tell her I want her to kick me where it hurts.

How did you get over the embarrassment?

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Just tell her.  But also do it in a conversation where you also ask HER what she would like you to do to her to turn her on.  You may be surprised.  Spikingly, Cheryl

It's pretty natural to feel how you do, it always took me forever to tell gfs in the past (and even some I didn't tell at all!). Start slow, maybe ask her to massage your balls and ask her to go a bit harder, she'll probably be curious as to if it hurts or maybe she won't want to hurt you and you can say you actually kind of like it then go from there? I think I brought it up with one of my gfs by saying how I got racked in the balls playing soccer that night, then kind of said it's not that bad, it's actually kind of nice if a girl did it or something...

I agree with Cheryl as well, it'd be good to discuss with her what turns her on as well, it'll result in more trust and bonding between you! Definitely start slow though, going straight in wanting to kicked hard in the nads might be a bit extreme to someone who's never heard of such a fetish!

Good luck =)

Obviously straight up telling her "Oh btw I really love getting kicked in the balls by girls" wouldn't be the best way. Get a feel for her attitude toward sexuality in general. Chances are if she herself is more open or expressive and confident in her sexuality, your chances of engaging in a discussion of "alternative aspects" of sexual expression are much higher. But if you sense she's not even all that comfortable or in tune with her own sexuality or worse, is just put off or intimidated by the subject matter, then maybe avoid it until you've gotten comfortable enough with each other to get to that stage naturally.

I've usually just asked if they have ever kicked a guy in the balls.  If yes, what did you think about it, etc... And if no, 'Have you ever wanted to?'  It's amazing what you can talk about if you have an open mind.  And your embarassment is internal and self created.  I used to be ashamed as well, but once   i learned to have good conversations with open ended questions, well, you can talk about anything.  Besides, learning that you like ball pain is really just the result of a very common event, your balls meeting the business end of a girls foot. Run with it brotha!

Look, if I really liked you, I would do anything to please you as long as you do the same for me. I want to know what excites these guy I am dating. If you want me to kick you in the nuts or trample you with my stilettos....and it excites you, I am all in

There is a cute lil book called 'Would you like to play with my balls?' that is just a hilarious intro to ballplay.  Order it for her and give it as a present.  Should be off kicking and squeezing in no time!

Hey I'll echo the other posters with starting a conversation of what she likes and answering if she asks more questions about your likes. There's a good chance she might say she likes something a little rough too, which gives you a good chance to say what you like in a relatable manner. 

You could also take the see it in a movie and talk about it route as a plan B.

When it comes to the talk I like to say I'm wired a little differently and find pain in the balls sexy to a certain point. If you're  curious you can squeeze them and I'll tap when its too much, so you won't hurt me. Then I make sure to say how nice it felt and how thankful you are for trying it out. It's gone well in 4/4 of my serious relationships. I believe from this site the most common potential downside is "she's not that into it" and haven't read of anyone harming a relationship by talking about this in a respectful manner. Curious to see what experiences other people have had, and hope this helps you relax and go for it.

I agree with everybody about asking her what she's into and all that. Another tip I'd throw in: alcohol. Not too much, but enough so you are both nice and buzzed and feeling a bit looser. Have a few drinks, start asking about what she's into, then let her know what you want.



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