ℳy name is Mallory and I have been co-Admin here for most of the site's existence. I kept it quiet for a few months though, as I was new to bb as a fetish and wanted to pick the brains of all the men here in chat, without the Admin title getting in the way of pure honesty and openness. It was a very exciting time, as any new discovery is, and I had a million questions with a genuine interest in holding an intelligent conversation about this fetish and all of its deliciousness  ツ

I wrote my profile early on and haven't updated it since, so this will serve as my update and Interview. Since I have been here, I have also played the resident therapist :) Guys tell me all the time that I'm so easy to talk to, so they share their girl problems with me and ask relationship questions. Please feel free to ask those too here in this space...in fact, ask anything. But please, read my profile first to avoid repeats and to get my initial thoughts on rrrreally wanting to hurt some nutts...that's not evil, it's playfully mean:P  https://kickedinthegroin.ning.com/profile/Mallory

So what sparked my interest? Two things, specifically: One day, Dvhour and I were having a conversation about S & M and he divulged his love of bb to me. I'm pretty openminded and understanding, so I was truly curious to learn more. Then, he accidently sent me an invitation to join his new ballbusting site hahaa...and the rest is history. As he says, he created a monster :P The other thing that sparked my interest was when I saw this video of a guy (who I would later discover was Joe Guy) being kneed against a wall by a girl over and over and over again...I could not believe the effect that video was having on me! It was insanely arousing to me, as it is in real life...to see and to hear and to feel: the way a man moans, the way he breathes, the faces he makes, the look in his eyes...meeowww. A man's reaction is EVERYTHING in bb ;)


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I did have an ex who loved when I squeeeezed his nutts really hard, plus a couple of close friends into
hard bb as well--and because those two had long histories in it, they were both well aware of the risk.
The risk of having their balls at the mercy of a verrrry anxious and enthusiastic hardcore bb gal named
Mallory...hahaa :) so no, I was not afraid to unleash on their nutts--if anything, I want to go even
harrrrder on them. With one of them, I did deliver a particularly devastating stomp to his balls--one for
the record books, teeheee. PROUD MOMENT!! With the other, he told me a few weeks later that I had
"fucked up his left nutt...with my 'LATINA-ness'" hahaha :P ...maybe it was the toe kicks, maybe it was the incessantly hard as fuck nutt-squeeezing, but I plead the fifth :D He did, however, confess to LOVING alllll those wonderful times when I'd give his bare nutts some long, superrr hard squeezes--which he had had done to him before in videos, but haaaated it. That was before MEEE ...another Proud Moment in my bb history ;)

do you prefer to bust guys clothed or naked? depending on which one, why?

I love to bust bare balls cuz it amplifies the pain and his reaction...plus, to feeeel his nutts

beneath my feet or in my grip is most delicious and powerful and arousing. I love watching

the impact of every hit to his naked nutts...and the sound of bare feet to bare nutts is one

of the sexxiest sounds everrrr--that, along with his moaning and yelping...meeowww ;)

Dear Mallory, I have always wondered how strong the desire to kick can be for girls...for example:

When you are walking down the street, or in a mall, or where ever, and you see an appealing looking guy walking toward you, do you just automatically imagine what his balls look like swaying back and forth in his pants and what it would be like to kick them right there (not that you would do it)?

My desires to kick nutts wax and wane...I try not to think about it too much because then I start to

crave it, which can be pretty frustrating because I don't have somebody around the corner who I can

unleash on. But yeah Willy, like I said on my profile, I do think about it all the time when I'm at the

store. My eyes stay at package-level, hahaa...and every guy that passes by me, I wonder if he's ever

had his nutts kicked...and whaaaat would he say if I stopped him and said "Let me kick you in the

balls rrrrright now." He might run away...but, he would from then on be WILDLY curious ;)

It might only be a small fraction of guys out there who would say "yes" when approached like that, but Mallory, I have to say that being at the store and having a woman approach me out of the blue and ask to kick my balls would be pretty much (the beginning of) my dream come true!  So there are at least some guys who would love it and not run away.  :)

I don't understand how women can not reach out and dish out some delicious nut pain to the bulges they see walking down the street or in the store.  Especially the one in five guys who seems to have an oversize package or it is framed just oh so well in those pants or shorts... practically begging the grrrrlllzzz to pulverize those nutz with a solid knee or kick ??

Mallory, you kind of strike me as a woman that would need someone on standby to unleash on, and you would need a bell to call them. I wonder how many guys would be turned to BB after you said that. That would hunt his memories.

Do you have a youtube account? If not, have you considered it? It'd be a great way to interact with the many fans who are thankful of your work! 

Why would I need a youtube acct to interact with peeps when I have my own site? 

That's what our Forum is for: interaction...and specifically with meeee in this lil

space called ~ Ask Mallory ~ however, Ibrahim...if you're asking if I make bb videos,

the answer is no (but maybe sometime this year..they'll have to be some PRIME nutts ;)

Of course! And if that's the case, then I'm sure your videos will be all the rage here haha

Hi Mallory, I was wondering if you could give any details about your photo labelled "comfy :)" ?

Is that a picture of you, or of something you like to do? Could you please share your thoughts and experiences with using a man as your footrest, especially his crotch? Would love to hear any/all thoughts you have on the subject... I wish it was a more common occurrence, especially in public. One of my #1 turn-ons, so thank you! :-)



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