There was a link on the site yesterday titled "Katherine Heigl hates balls" or something like that. I was wondering what the men and women on the site actually think about balls (testicles), do you find them nasty and disgusting? Do you find them sexy? Or you don't care? This questions just isn't for the women, I'd like to hear what guys have to say if they have an opinion. Personally, I find them sexy.

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Pretty damn ugly.

Testicles come (no pun intended here!) in many shapes (though primarily oval!) and sizes. Some hang nice and loosely (better for boxing practice) and some hug the body closer (easier target because they can't accidently swing out of the way!). No matter the difference, the sharp pain inflicted by a knee, leg, hand, etc. is great. This is what makes balls so special and sexy!

Well, if I have say the true, me too think that may balls are very ridiculous. and I like too much see them be kicked from a woman's foot :-)

I'm in the 'they look funny' camp. Certainly not beautiful or sexy, but I don't know about disgusting, that might be a bit harsh (to me) but I can see where they're coming from. 

well hell, i think most balls are extremely sexy, but it is definately based on the individual.  Have been in team sports my whole life, and have seen more than my share of ugly junk.  Just that amazing powerhouse of maleness swinging there in the breeze, brazen.  No wonder grrlz want to play with them.   And having just blown past 50, even if i say so myself, my balls are looking goooood;)  even better when they're swollen :D


I think they're funny, personally.

Everyone on the internet thinks balls are ugly. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with normal people though. Obsessing over boobs and ASS(YES, ASS, POOP COMES OUT OF ASSES and they get more attention than balls)

It's because girls never voice their opinion on sexuality.. While men never shut the hell up about it.

For me at least... If men didn't have balls, I'd be gay. 

I think you're onto something with that, not to mention that most men get their information about what women like from other men, which goes over about how well you'd expect.

I guess I'm in the "could be sexy" camp, assuming they're well-groomed and hygienically taken care of. Of course, the sexiness spikes up a hundredfold if the guy's on the ground and holding them in agony. ;-)

I think it's always a good idea to take opinions from the internet with a huge grain of salt.  It's a self-selecting crowd, and what might seem like a "majority" opinion is often just the opposite.

I'm a guy so what I can say about women's views on men's bodies is limited to what I've been told, but my sense is that women who are freer about their own sexuality (i.e. less hangups) are much more interested in men's bodies too, including our balls.

I don't mean to offend anyone but I think it's slightly odd to think that a sexual part of the gender you are attracted to is ugly.  I mean we all have our favorite bits to play with on a sexy body.  But for example it would be strange if I - as a heterosexual man - thought women's genitals or breasts were ugly. 

A female friend of mine really really likes mens' legs and she complains that men don't wear shorts often enough, or even kilts.  :)   I haven't asked, but I bet she does not think mens' balls are ugly.

I think she and Erica are a little more enlightened and appreciate mens' bodies without hangups about it.

I find them funny, sexy and bizarre!! I love my partner's balls as they are his, but I do find them comical in the way they hang there!! It's not surprising we kick them as they just dangle there waiting to be kicked. I can play with John's balls for hours as they are like stress relief, but are they sexy? I guess "yes" and "no".

Not a great reply - sorry!!


Actually that's a really illuminating and interesting reply, Jackie.

So the the way balls look, the way they hang there, it's like they're just asking to be kicked?  Kind of a constant temptation?  :)

I liked how you referred to ball play as stress relief.  Can you explain that more?  How does that feel from your female perspective?

Well, I like to hold onto John's balls and squeeze them through my fingers. I can do that for hours and hours, but I do know that it does get uncomfortable for John. I've played with them in that way in many locations and it can be quite sexy!!!!



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