A little birdy told me that we have a Hardcore Lady Gamer who's a Hardcore Ballbuster

This room is for General interest, Casual, and Hardcore Gammers to discuss their gaming interests. I Know we have one Lady Gamer in here who's also A hardcore ballbuster maybe you would like to get to know her.

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so thats why my ears was burning lol
welp that's nice.

God of War III looks great,

Tekken 6 is good,

and Soul calibur broken destiny is also fantastic! seung mina's treasure hunt on kratos is something i've been wanting to try for a while...
thats awesome.

im currently playing modern warfare 2, nba2k10, and tekken 6
Seeing as I am a gamer I will post some of the ones I am playing at the moment.

Well I do want Modern Warfare 2, but I have played Call of Duty 4 recently as well as Team Fortress 2.
Other game I am playing again is Command & Conquer 3. Pretty much FPS and RTS are my faves.

Hi Jennifer. Dvhour told me you were a hardcore gamer. Which games are your faves at the moment?
And how hardcore are you at these said games, heh heh. =P
i wish i could play heavenly sword i have no ps3 only a 360 oh well lol God of War would be nice too
i know what you mean
Heavenly Sword is great, not only is it actually a great game (if a little short) it's very satisfying to watch the brutal animation of a female character against almost exclusively male NPCs.

Also looking forward to GoW 3 so much! Favorite game series.

Heavy Rain does look really neat. Alpha Protocal as well.

Currently playing Assassin's Creed 2 and Demon's Souls.
I'm not a gamer (I haven't owned a console since the SNES), but I was curious if you all had seen this. I thought it was funny.

11 Minutes after you posted this I had it downloaded converted an uploaded back to this site... :)

Find more videos like this on Kicked in the Groin
Cool, I was hoping you guys would like it, too. :) One of the comments on the forum said you could even use a knife for that kill method. Now THAT's some hardcore bb! hehe
Just wanted to let all gamers who are also bb fans out there that Saint's Row 2 is probably the greatest game for bb ever made. You create and customize your own character. By customize i mean not just the character's appearance, but also voice (u can choose between 3 male and 3 female voices), as well as different greetings and taunts. During combat u can actually kick enemies in the groin, and watch them collapse to the floor. That's a perfect time to use the taunt u chose and really rub it in their face. You can also choose to go streaking which means u could bust people when your character is naked (private parts are blurred out).
Hey guys, I'm stuck on Dragon Age. Not stuck in a difficult, can't beat a certain part, but stuck in the sense that I can't get over how good a game it is. I'm in love....and the next expansion is either out or will be out soon! I'm a sucker for story, and this game has drawn me in like very few others ever have. Dark fantasy is wicked! Plus, I'd pay good money to see Morrigan rack a guy....such a sexy bad girl. Her comments are quite steamy I must say....



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