i see this posted a lot, by both men and women in this community. It is frequently shared by some women that they start out light, progressively getting harder as the session progresses.


i probably speak for a lot of men when I say the best kicks are the hard ones that land right on target with little warning or mercy.

It seems many think that the first kick of the session shouldn’t be full force. They think it will be “too much” for the bustee.

am I just overly brave in telling girls to kick really hard right away? Seems to me, ladies, if you walked up to a man randomly and kicked him in the balls, he wouldn’t have had multiple warm up kicks to loosen him up first.

it takes some of the natural “pwnage” out of the whole thing. But really, kick us hard. The only thing we’re actually scared of is you missing, hitting our leg, gooch or dick. So bring good aim. Lol

Views: 336


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Comment by Donald Veracrow on March 30, 2024 at 11:28pm

Thank you JS! I’m always really uhh… “under the influence” when I make videos, so that helps ofc. I took a really hard shoe kick about 9 days ago that “abraided” the cable holding my balls and it was really painful and had to heal for a week lol. I was prob p close to torsion but luckily am basically all healed up now.

we’re gonna make another vid soon. i just had to wait til my balls healed lmao

Comment by J. S. on March 30, 2024 at 6:08pm

DV you are braver than most I'll give you that

Comment by Donald Veracrow on March 9, 2024 at 7:40pm

Jodier i guess anything’s possible but surely the dangers aren’t as severe as are claimed. Ive been kicked SO hard in certain cases, such as a toe knuckle smashing a nut or both against the pelvic bone. This has happened more than once and it i ls absolutely not ideal, and was never intentional. If this didn’t pop both nuts like water balloons, i’m skeptical of most claims of permanent damage

Comment by Jodier on March 7, 2024 at 6:31pm

Not safe advice tbh, but I do enjoy the random hard hits as you say.


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