A memory of passion for a man who no longer exists.
I wanted to say goodbye, and I wanted to keep our love but this memory might be all that survives the year.
Victoria spun around in her chair again, to keep from slouching. She found it so unbefitting of herself, that she had frittered away her morning in sloth. She heard her chair creak for the hundredth time, and adopted a proper posture. She used to hate pen spinners, and in the years she spent studying and training in the medical training institutes by the local estates she took great pride in her appointment in helping to keep order in the training chambers. It was also there where she learnt everything she needed to be who she was. Maybe if you sat properly your back wouldn't be aching all the time! Her headmistresses voice still echoed in her head on days like these. I think you need a bigger shirt. You're distracting the boys! "Boys, boys, boys. Those big and loud boys", she thought to herself.
Her back still hurt, but she had to admit sitting right helped it somewhat. It wasn't her fault that she grew through so many cup sizes, that in the end she wore a jumper in suffocating weather to avoid trouble with her mentors and the boys. She had always blamed herself for it, but received no more complains or uncomfortable glares now, even with the way she would dress on warm days like today. Nobody was well endowed enough to risk not being provided the best medical care these days, and even jealous wives knew better than to jeopardize their relationships with her. She used to envy the girls that could wear fashionable and stylish bras that provided poor support, or simply go without one. The sizes available to her were always the drab and dreary colors. All of that envy thawed hastily when she realized that all she had to do was point them at any man she desired to grab his attention. You know, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, and if you can't cook, his balls.
She did not mind in those days, that many of them did not mean to actually court her, and only desired her body. She didn't always want to settle down and have a family like she did now. But if there was one man she would want to do it with, it would be Sam. She pouted, thinking about Sam again, in a memory she had of theirs that she often thought about wistfully.
It had been after his physical, where she ran a check on his testicles as part of the routine. The colony's administration ardently advocated for procreation, especially so for those with traits like Sam did, or with his background. One might almost call it eugenics, she often thought. She had left the room for him to strip down before that, and when she came back in, he was sitting on the examination table, still in his briefs.
"I'm going to need you to remove those too", she said with a small laugh, observing his sudden introversion. It was uncanny seeing the usually lively and sparkling Sam this sheepish.
"Oh, right, yeah", he said, before letting out a chuckle. "Thought it would have been in bad taste if I.."
"Flashed me? Don't be a ninny", Victoria said, stepping forward between his legs and pulling his shorts down. His generous manhood spilled out as she did so, surprising her. She had always noted his bulge, but never did she expect his male organ to be so sizable. She begin by lifting up his penis so she could inspect his testes, grabbing it and shifting it aside as his whole body tensed up, his eyes shut, the veins in his neck almost popping out.
"I grew up in the local estates. I know exactly how to protect myself from guys who mean me harm", she grinned, mid-examination, putting his virile member down very gently before getting up to put two of her small hands on his shoulders, winking and slowly raising her knee between his legs.
He took a whiff of her femininity as she stepped forward, a mix of her perfume and bodily scents built up throughout the course of the long day and looked down at the shapely woman standing in between his legs with her knee pointed at the V between his legs. He incidentally stared down her slightly unbuttoned top. The smell of Victoria and his straight down view of her heavy, teardrop shaped breasts was too much for him, as his sensitive, flaccid male genital twitched upwards, brushing itself along her thigh. She felt his reproductive organ brush against her bare kneecap, and immediately brought it down, awkwardly noticing that his erection was a direct reaction to her.
Silence filled the air in the following moments, as she adjust her gloved hand and rubbed them together. She no longer needed to shift his snaking penis aside, as he was fully erect now and throbbing, as she reached her hand down under with her palm upwards, slowly and extremely gently into his ballsac. While most of the men she inspected had testicles she had to probe around, his were so large and dangled so low that she could see and feel everything she needed to instantly. She observed him bucking his hips and squirming slightly as she lifted them both in her hands, running her fingers around each individual gonad.
"They're that sensitive, huh?", she chuckled and asked, as he opened one eye to look at her, before nodding urgently. She smiled, before releasing both of his eggs and turning to get her board. He lets out a sharp gasp as her hand unwittingly brushes roughly against his left testicle, which was slightly larger and dangling lower than his other. She ignored him to save him the shame, as he slowly got dressed.
"Everything looks and feels healthy! You can come by again tomorrow to make a semen deposit just in case, but continue taking good care of those two precious jewels and your swimmers should be fresh and ready to knock up any girl of your choice!", she said, winking at him for the second time. She knew he had been seeing Amanda, but couldn't help but speculate about his loyalty. A man like him should spread his seed as much as he can, she thought, as she admired his chiseled features, and adam's apple protruding from his refined neck. I would let him spread his seed all over my boobs and belly if he wanted.
On top of his surprising timidness surprising her during the inspection, he even offered to give her a lift home after staying to help her move some supplies up into her office. Still thinking about his strength and out of the blue chivalry, she held his gaze after pulling back from a hug, trying to read his expression. While it had been a some time since she had gotten her wildness out of the system, she still had her moves and decided it was now or never, as she pulled herself onto his lap, her skirt flowing up as she put her bare legs and panties onto his groin as she straddled him. Grabbing the hesitant man's face, she pulls him in to a heartfelt kiss, the bristles on his face sharply cutting into her soft mouth as she felt her heart race, almost as quickly as her vagina lubricated. The wetness of her panties seeped into his materials as she rubbed her herself against his now erect penis through his pants, his powerful moans filling the car as she sticks her tongue into his mouth passionately, when-
"I-I. I have to go", Sam said, lifting her up and pushing her off him, his breathing still heavy as he uncomfortably adjusts himself in his pants, correcting himself. "You have to go." He could not even look her in the eye as he said this, to her dejection, as she opened the door and exited his vehicle. She knew he would not be coming back the following day, as he drove off into the distance hurriedly.
That night, was the the last memory Victoria had of him, before "the incident". He won't even acknowledge my existence anymore now. He would not even have spoken to her again, if not for the fact that she was the only doctor in their sector who could have helped him when he got his injury. She wondered if Amanda ever found out about that night, and how the two would have handled it. Dante found out first hand what a bitch Amanda could be, she thought, thankful that the fiery tempered woman did not know. Spinning her pen now, in a daze, she thinks about how she could make things right again with him, if she could have somehow undone his injury. If she could have somehow kept him intact. Why did Yvonne have to kick him so hard? She thought, remembering only the debonair gentlemen from her office that night. And in those extremely sensitive organs?
Maybe it was shame that kept him from ever seeing her again, but she would never find out.