Silence still, in Megatherium graveyards and enchanted ponds.
I dreamt of longing for so long, I forgot what I wanted.
Dante shifted himself again, still in discomfort, as he reached down below, adjusting his dark grey cargo pants. He tilted his head, pointing a thin lobed ear upwards, trying to listen past the sound of his own heartbeat. It would be an awful time for me to have to deal with an ambush right now, he thought to himself. Serving in the plumbing division didn't mean he'd spend all his time digging wells, and on occasion Dante would scout some of the identified habitable areas outside their settlements for fertile ground.
Normally, a guard party would be doing this, but due to a shortage of manpower and a lack of danger in this sector, he was doing it on his own. In a prone position, Dante slowly got up, bucking his hips worriedly, wincing as a still aching testicle brushed against his pants. He listened again for movement in the area, as he took cover behind a concrete block, his hand on the service revolver buckled to his hip. A team of bandits led by a up and coming cutthroat leader had also been eyeing the river, but their threat was not taken seriously. You're afraid of a bunch of dykes playing dress-up?, his captain said when he had requested for backup or heavier weaponry. A double canistered repeater would make him feel a lot safer. If the rumors were true, the woman leading this pack of bandits was not to be trifled with.
The birds continued singing on this particularly gloomy afternoon, as he relaxed and moved his hand off his firearm. He loathed not being allowed to modify, or even keep it. Dante was a hands on man, and he had grown attached to this gun, despite it needing new iron sights and a modified fire rate. He knew they would react to a large bandit group moving through, yet not alert them to a lurking lone gunfighter. Normally, he could hold off several of these bandits, but in his current state he was not so sure, he thought, as he went down on a kneepad, inserting the metal rod slung across his back into the ground.
As it scanned the acidity and moisture levels, he sat back onto the concrete block, thinking about Jenny. While he had never liked Jenny, she was the closest brush he had had with losing his virginity. He rubbed his forehead worriedly, wondering if it had been a mistake to turn her down. Maybe it was because of the heroes in the novels he read, but he wanted his first time to be with someone he loved. While there were things about Jenny he loved, it just wasn't it. Maybe I should pay her a visit after this, he thought, remembering her crush on him. That woman would suck his balls dry for if he called her back, he knew. If he had taken up her offer when she exposed herself to him back then, alone in his room, he might have gotten to use it at least before... Nonsense. Your nuts will feel normal again, eventually.
A concerning sensation roiled in his sack, his blood flowing to places it should not flow to while he was out in the wilds as he thought about Jenny, with her plain face, wide hips and rounded breasts.
A quiet conversation at the diner.
You are not the only one that has loved me, but you're the only one that I have ever loved.
"I've only known you for less than a year while you've had all your 21 years to know yourself. You say the daftest things to break the silence."
"There she goes, thinking she's the smartest girl in the room for calling out the obvious again."
"And I know that you only let that silence hang because you're nervous about something."
"Me? Nervous? About what?"
"You tell me. What's there to be scared of? You've already seen me at just about my worst. How bad can it be?"
A small smile forms on her face as she nodded slowly, imagining his testicles like the ones in the diagrams she saw in her days of study. She tried her best to shake off the image of him rocking back and forth in the fetal position after Amanda's devastating kick to the reproductive glands. She opens her mouth to speak, but Dante speaks first.
"I'm just glad to be back here actually, life sucks less when I'm with you. And the pain is a bit more bearable too."
"Yeah, everything.. in the area that she kicked still hurts quite a lot."
Yvonne leaned forward, lessening the fabric of her tee shirt against her semi-erect nipples, ignoring the natural lubrication in her pants whenever she thought about Dante unclothed.
"You guys are that sensitive in those things, huh?"
"It isn't just that. That bitch Amanda is a real nasty ball kicking connoisseur, let me tell you that. Victoria determined I got a decently acute testicular trauma from her."
"That did look like it hurt a lot, I've never seen you like that. She made you cry, Dante. Even your ex-girlfriend couldn't do that."
"Right on. It was... in actual fact the worst pain I've ever been in in my life. At first, I thought she shot me, then I felt her foot buried between my legs and the pain came on so quickly. I tried to fight it at first but it grew rapidly until I could no longer take it."
A small lump grew in Yvonne's throat, thinking about the pain Dante had to be in. Could he still.. copulate?
"I hope you put a deposit with Victoria before that.. Dante, you might be shooting blanks now."
"No.. No Victoria said I would most likely heal from it and it won't be permanent. But damn does it feel like it.. I don't think my balls will ever feel the same again after that kick."
"Well how do they normally feel?"
Dante gets out of his seat, standing wide open in front of Yvonne.
"Ow! Ow! Okay, stop messing with my hair... Do you think you can still do physical things?"
"I'll outfight the usual goons once I can move my legs without cringing again."
Yvonne raises an eyebrow sarcastically, her eyes darting down from his face to his lower body.
"You know that's not what I meant."
Dante's face goes red, as his heart raced a little.
"Like, can you still masturbate?"
"Well.. Victoria told me to ejaculate into a cup for her so she could examine my fluid but everything was so tender I couldn't even wash myself properly then.. even now I.. have not tried it yet. Everything is still so.. sensitive because of the injury. And honestly my balls still ache dreadfully."
Yvonne imagines grabbing him tightly through his pants, and what his reaction would be. She also imagines going down on her knees, kissing him gently, licking his sensitive, avocado shaped nads. She wanted to put his pecker into her mouth, fellating him to taste what was in his damaged balls. Nervously laughing, she plays it off.
"Maybe you could use some help with that, since you're too scared to touch your own balls."
"Yeah, but obviously a stud like me gets all the girls that I just can't decide which girl I should get to do it."
"Sure. Just remember not to break any of their hearts?"
She swings her leg playfully upwards, right in between his open legs, kicking the space in the air dangerously close to this crotch.
"Remember a girl's secret weapon?"
Dante jumps, only realizing the impending danger in the form of Yvonne's small sneaker swinging towards his virility only after her leg had swung back down. His sudden movement was enough to set off another about of cramping.
Dante winces and hunches over clutching his still very tender nads.
Yvonne gets up together after him, standing in front of him as he looks up, feeling better but still aching sickeningly. She leans forward to put her face directly in front of Dante's, lowered from him hunching over, so close that he could smell her warm breath, before giving him a kiss on the cheek.