I think I want to try getting my balls shocked. I’m going to buy a ball shocker. Has anyone tried it? Have any women been given the controller to one? 

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I’ve tried a few types of shock toys but I personally didn’t care for it.  Some are more appealing than others but at the end of the day I gravitate more towards a deep/internal pain that you get from kicks knees, squeezes and punches... electrical play felt more like surface pain, like a sting versus a dull ache (I also don’t really care for the stinging from either hand slaps or hits with instruments like a riding crop).  Again it was just a matter of preference for me but it’s something to try out, given it’s a matter of taste though I wouldn’t recommend investing in the higher dollar electro stim toys if you discover it’s not your thing.

I had one its fun. Depending what you get they can be stingy and horrible or actual nut clenching pain.

As always the fun is in the control. I know girls who dont normally enjoy busting too much who giggled like mad with that. And can be done in public too. Mind games fun.

I am curious as well. I am going to try a TENS and see how that works. My friend is going to control it, so I won't know what its like til she is free. Maybe tomorrow night. 

I recieved my TENS unit the other day and it works pretty well. My friend is going to use team viewer later to control my phone so that she can use the app from her house. I have experimented a little bit with it so that I'm sure it will work when I hand the controls over to her. I have discovered that in order for it to really work, you need to have the balls stretched tight in the scrotum or the scrotum just absorbs all of the shock and you can barely feel it. It seems like the amount of shock you feel increases exponentially as you get the skin tighter around the ball. I also found out that you don't want to try to put both electrodes on one testicle. It just stings skin a little bit. It did seem to work pretty good with one on each testicle though. I'm not sure if I am imagining this but I felt like the farther apart I got the electrodes on my body the deeper and more powerful the shock felt. The one I have has two electrodes tethered together, but siting down on something short I was able to put one on my ankle and one on a testicle and it felt pretty intense.  I have not cranked it all the way up with my nut wrapped super tight, as I am saving that experience for her, but I think it is going to be amazing. I want to find something that she can control from afar the same way, to just send a jolt when ever she feels like, but right now we are going to see how this works out as a test. Please update on how the shocker you are buying works out when you get it!

Tens units are tricky that way I find, it's hard to get that nice aching ballbusting feel. I still enjoy them for general CBT. I'll try this technique next time I give it a shot, though.

I also find that if you use a bit of water-based lube/gel on the tens pads, can be any cheap drugstore lube, you can crank it up without getting a "suntan" after--being a natural liquid conductor, it reduces skin resistance significantly

Another tip: tens units use alternating current, hence, preset frequencies and patterns built into the units. If you have one that accepts audio input, you can use any free tone generator to experiment with your own--I find different frequency ranges produce very different sensations, some deeper than others

Ok, so I have just finished the session with my friend. Wow, I would highly recommend it. I got the accurelief 3 in 1. It has tens, ems, and massage settings and then you choose the body part. I found that the massage>foot>rub setting was the best for getting that powerful deep nut pain. It has an app so you can control it with your phone over Bluetooth, so I handed over control of my phone to my friend with TeamViewer and let her play until she was tired of it. Which was after the in app timer had run down 30 minutes.  The timer only runs while it is activated as well, so it was 30 minutes of actual nut shocking over about an hour time span, cranked all the way up the whole time. She was apparently talking to a friend and painting while she was secretly electrocuting my balls lol. I noticed several times when she stopped it, that when she started it up again it seemed more intense than before, and there is definitely an art to placing it on your balls. There were times when it was almost more than I could take, and other times where it didn't seem bad at all on the same setting. 

How large are the electrodes you are using? Are they like those standard slightly larger than 1" square pads?

Yes, the ones that came with the Accurelief unit. Which I got on ebay for about $15 BTW! WELL WORTH IT. I also found an even stronger setting for anyone interested.  Tens>low back. It gives a powerful fairly continuous shock followed by a less intense tapping. The strong part seems quite a bit more intense than the setting it was on before. I have not tried it in my balls on this setting yet though, because I think my friend deserves that honor.

@soreloser I was just curious about whether you had obtained a shocking device and if so how well it worked.

I believe that the TENS I got was the best $15 I have spent in a long time. My friend used it on me remotely again today.

There do exist 'dog collars' which can be attached around the neck of the ball sack. They come with remotes so the Ladies can have their fun with you... even while you are outside, in a bar or restaurant, with company etc. I have never tried it but supposedly it would be more effective than a TENS unit or similar.

Part of the trick is getting the electrodes close enough so there would be a considerable current running *thru* the balls instead of just over the skin - although that can also be quite effective. If the shock to the balls would be enough to cause muscle contractions it may even cause muscle aches, comparable with kicking/knees and punches. However, pressing a button may be a lot less fun for the the girls than hauling back with their legs and just kicking you...

I thought about trying that as well. I wanted something that my friend could use when we weren't even near each other. I'm not sure I found a dog collar to do that with. She has been doin it from her house about 20 miles from me. 

I have always been curious if the dog collars would be more of a sting. I would like to find out.  The TENS is a good deep pain. After my friend used it on me for an hour the other night my balls felt like they had been beaten and squeezed.

I was hoping to find a dog collar or something like that which could be used over a basically infinite distance so that she could just shock me anytime she felt like it.

For some girls, I think the idea of just being able to push a button and hurt you is more alluring, while with some they want to get down and dirty and dish out the pain manually. 

My ex, loved beating my balls until they were swollen, but my friend who has been shocking me, showed no interest in bb, until I mentioned doing this.



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