Trying to find a specific or ‘80s early ‘90s ballbusting video

Hi, everyone! I was wondering if anyone either remembered the title of the film that the clip I’m going to describe is from, or knows somewhere where the clip still exists.

So, the clip in question is perhaps a minute long at most, probably closer to 30 seconds, and it used to be on YouTube, but I can no longer find it (searching for “ball grab” or similar used to bring it up). It’s originally from a softcore porn film with I’m pretty sure either “Batgirl” or “Batwoman” in the title (but there were other words too), but the clip on its own doesn’t feature Batgirl/Batwoman. The clip is of an ‘80s to early ‘90s grain (I also remember this being approximately the release date of the film when I found out the title a year or so ago) and features two brown/black-haired women dressed in what isn’t immediately obviously supervillain clothing if you’re not aware of the film’s title, and a light-haired man dressed in a sort of highwayman outfit (he wore a tricorn hat). The two women are side-by-side on the right-hand side of the shot, and the man is on the left-hand side, facing the woman in the foreground.

 The woman in the foreground is the leader of the bad guys, and she isn’t happy with him for some reason (he’s an incompetent henchman, if I recall correctly), so she grabs him by the balls and lifts him off the ground several feet, while saying “You make Pee-Wee Herman look like the Hulk! You call *that* a cock?!”, and when it cuts back to the henchman he’s looking down at her with his mouth open in shock and pain, with the camera from his tormentor’s perspective.

That’s all that I remember, so if anyone has any idea of either the film title or where I can find the clip, I would greatly appreciate it.

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Thank you very much!

I didn't manage to find the clip mentioned above, but I found another great clip that I've been looking for for even longer:

Thank you Chefda! That’s one of my all
Time faves as well.

No problem at all! I highly recommend downloading it before it disappears into the ether again! 



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