Someone bought my Kick Me In The Balls - Get A Free Drink Tshirt, here's what they told me.

Someone asked me to post some or one of the stories I heard from the people who bought my Tshirt, part of my ballbusting clothing line available at my site, This isn't an ad, but a request response I guess.
So I sold 4 T-Shirts from my site. The T-shirts are in a cool, laid back style and they say, Kick My Balls then in smaller type, Drop Me = 1 Free Beer*. Then in even smaller white font at the bottom near the hem it says, *Ladies Only. Anyway enough about the T-shirt.
So one of the guys bought the T-shirt and it arrived and he went out and tried it on. His letter was pretty long so I'll just copy paste, with his permission.

Dear Miss Stacy,
    I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the awesome T-Shirt. It worked just like you said! I pretty much followed your instructions exactly. I'm a normal looking, 30 year old dude and I live in Savannah, Ga.  I decided to wear your tshirt and go out to the river as there's some cool bars and stuff there. I went to this comedy club that's kind of a gay bar but it's got a lot of cool people and lots of straight girls too, and there's usually some funny comedians.    
Anyway I watched a couple people do standup there and had a few beers and I started talking to this girl who had had a couple beers herself.    
She noticed my Tshirt and was like "omg that's hilarious, is that a real offer??" She was laughing at me. My heart was racing and everything got super real suddenly though knew I had to play it cool. 
    I said, "haha, yeah honestly I saw it and thought it was funny.  Why, do you want a free beer? You think you can drop me? Because no one has been able to yet." I lied, honestly I'd never even been hit in the balls before except for one time as a kid I went for a ground ball and it bounced straight into my nuts. That was super painful by the way. 
   She said, "Yeah let's go have a cigarette and I'll drop you."   We went outside and she asked if I want a cigarette, I said I'll have one afterwards. So she smoked her cigarette and we talked. She was extremely attractive and dressed kind of vaguely rockabilly and she had a tiny green love heart tattooed near her belt line. Dark hair, some cool vintage T-shirt and some big boobs, and a really nice butt in these tight jeans that didn't go all the way to her ankles, she honestly looked like a cool model, but ever so slightly scary and bad now smoking a cigarette in her doc martens. She said her name was Helen and she was 22 and was a senior studying at the Design college. 
   She finished her cigarette and said, "Okay so, I kick you in the balls, and if I drop you you get me a beer, promise?"
    "Yeah," I said, "that's it. Like a Yuengling or something"   A couple of girls and a guy were right there nearby and were kind of watching and overheard what had just been said and they walked over. One of the girls saw my Tshirt and was like, "Can I try too???" And then the other sort of chubby girl she was with was like, "Hey me too! I want to try. " 
 Honestly my head was going to explode and I was getting a full on boner, I did a little spin and quickly hid my dick in my waistband. I don't think anyone noticed except the guy was like, eyeing me, sort of suspiciously maybe.
    I told them "Yeah let her try first and we'll see." 
   This was it. The girl put her hands on my shoulders and lined me up in the street light for some reason. Then she was like, okay here goes, and she full on kicked my groin, but she missed and hit my leg! And it hurt haha! OMG my leg hurt. It was definitely going to bruise. I had about 2 seconds to think about it before she slammed her doc martin lace-up boot into my balls, for an instant I thought I'd shit myself, I was so confused, suddenly I was lying on the floor looking up at the three girls there who were all laughing hysterically and cheering and giving each other high fives. Wave after wave of ball pain began coursing through my trembling body and I felt like I was going to be sick. Like really sick. 
   The guy came over and bent down next to me and he said, "Are you okay? She kicked the shit out of your balls." I noticed he was gay, speaking a bit effeminately but he was genuinely concerned for my well being. I felt like crying and dying and shitting and puking and honestly I couldn't do anything but lie there curled up. 
   The girl who kicked me, Helen, came over and poked my butt with her boot. She said, "Hey, pay up." All the girls laughed and the gay guy laughed too. He said, "You're a crazy motherfucker, that's kinda hot." I'm not gay but that was a bit nice to hear.
I reached into my pocket and gave Helen a $5 bill and they all went inside.
   Actually later the chubby girl kicked my balls for another $5 and that's sort of a story all its own but honestly that first one was the worst, like nothing I'd ever experienced before or after, it took me like half an hour to stand up and nearly an hour to be able to walk properly. Just what the fuck.
    So anyway I wore your shirt for just ONE night and got kicked in the balls twice and it cost me $10 all in all. I'm definitely going to wear it more, although my balls were bruised and I think I'll give it a while until I get super ball-horney again. 
  But like I said, thanks! I wanted to tell you this story because I know you like ballbusting and I thought you'd appreciate it, and to know your hard work paid off and is working and all that. I hope you sell 100 of them. Honestly it's my new favorite T-Shirt. All because of you Miss Stacy, world's greatest ballbuster. I love you! Keep doing what you're doing. 

             Yours Sincerely,

So Matt if you're reading this, thanks for the update. Everyone who bought the Tshirts so far has been kicked in the balls and they all sent me messages actually, but theirs were like, "It worked!" and that was it. I do like to hear about boys getting kicked so hard they nearly shit themselves. That's funny. LOL

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92 views and three likes, interesting. LOL

This story makes me want to buy a shirt!

Wow! Those T-shirts are making waves... Would you have a special edition for guys with just one ball, Miss Stacy? Or maybe only half a T-shirt? ;-)

Unfortunately the numbers almost always go like that. Either we've got bots pushing up the view counts somehow or most people just don't bother to hit the like button. I have stories with thousands of views and only like 10 likes.

Thanks for sharing the story, though. It was fun to read. 

Stacy is correct.  It takes zero effort to hit the "like" button just to show you support the time it took to put up the content.  Nice call out, Stacy.

Wow. What a great story! And it really does make you want the t-shirt. Maybe this guy should go into advertising!

I wonder how many more crunched nuts those t-shirts are responsible for now...

I gotta get one of them. I am just too scared to wear it.



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