Hi guys, this is my first story on this forum, hope you like it. I'm a new member and I just want to 

thank the admins for accepting my profile. I love being a part of group that shares my interests, it feels

so normal here. 

I've linked a picture of what Eva in the story might look like, for you guys that like that. She's inspired by the girl that gave me my very first kick to the balls. I've got a story about that on my profile. 



Camp is Hell - Part 1

I had just had my sixteenth birthday, and it was the summer of 2012. I was looking through the bus-window gazing at the trees passing by, almost zoning out. “I wonder what I’ve got myself into”, I asked myself. Frustrated, due to the fact that I wouldn’t be able to enjoy my last summer break before High School to the fullest, I kept tapping my foot on the ground to keep myself calm.

Calm down, it’s only a week, I told myself. It will be over before you know it, I reassured myself. “Hey Jacob!” I snapped out of my daydream and turned my head to my childhood friend, Zack. A tall, athletic and brown haired boy. “What’s up dude, you look tired”, Zack asked. “…no nothing much, just planning how I’m gonna get revenge on my sister when we get back from this damned camp.”

Zack laughed. “She really got us both.” Zacks carefree attitude was the polar opposite of mine. I was more of a nerd, but also a bit of a troublemaker. I guess I looked handsome, but my attitude was generally awkward, and I had never had a girlfriend either due to my lacklustre social skills.

As a result, I spent most of my free time jerking off to porn – and I had a secret I never wanted to tell anyone. Not even Zack, my closest friend knew about the fantasies that were lurking in my mind. The only person who knew… was my sister Jessica.

Zack on the other hand was more popular with the girls, and always outgoing. He usually was dating some girl, and was able to get sex almost whenever he wanted. At the same time, he did a lot of stupid stuff while we were growing up on the same street. Often dragging me into the mess as well.

“I can’t believe Jessica actually ratted on us, I’m never trusting her again”, I exclaimed. The reason we were on this bus, on our way to camp wasn’t a pleasant one. During one of Zacks escapades, we had broken into our middle school at the middle of the night, the day before graduation, to set up some pranks for the incoming staff.

We were tired and sick of the school we spent the last three years at, and wanted to get back at the teachers. We were setting up traps, buckets full of water, super glue on the floor; we had it all. My 20-year old sister, Jessica, however was there that night, helping out the local moms and some teachers with setting things up for the school concert that would be held the following day.

She spotted her mischievous brother and his friend, lurking about and decided to follow us, silently. Long story short, she caught us red-handed and wasted no time in telling my mom and Zacks mom, and ended up convincing them to send us to a camp during summer to get us disciplined. My mom hesitated, but Jessica insisted that it would be fine, as the girls that ran the camp were friends from her college.

So there we were, on a small bus with around five boys in total plus guide and bus driver, on our way to a disciplinary camp.


It wasn’t long after that the bus stopped at a parking lot and we were asked to leave with the guide. He escorted us to the main camp-site, where they saw five medium-sized cabins. “This is where you’ll be staying”, said the male guide as he pointed towards the cabins. “Wow!” Do we really get a whole cabin to ourselves, asked Zack.

The tour guide chuckled a little before he answered, while keeping a grin on his face. “Oh, no. You’ll each be sharing a cabin with one of the five camp-counsellors. Well anyways, I’ll be going now, good luck guys.” The disappointment in the boys’ faces was clear when they realized they wouldn’t get a whole cabin to themselves. “Oh your counsellors are coming our way now, I better go before they spot me”, the guide quickly ran towards the path they originally came from.

I thought it was weird, the way the guide was acting, but what shocked us all was what we saw when we looked at the figures of the counsellors approaching us.

Five female, all tall, with perfect breasts, slim waists and strong looking legs. One of them was even taller than Zack, a blond woman in her early twenties, with sparkling blue eyes. She was the first one to say a word, the guys were completely silenced in their shock, only giving each other glances. Are we really going to be sharing cabins with these bombshells, I asked myself. I could not believe it.

“Hi, I’m Eva”, the blond said with an accent I couldn’t quite make out. “I’m from Norway, currently taking a degree in social studies. Working in this camp to make some money during the summer vacation so don’t get too hard for me.” Everyone stayed silent, and Eva shortly after realized the mistake in her last sentence.

“Sorry!” She giggled with her angelic voice. “Just correct me if you notice that I say something weird, it happens a lot”, she giggled again. We were at awe. She was absolutely stunning, wearing a short jeans skirt, a white tank top and clean white sneakers. I could also spot her black ankle socks sticking out the shoes.

I noticed the size of her feet, they were big but not big in proportion to her strong athletic and tan body. She’s taller than six feet I thought to myself, while comparing her to Zack who was exactly six foot. I noticed something stir between my legs, as I was carefully examining Eva body.

“So were going to each pick one of you guys, that’s gonna share a cabin with us today, and each day we’re going to rotate, so don’t worry guys, you’ll get to know all of us well by the end of the week”, Eva winked at Zack at the end of her sentence, and Zack gulped. He wasn’t the type to get intimidated by a girls beauty, but Evas exotic look, just had him in a trance.

Suddenly Eva approached me, and I stood there frozen. “Hey there cutie, I think I’ll just snatch you up now, before the others take you. I’m a friend of your sister, Jessica. She showed me a picture of you, and asked me to… take extra good care of you.” Eva whispered the last part into my ear.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, her seductive voice had me on an invisible leash. I didn’t even get the chance to take a look at the other girls properly, before Eva signalled me to follow her with a flick a finger.

“Lets get to the cabin where I’ll explain this weeks agenda… Jacob right?” “Y-ye.. yeah I’m Jacob”, I stammered. “Nice, come with me.”

I followed her to the cabin leaving the other guys behind. I took one glance at Zack behind me, he was grinning, probably planning how he was going to have sex with the counsellors in the span of the week.

Eva led me to the cabin door and asked me to get inside and sit on the bed, and as I entered the cabin I noticed that she locked the door behind us. “Oh, don’t worry, we wouldn’t want any random campers coming in here, now would we honey?”, she said with a childish tone.

“Uh… yeah I agree”, I said hesitantly as I sat on the large double bed. “Uhh… is this the only bed here?”, I asked shyly.

“Yeah! You don’t have a problem sharing a bed with me do you?”, Eva asked back, while smiling wickedly.

“N.. No, no problem”


Eva removed her shoes revealing her tight black ankle socks. “Sure is great being the woods, huh Jacob. It reminds me of my home country. We’ve got forests everywhere.” Eva sat in the middle of the bed. “Come on, why are you sitting on the edge, get closer, just get comfortable. You’re going to be here for a week after all buddy.”

I shifted towards the middle of the large bed too, now facing Eva, completely mesmerized by her beauty. Her long blond hair, blue eyes, flawless skin, shapely body and not to mention her feet. Her feet… they were perfect. I was looking down at the outline of her socks, they were bigger than my own, and Eva was almost a head taller than me.

I noticed my dick getting stiff as I was looking at her gorgeous peds. “Hey, Jacob! You there?” Eva snapped me out of my trance.

“Sorry, I’m just a bit tired from the busride”, I lied.

“Oh, really, I’m kind of tired too. I went for a 10km jog before you guys came, my legs are killing me.”, Eva explained as she extended her legs towards me.

She dropped her feet on my thigh, while leaning back on her arms and sighing.

Her left foot landed square of my groin, and had she hit slightly to the left, I probably would have passed out, judging by how strong her legs were. Even my thigh felt sore at that point.

“Hey, could you massage me feet hun? I’m just sooo tired, I promise I’ll go easy on you during the camp if you help me out”, she asked nicely, and I was surprised as she was quite dominant in the start.

I obliged, it’s not like I had a choice, who could say no to a girl like that. There was something insanely arousing about the entire situation, an older woman asking me to massage her feet, mere minutes after meeting her. It definitely didn’t help that I was sporting a tent in shorts, only hoping Eva wouldn’t notice.

Eva laid on her back and let me go to work, and I have to admit, I was getting really into it. Her feet felt so good in my hands, and I was trying to impress her as best as I could. My hard cock still straining against my cotton shorts, but I figured Eva wouldn’t notice as she was lying on her back looking at her cellphone at this point.


I was starting to get ballsy, thinking she wouldn’t notice if I grazed my cock through my shorts, against her smooth socked feet. I would let her toe slightly touch my cockhead, and it felt amazing. Eva hadn’t noticed yet so just continued to get more and more daring.

While I was massaging her left foot, I put her right foot in my lap, right next to my cock. I could feel the entire length of her foot against my erect penis, trying my very best to stop it from throbbing against her sole, to avoid her noticing.

“I know you have a foot fetish.”

I jumped slightly, shocked at what I just heard.

“I know you have a foot fetish Jacob, and don’t worry”, she looked towards me, while stroking my dickhead through my shorts, with the heel of her foot. It was so soft, and I shuddered. “This hard cock here isn’t what revealed it to me, it was Jessica who told me.”

I realized that Jessica had ratted me out once again, and noticed myself feeling embarrassed. “How… What do you mean…? What has Jessica told you?” I wasn’t able to find the right words, and could notice my face getting redder.

“Oh, she told me everything, even that lovely footjob you paid her for last year” Eva purred at the word footjob, and my cock jumped, all whilst she continued to tease the tip of my cock with her delicious soles.

I was speechless.

“Oh and by the way, this isn’t your regular disciplinary camp, this is a ballbusting camp”

“Huh?”, I didn’t understand what she meant until she showed me with her actions.

Evas teasing ped left the head of my engorged penis, and instead she placed her heel on my balls. The rest of her foot rested against the entire length of my penis, however her feet were so big, that she was able to curl her toes around my cock head as well.

“You like that?” She asked teasingly.

I just nodded as I was frozen in place.

“How about now!?”, she screamed, whilst slowly grinding her heel harder and harder into my groin.

I went from discomfort, to actually nausea in the matter of seconds. This woman had complete control of me, and that too with only her feet. I wasn’t able to speak, the pain had gotten too much, and I felt like I would pass out soon.

After about a minute or so, she retracted her foot, and lashed it once hard against my balls.

I let out a silenced scream, and crumbled into a pile of broken masculinity on the bed at her socked feet.

Whilst gasping for air, I heard Eva talking to me.

“Wow, you did well, you actually held out longer than my younger brother back home, though he is four years younger than you.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. She subjected her brother back in Norway that was almost half her age to this kind of unbearable ball torture… Just what kind of sadistic sister was this girl I was with.

“Our disciplinary methods are a bit, what should I say… alternative, to common practices”. Eva said, as she laughed at my crumpled up body, rolling in pain on the bed. “But you’re lucky your sister asked me to go easy on you, what I just did there, that’s all the pain my feet are going to deal you pathetic little testicles today. Had I really wanted to, I could have popped your baby-makers in the matter of seconds”

I gulped, and was terrified at what I was hearing, but remained silent, or rather, was still incapable of speech.

“But I’m warning you, the rest of the girls here aren’t really that fond of your sister to be honest, they all had a crush on her current boyfriend, Lars, and secretly talk about her behind her back. If they find out you’re her brother. They probably will actually castrate you in the span of this week.”

As Eva continued to explain, I slowly regained consciousness, and began to realize what kind of situation I was in.

“I feel sorry for your buddy Zack by the way, Nicole said she wanted him tonight, and she’s the most sadistic of us all.”

I looked at Eva, with a look that almost said that I didn’t believe her. That was partially true, as I couldn’t imagine anyone being more sadistic than the girl sitting right in front of me.

“Oh Jacob boy, you don’t trust me?” she said with a cute but seductive voice.

“Here let me prove it to you”, Eva said as she gripped my shorts and took them off me in a matter of seconds.

“Wow, impressive, your cock is almost as big as my little brothers.”

I couldn’t believe it, that kid had a bigger dick than me.

“Nothing I’m not familiar with though, in Norway you would probably be tiny compared to the guys there”, Eva continued, making sure to destroy anything that was left of my self-esteem.

Eva then placed her foot on my face, making me inhale the smell of her feet. “Enjoying that foot little perv? You sure were enjoying my feet during that massage you were giving me. I saw how stiff you got. Your hard cock was practically pointing towards your own face.” Eva laughed to herself. “I guess you really did get too hard for me.”

My cock stood to her attention as she continued teasing me with her playful words.

“Oh what do we have here?”


She removed her foot from my face and on the way down noticed my large cock sticking straight out in from of me. She removed her socks, and threw it on the bed. I couldn’t believe my own eyes as I saw her bare foot. It was perfect, not a single blemish, perfect toes, perfect nails and smooth insteps. My cock began to wag, like the tail of a dog excited to see its owner.

“You were pretty good holding out under my foot for an entire minute, aren’t many guys out there that can take it from me”.

Instinctively I thanked her, not really understanding myself why I thanked her for a remark like that.  

“Your sister and I have a lot in common, you know”, Eva began.

“What do you mean”, I asked.

“Well… we enjoy rewarding our little brothers in the same way”, she said while smiling wickedly.

I knew where this was going now, flashbacks of my sister Jessica coursed through my mind.

Eva spread her long toes and grabbed my cock like a warm, friendly hand while gracefully caressing the base of my cock with the other foot. Her grip was so strong and her toes so nimble, that I immediately felt a warm surge in my cock as my balls tightened in preparation for an orgasm. She looked me right in the eyes as she picked up the pace of her strong two-toed footjob technique.

"When I was younger, the younger boys in my High School that I tutored would marvel at my beauty. If I liked the boy, I would give him a private lesson after class ... this technique would always get them to cum quickly." She informed me as she slid this tight two-toe lock deep into the base of my erection and then back to the tip again. 

She changed her position and now used both her insteps on either side of my hard cock. Her grip was so tight it almost hurt but her skin was soft and silky, and she used her feet like such a pro, it felt heavenly.


"I use to play this game, I'd time myself on how long it would take me to masturbate a boy between the soles of my feet ... my record was twelve seconds," she added. “The poor think had just experienced four or five strokes when he starting spurting his milk out his pathetic weak cock.” While she was working my cock over with her soles, my legs started to weaken as my inevitable orgasm neared.

"I'll bet you've never had a sexy blonde angel with feet like this masturbate you so well ... you love having my warm silky soles wrapped around your cock. Don’t you?" exclaimed Eva.

I was stuck in my position and couldn’t move, she had me. She absolutely had me. I was in her utter control. Her tanned legs were so strong, yet so nimble and flexible, and her feet had a strong grip around my now almost bursting cock.

With that, she moved in for the kill sliding her molten grip to the head of my throbbing penis in what felt like a vice grip on my tender, sensitive dick head. She then with a lot of force slid her feet all the way down, and at that moment I began to spurt stream after stream of my nutmilk. 

Because her grip was so tight, cum streamed in a jet all over the room but mostly all over Evas feet and ankles. She seemed to like it and continued yanking the last bit of cum out of me with her lovely ped.

She continued with this post-orgasm torture for a bit, to the point where I couldn’t take it anymore, and then finally let her dominant grip around my cock go. I fell on my back in the bed and began to breathe heavily.

Eva pulled her face in front of mine and gave me a little kiss on the cheek. “That’s for holding out a whole five minutes between my soft feet, not many guys can attest to being able to do that.”

I smiled at her. I was in love.

Without warning, Eva rammed her knee into my unsuspecting balls.

I screamed and my eyes bulged out. The sheer force of the blow knocked the wind out of me, and my balls were tender to begin with.

“…and that’s because I hate seeing boys enjoying themselves. I’d much rather see you crying on the ground clutching your worthless marbles, than seeing you cum and in bliss.”

I thought she wouldn’t kick me in the balls anymore, I didn’t understand what was going on.

As if Eva read my mind she answered immediately, “Oh, and by the way, I only said I wouldn’t dish out more pain on your balls using my feet, that was technically a knee, and you should expect plenty of them to come.” Eva giggled as she sat up from the bed and was on her way out.

“We’re going out for activities now little Jacob, you can’t stay in bed touching your dick all day now can you”, she said, as she mocked the way I was still clutching my groin.

I sat there frozen, scared, emasculated, and turned on all at the same time. It all felt so surreal.

“Oh and by the way, you’re staying with Janet tomorrow, her nickname is The Nutcracker, wish you good luck”. That was the last thing I heard from Eva before she walked out the cabin door. Her ass in those tight shorts of hers, bounced with each step, as she giggled her way out of the cabin. Even in my state of pain, I could not help but getting erect at the sight of her perfect body.

So there I laid in the bed, unsure if my testicles would survive a week at camp…


To be continued.

Views: 539

Replies to This Discussion

Amazing story, combined ballbusting and footjob - love it!!!

Yeah, really like this as well, look forward to the next part.  Also like the pic of the girl, any idea who this model is?

Love it. Can't wait for the next chapter.

Good start, welcome to the forum!



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