It's the old question- are we born with this or did we learn it (or a bit of both)?

I'd always assumed it was something shaped by life experiences, but I'm not so sure these days. I discovered it through TV and movies and a lucky moment or two when I was younger. However, I recently noticed that my sister will blatantly ball tap her boyfriend (or threaten to if he's getting out of line). It usually happens when they're drinking together. Might have been nothing, but it made me wonder if there was a genetic component to the issue. Now I never had any busts or even threats of busts in my family, so I hadn't even considered this before. I'm curious if anyone else with siblings has noticed that their brother/sister might also share interests along these lines.

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I think all couples do that
And even if that's not the case, you have are from the same house, so you got many similar experiences

I was definitely not born that way. It were some experiences during my childhood that evoked my interest in bb and female dominance in general. Up to that moments I was the total opposite. A natural born macho turned into a submissive femdom lover by some girls in our school.

I haven't seen any interest in ballbusting from my siblings, but then they dont know of my interest in it either.

What I can say for certain is that nothing in my childhood could have caused me to develop this fetish. My sisters never busted me and I went to a Christian school where male-female interaction was pretty "regulated", so nothing ever happened in those areas.

So I assume its nature, for me anyway.
Without trying to sound to scientific Yeh I’d say your definitely born with a predisposition for the fetish to develop in your brain. it’s seems to me the same as sexual interests in general like whether you prefer blondes or brunettes, light skin girls or dark skin girls you don’t choose what you like or desire. It’s just the way your brain has developed that gives you these preferences there’s nothing you can do about it.

Even if there is a triggering moment that sticks in your mind as to what made you aware you like a particular fetish like Harald said happened to him, The disposition for the fetish has to be in your brain/subconscious anyway because what stops the triggering moment going the other way and you being hit in the nuts and hating it and never wanting to be hit again like most people. But the chemicals in our brains just react differently and tell us we like it for some reason.

I had a great kink friendly therapist once so I asked him about nature vs nurture. In his opinion it was both. You might have a predisposition for it, combined with very early experiences. If this were true in my case then I was too young to remember. I was doodling cbt/bb comics when I was like 5. Oh, and I did not have a TV, and was in a sheltered religious community at the time (not now). TBH I think nature vs nurture debates are kinda outdated in general, but with BB:

My take on it is like Dez's: If an experience "gets" you into ballbusting then why would 200 other people having the same experience as you not get into ballbusting? 

Short answer: you're probably predisposed to it.



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