I was in my underwear, watching myself in the mirror as I buttoned up my Hawaiian shirt. My girlfriend, Katrina walked in wearing an evening gown, putting on her earrings. “Oh my god.” She said. “Are you seriously planning on wearing that? How many times have I told you that I hate that shirt? Take it off.”


“I think it’s nice.” I replied.


Without another word she slipped her hand in through the leg of my underwear and took hold of my balls. She expertly coiled her fingers around my testicles and started to squeeze. My hands dropped from my shirt to cover myself but it was no use. “Honey,” She said as I slowly doubled over. “Take. The shirt. Off.”


“Yes baby.” I said in a fearful, tenor voice. I was hoping for immediate relief but I knew it wouldn’t come.


“And next time.” She said as she yanked my nuts further from my body. “When I tell you to do something.” She brushed my hands away. “You do it.” With that she sent her fist down like a hammer on top of my balls. I yelped and fell to the floor. She released my plums and allowed me to writhe on the ground. She went back to fixing her earrings. “When you’re ready to get up, you can go get me a glass of wine.” She said as she looked down on me in distain. “Or I’ll beat your nuts even harder.”


I knew this wasn’t an empty threat, and I knew she didn’t expect me to take my time. I struggled to my feet and limped out the door. “Good boy.” She said as I exited the room. I hurried to her wine fridge, poured her a glass and hurried back. “Ah.” She sighed. “Much better. Now aren’t things so much easier after I crack those eggs of yours.” She gave a quick chortle.


“Yes dear.” I said limply. I took off my shirt and went to my closet. It took three different shirts and many more threats to my testicles before she was satisfied with my attire. When we were ready we drove to a nice restaurant nearby to meet some friends, Lisa and John.


- - -


A few beers in, I was telling a not so flattering story. “Turns out the fish wasn’t such a good choice.” I said while Karina stared me down. “She got food poisoning and ended up throwing up all over the boardwalk!” Lisa, John and I burst out laughing. “I think some splashed on a little kid.” We were all dying of laughter, but Katrina didn’t find it so funny.


She laid her hand gently on my thigh. “Oh honey,” She said. “You do tell the funniest stories.” Her hand then slithered deeper down between my legs. With little effort she located my left ball and clamped down on it. My laughter was cut off and my eyes bugged out. The pain was quick and sharp, but I tried to conceal it.


“Uh oh.” John said. “Looks like someone else has food poisoning now.” I tried to speak through the ache in my abdomen but all that escaped my lips was pained gasps. “Woah, are you okay dude?” John said, now showing genuine concern. I nodded, but it was not very convincing.


“Oh honey…” Katrina said as she patted my arm with her free hand. “Are you not feeling well, here let me take you to the bathroom. She released my nuggets and I breathed a sigh of relief, but she quickly picked me up to my feet and led me away from the table. As soon as we were out of sight she reclaimed her grip on my manhood. “I’ll show you to mock me.” She said through gritted teeth.


She stomped off, testicles in hand and I was forced to follow her. She burst through the swinging doors of the kitchen and led me, but my junk, past all the kitchen staff. I could tell they wanted to say something but they were so surprised by the situation that they just let us pass. We exited though the back door, which led out to an alley.


“How dare you!” She shouted releasing my aching jewels. My poor battered balls only got a few seconds respite before her foot shot out to connect with my package. They were already so sore that I crumpled to the ground immediately. “How dare you tell that story in front of Lisa and John?” She said as she circled me.


“Open!” She commanded. I knew that she wanted me to open my legs and present my nuts to her, but I just couldn’t will myself to do it. “OPEN!” She said, this time much angrier. I recognized this tone, and I knew that the best thing to do was comply. I reluctantly rolled onto my back and spread my legs wide.


“Please…” I begged. “Be gentle.”


“Ha, gentle?” She laughed. “Maybe you should have thought of being gentle when you were telling that story.” She lifted up her foot and stomped down hard on my balls. I shut my eyes and tried to close my legs but her foot was already there. She ground her foot back and forth, squishing the beans trapped underneath.


“Now look.” She said as she pulled her foot away and squatted down beside me. She went to work undoing my fly. She reached in and pulled out my two most prized possessions. There I was, in the back alley of a restaurant, nuts exposed to the open air, clutched in the hand of a sadistic girlfriend, on the verge of tears.


“See these,” She said as she shook my gonads at me. “As long as you’re with me, you relinquish them to me, got it?” I nodded helplessly. “And I’ll do whatever I want with them.” She hammered her fist down onto them, causing me to yelp. “Got it?” I nodded again.


“But right now, we need to get back to dinner.” She said. A glimmer of hope grew across my face. “But don’t think that I’ll forget by the time we get back tonight.” She said. “These guys have got a long night ahead of them.” I nodded again. “Good.” She said and she dropped my balls. “Come on.” She said. “Don’t make me wait.” And she walked off. I did the best I could to leap to my feet, and as I chased after her, I stuffed my aching balls back into my pants.


The rest of the dinner went on normally, and we didn’t speak much about our brief absence or the strange expressions on my face. As we drove home, I was in constant fear of what would happen later…

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I would like to date a girl like this, for a month tops lol



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