Survey; Guys, which female celebrity do you want to kick your balls?

Guys, which female celebrity do you want to kick your  balls?
Give a top 5! The order is also important! 1st is the one you prefer most


for those who are slow thinkers; "if you have 5 minutes to think of 5 female celebs to enter your door to come to bust your balls.. who would you pick"

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Gal Gadot is a great choice. I imagine the Israeli military made her a tough kicker :D

Her IMDb profile indicates she is trained in martial arts. Dropping or even decimating one of us would be EASY for her. 5'10. She is one to be respected.

I forget which women I chose for this, but I definitely want to add Elisha Cuthbert and Gal Gadot in there somewhere. =D

1 -Nicki Minaj

2 - Chiqui Rivera

3 - Kate Upton

4 - Scarlett Johansson

5 - Beyonce

Very good pick with Kate Upton, she's gorgeous! =D

ANY Female Icelandic Crossfit athlete

Scarlett Johansson

Charlize Theron

Gal Gadot

Selma Hayak

1. Olivia Munn (my god can she kick - )

2. Mia Khalifa (i don't think she'd hold back)

4. Arianny Celeste (she would wreck you)

3. Sara Underwood

5. Arianna Grande

this was tough to pick. i think it's the kind of list that you could change your mind about, daily.

Very good picks! Especially 2, 4, and 3 (did you mean to put 3 after 4, by the way?)!

Ha nope, just a typo, sorry! they are listed in the correct order but the typo is on the numbering.

This was much harder than I thought! I narrowed mine to strictly A-listers to simplify it a bit.

1. Jessica Alba

2. Scarlett Johansson

3. Nina Dobrev

4. Megan Fox

5. Jennifer Lawrence

Hmm. I'm maybe a little older than some of the others that have commented. 

1. Cameron Diaz

2. Jessica Simpson

3. Eva Mendes

4. Kristen Bell

5. Holly Holm & Ronda Rousey (tag team)

Firstly, thank you for introducing me to Damaris Lopez, because just... wow.

And second, I completely agree with you about Scarlett Johansson, she is in-*cred*-ibly hot as Black Widow. Although, I'm not sure that I remember as many of her ballbusts as you do, can you tell me which ones you were thinking of, please? The only one that comes to mind is the rabbit punch she delivers to that Hammer Industries security guard as she slides between his legs. 



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