Guys, on a scale of 1 to 5, where would you place yourself in your ability to to absorb ball busts:
1. Even the slightest flick or tap and I'm ready to puke.
2. One good shot and I am done
3. I get dropped with a good hit, but can get up for one more
4. I can take a solid beating for a while, but have my limits
5. I can pretty much take full force kicks as long as I want
I see lots of guys in these videos who seem to be fours and fives.
I too would put myself at a 5 - and I am not bragging at all, I actually hate it - but for some reason, maybe too many years of ballbusting, I just seem to be able to take a lot of kicks without ever having to give up (and there's at least one lady member here who can confirm this!). As long as I am expecting it, I can take a lot. Surprise busts are another thing entirely.
Honestly, though, I wish I was much, much more sensitive. I do so enjoy that gut wrenching pain that goes along with a good ball shot, and they way it lingers for a long while. Don't get me wrong, I do get the pain, it's just that it takes a lot of effort to get that drop-to-the-ground effect.
If I could, I would go back to being a 2 or a 3.
So my question is: Where do you rank yourself, and would you change your number if you could?