Hey everyone, I'm getting asked alot of the same questions so I thought id start an interview

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has your perspective changed at all since joining sites like this? 

No it hasn't changed in the slightest
That's awesome, do you get a lot of chats and mails? Curious as to how it is for a woman on here

What was the worst squeezing u have ever done? How did he react and how long did u have him by the balls? 

I'm not sure on the worst by a squeeze but, the one that I like the most is when me and my ex was out eating and I thought it would be funny so see how long I could squeeze his balls for. It was about 5-6 minutes before someone heard his moans lucky they didn't see lol

this must have felt like an eternity to him ;) how did he react?

He was trying to get my hand of his balls then started moaning I couldn't help but laugh

how hard have u been squeezing (1-10)? 

Not to hard I was squeezing about a 5 6 maybe
Surprisingly he wasn't in tears......I was grabbed once in high school. ...I had tears. She only held me for a couple of minutes.....then it seemed like forever.

so,tell us about some incident of kneeing in the balls.

One time a friend of mine tried it on with me when i had a bf so to let him know he didnt have a chance i gave him a solid lnee, he was down for a minute or two sadly i think the alcohol helped with his pain



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