Hey friends! I've gotten a couple of the girls in the bar I work at to start busting my buddy. And we want to start making videos but aren't sure how to get started. Any tips? Advice? Once we make them where do we post them? Here? Other places?

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Pay attention to the camera angles, my first videos kind of failed because I didn't pay much attention to it and there was no cameraperson. If there's no cameraperson, put the camera on the floor from an upwards angle or on a table. Filming directly from the side is the best. Check how big the frame is.

You should upload to Vimeo, because Youtube keeps removing ballbusting. You can embed the Vimeo video here with the link. Also, keep in mind that what you post here can be captured and posted elsewhere. "What you put in the Internet, stays in the Internet". Nevertheless, hope to see videos from you!


I would love to see some extended squeezing ;)

If everyone's clothed, this is a great place to post them because you're sure of an appreciative audience.  I second Kulkuset's suggestion of uploading on Vimeo and then embedding here.  YouTube videos seem to get yanked more.  Whatever you do, we'd love to see it!

Why does everyone always go right to "you can make money at this?"  If you talk to some of the people who've set up shops, you'd know that it's a lot of work trying to get anyone to pay attention to your particular shop and turn any real profit.  Sure, you can make money at it, but then it would just be another job.  This is a community of sharing, not of locking things away and charging.

Well said smack. I've had endless pleasure from your earlier videos with your partner.

Are there any recent ones anywhere?
Yeah, we definitely want to make some for fun videos just to share here and play around ourselves.

But also...

That actually sounds amazing! We are all bartenders in various states of putting ourselves through college, paying off loans or single moms. It would be awesome to turn our down time activity into extra income! Does anyone know more about how to do that? Help a girl out :)
My buddy didn't go for the clown paint unfortunately. ;)

But that guide you shared is awesome! We are going to start filming in the next week or two than we'll see how long editing and stuff takes, none of us girls have done this before. We'll post clips on C4S but also a few exclusives for here ;)

You should be shooting video with the main light source behind the camera. You should never have a bright light source in the frame.

If its during the day, keep the sun behind the camera. If you're indoors, have the windows behind the camera.

At night when there's no natural outdoor lighting available, do the same but with whatever indoor lighting you have.

The idea is to have light hit subjects but not the camera lens. If there is a big source of light in front of the camera, behind your subjects, it will be harder to see what is happening since your subjects will be silhouetted.

Best of luck to you.

If you are going to use Clips for Sale (C4S) or any other pay site make sure you get your legal ducks in a row first. If anyone is naked you need to have proof of age on file for everyone to establish they were over 18 at the time. You also need a model release. The second item you can find easily with a Google search. For the record keeping requirements I would see if there is an info page on C4S and see if they tell you exactly what to do. Have fun and be safe.

Any update on how your clips are coming along??



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