The Wood Elf & the Daemon

Aryula parried the swordstrike and twisted round, bringing her small axe to bear on the massive daemon. Sweat poured from her forehead threatening to obscure her vision but she daren’t wipe her brow least she fall victim to the beast’s wicked longsword. She ducked beneath another blow and rolled forward, swinging her axe up she clipped the daemon’s black metal codpiece, sending it spiralling off into the woods. The daemon bellowed in rage and swung his huge sword down in an arc. Aryula jumped over the swipe but landed badly, sprawled on the forest floor. Quickly she muttered some old elfish lore and rolled over as the sword blade came crashing down into the earth beside her. She saw out of the corner of her eye the tree branches begin to swirl and flurry to her commands. Aryula kept up the chanting, desperately side-stepping as the beast sought to cleave her in two. Then, as the monster swung its arm back to poise for another strike, she was glad to see the branches of the nearest tree flow downwards and twist themselves around the huge wrist. The daemon looked at the branches in disgust, but before he could act branches and roots from other trees flowed up to restrain his remaining arms and feet, securing him tightly in their strong grip.

The daemon twisted his head round and bellowed in fury at the little wood elf, the huge sword fell from his hand as smaller branches forced themselves between his fingers. Aryula pulled herself off the ground into a kneeling position and gazed at the captive daemon, it had been a close fight but now she was relatively safe again. As she began to recover, her eyesight was immediately drawn to something dangling between the daemon’s legs, then Aryula recalled her axe catching the codpiece. Could daemons really have reproductive organs? She had never thought about it before, of course there were stories of the dark forces indulging in unspeakable orgies out in the badlands, but this beast seemed too horrific to be able to mate or even be concerned about sex. Curiosity urging her on, the wood elf crawled forward for a better look.

The daemon roared down at the little wood elf with fire in his eyes, as if sensing her curiosity. His body was covered in black armor with only small patches of blotched, pale skin showing between the joints. Once he must have been a man but some nefarious evil had warped and mutated him into a monster. As the elf crawled closer she saw that he did have reproductive organs, his penis was an impressive size with long, dark patches blotched onto the pale skin, reminders of some terrible burns received from centuries before.

Aryula’s gaze moved to his testes, they were swollen and the skin around them appeared a dark grey color. She reached up with her slender hand to touch them but the daemon growled dangerously. She looked up into his face and the demented creature hissed at her, revealing a long, forked tongue and sharp teeth. Feeling suddenly annoyed, she reached up and grapped his testes, squeezing them hard. The creature bellowed out in pain and tried to wriggle free, but the trees held him in place and Aryula’s hands only tightened when he tried to struggle. Then, to her horror, she noticed the penis begin to rise.

Aryula let go and sat back disgusted, the daemonic warrior appeared to actually enjoy being hurt. She watched in awe as the thick shaft continued to rise and then point out directly at her, she had never seen one so big. It made sense in a way, she thought, a creature who lived for hurting others would probably enjoy being hurt itself. Perhaps this might offer an opportunity for revenge?

Aryula adjusted her green tunic to allow a better view of her pert breasts, then, grinning evilly, she pulled a thin dagger from her boot. Grabbing the creature’s shaft she looked up into his eyes and played the dagger tip against his testes, slowly dragging it along the length of his girth. The daemon roared out in anger at the sensation and desperately tried to twist away, but the branches held him firmly in place.

Aryula felt the flesh throbbing in her hand and knew that her threat was having an effect. Slowly she reached the engorged tip of the creature’s penis and dabbed the point of her dagger gently against the small opening. For a moment the little elf considered slamming the dagger home, up to the hilt, and leaving the monster screaming in agony. The thought made her wet, it would be a slow and entertaining death no doubt, but she knew she could have more fun than that. She slipped her dagger into her belt and ran her hands along the massive shaft, squeezing and teasing as she went. It was certainly a very impressive piece, and how many other mortals had ever seen a daemon’s part?

Ever since the Mad Queen had shown a fondness for collecting the more sensitive bits of her prisoners after a battle there had been a market. It was rumored that the noblewomen were particularly keen to follow royal fashion. Aryula remembered her first time, it had been after the battle of Sturmwolf when the Wood Elves had vanquished the cavalry of the neighbouring kingdom. They had made the mistake of entering the forest and a great ambush had been set. The boy she’d caught had been barely out of his teens and at first she had felt sorry for him, but then the natural cruelty of her race took over.

Almost certainly a virgin, he had reacted in the usual way when she had tied him to the old oak tree and pulled down his riding breeches to expose his modesty. He had been small and his cheeks had blushed a bright crimson color when she giggled at the sight. He didn’t stay small for long though, mused Aryula, the touch of her soft hands upon his member had caused it to bounce up almost immediately. She loved making boys hard, it was her favorite thing in the world, the way it wobbled awkwardly around and the silly look on their face… Her second favorite thing was teasing and tormenting their stiffness. She had certainly done that, thought Aryula, she had shown him things rarely seen and done things which would have made the gods of passion blush and the painted town girls protest. The poor lad remained painfully erect throughout the ordeal as she tugged and pinched and played and probed. All the while she never let him squirt his seed, it went on for hours.

By the end his screaming had become sobs and eventually he become a jabbering wreck. It had all been part of the plan though, the small mercy to distract him from her final task. When the boy was hysterical, his testes had tightened and the head was an angry red she had finally released the floodgates. The orgasm had been a particularly violent one, most likely a combination of his first time and so much seed, the fact that she had squeezed so hard to milk all the juices may also have something to do with it. At the apex of his distraction she had removed the erect appendage with one quick swipe of her dagger. The look on his face as she dangled the still squirting member in front of him was one of the funniest she had ever seen. Erect ones were worth more than soft ones though, in a way she had been forced to do it. She healed the wound with her healing powers but left the rest of his parts intact out of spite, that way the lad would retain his urges but have no way, other than his bottom, of satisfying them. A suitable punishment for trying to invade the Elven Woods, she thought.

The musky smell of the daemon’s groin brought her back to reality, she had received a hefty price for the lad’s member so a daemon’s one should provide her with plenty of gold. She was about to take her prize there and then, but then the natural cruelty of her race instinctively stopped her. This would be an opportune moment to torment the daemon, and how many mortals could boast of doing that?

Aryula waved her hand so that the tree roots reached up to attach themselves do the daemon’s arms, as the branches released their grip the roots pulled him down so that he lay spreadeagle on the forest floor, his swollen member poked up in the air like the trunk of a small sapling. Aryula sat across the daemon’s broad chest and leaned forward to look down into his fiery eyes. He hissed at her and the flames flickered, perhaps it was a sign of fear? Growing ever more confident she decided to humiliate him. Aryula slipped her breeches down and exposed her pretty little bottom, then she spread her cheeks apart and sat on the daemon’s face. The Elves were well known to be the most perverted race but people rarely got to see their private parts. The sight and scent drove the beast wild.

Aryula saw the huge member throbbing madly as she wriggled her bottom on his face, the foreskin had slipped back revealing a swollen black head oozing a dark liquid. Suddenly she felt a wet probing around her posterior, the beast was using its long tongue to taste her. Aryula gasped and spread her cheeks wider as the long tongue swirled around the lips of her hole, it was almost as long and thick as an elf’s part. The beast pushed its long tongue further out like a gecko, delving into her and then flicking upwards inside. After a while Aryula’s legs started to tremble, if he kept this up she would lose control. “Aaaaaaah, aaaaaaaaaah” she cried as she approached the edge.

As suddenly as it had begun the sensation stopped and a loud hiss told her that the daemon had been playing with her. Anger filled Aryula’s mind at the cunning trick, she was just about to jam her dagger into his most sensitive part when she felt the tongue probe a smaller, tighter hole. Her face blushed intensely at the indignity, no-one ever entered such a place of their own accord.

Before she could protest further the daemon plunged its tongue rudely into the elf’s bottom, forcing the hole to open wide around the thick muscle. Aryula felt her heart flutter and it slipped deeper inside. The daemon felt the elf’s bottom contract as he violated her in the most embarrassing manner, she was clearly enjoying it. The beast unrolled his tongue all the way and then moved a roll of muscle up and down the length. Aryula grunted, the feeling was incredible and her tight hole spasmed in response. She reached forward and started to rub herself in time to the daemon’s thrusts. “Oh gods, oh gods!” She cried as she bounced up and down on the daemon’s face.

It would have been a curious thing to witness if a traveller had happened upon the forest clearing at that moment, no-where in all the chronicles of the land had such an act taken place. Aryula felt an unstoppable heat build up inside her. The sight of the beast’s horse-like appendage and the thoughts of torment had left her yearning for release. Now this humiliation was proving too much and she was losing control.

The beast pulled its tongue back and then thrust it in again several times in quick succession. “Aaaaaaargh! Aaaaaaaaaaargh!” Cried Aryula as she tipped over the edge. “Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!”

The daemon felt her bottom contract tightly as the little elf sat down on his face shivering and trembling. He slowly released his tongue and hissed a small laugh at the elf, knowing that her moment had been a big one. Aryula pulled her breeches up at glared at the daemon as he laughed mockingly, it had been a dirty trick by act and nature. Nevermind, she thought, she would have the last laugh. Sensing the sudden danger as the elf approached his penis the daemon stopped and craned his neck up to watch. Arryula smiled back at him and dabbled her fingertips up and down the length of his shaft, the daemon grunted as the small hands started slowly jerking the skin back and forth.

Looking down Aryula noticed that the beast’s dark testes lay between his legs on the forest floor, they appeared as large as oranges. Smiling evilly she gave them a soft kick, this seemed to get his attention. The daemon grunted as Aryula toyed her foot around the large balls, she felt the shaft throb, providing guilty evidence of enjoyment. She knew she had him now and vengeance would be sweet. Aryula jerked her hands up and down the length of the shaft several times before squeezing the engorged head. She saw the daemon’s legs begin to shake as she drew her leg back and kicked him hard in the groin.

The beast gave an almighty roar and Aryula giggled as she continued to squeeze the head of his penis, relishing the power she had over him. The wood elf continued to masturbate and torment the beast until the shadows began to grow longer. Each time the beast became more desperate for release and each time the kick was harder. She was enjoying herself. Finally Aryula decided it was time to finish her work, the daemon was panting and his hiss was at a slightly higher pitch, the long shaft and testes were covered in even more, darker blotches, the shaft was now so stiff she thought it might burst.

Aryula ran her finger up the shaft and then delicately around the rim of the head, giving it a gentle flick. She looked into the daemon’s fiery eyes and smiled. They had turned into a blue flame rather than yellow, a sign of desperation perhaps? She blew gently on the sensitive head. “You poor thing” she purred. “I bet even the hellmaidens don’t do things like this.” Aryula started moving her hands rhythmically up and down the length of the beast’s penis again, she felt the rush of blood and saw his testes begin to tighten, now would be a good time.

With one violent yank she dragged the foreskin back as far as possible and then stamped down hard on the daemon’s dark balls with her foot. A loud shriek filled the air and the daemon arced its back as gallons of dark seed spurted forth like a small fountain. Looking at the creature’s demonic face she could have sworn it had gone cross-eyed.

Aryula reached into her belt and pulled out her dagger, kneeling down she cut into the foul beast’s thick girth to claim her prize. The daemon was too full of frenzy and pain to realize what was happening, it was only when the shaft had been separated and cruelly waved in front of his face that he knew something was wrong.

“I’ve got something that belongs to you!” Cooed Aryula. “But it’s mine now!” She grinned. The daemon hissed at her and surged against the restraining roots. “There there” teased Aryula. “That’s really no way to behave, is it?” She whacked the daemon in his face with the thick member and laughed. “I’ll get a pretty penny for this one I think” she said. “Maybe the Mad Queen herself will buy it?”

With that the pretty little elf walked off into the forest with the strange prize sloped over her shoulder. She left the daemon tied and screaming, the forest animals will finish him off or over a few days his hellfires would burn out, either way she was triumphant again. It was unwise to cross blades with a wood elf.


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Replies to This Discussion

Thanks Jimmy, I've written some other stories too but this is my first fantasy one, I always appreciate feedback so thank you for replying:)

My favorite phrase in this story is "providing guilty evidence of enjoyment" and the concept of edging as torture made this a fun read.

Thank you for the effort, Debby



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