Hello Everyone,

         As I look back on my old interview, which was originally posted in 2014, I realized that a lot of my views and opinions and experiences have changed over the years. I have grown more confident and comfortable with myself, and with that so has my Ball busting. I am deciding to start another interview for you guys, so we can get reacquainted and so I can give the new members of the site a chance to ask the questions that they would like to ask. All I ask is that you be respectful to me and I will tell you whatever you want to know. If you cant then don't bother me. That being said I look for forward to the engagement. :)

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How does it feel knowing your busting experience has gotten so extensive that one interview isn't enough? :)

LOL Well It feels awesome. I have learned a lot over the years and I have hit a peak that I have never have before. I feel like a ball busting goddess these days. My Ball busting has taken on a whole new meaning in our lives. The dynamic of my relationship has changed a lot because it, and has empowered me in ways that could never imagine.

Can you describe how the dynamic of your relationship has changed? 

I control most of it now, I am a mother, a wife, the woman of the house, and I am basically his mistress now ;) I own him. I am his dominat. The irony behind it is that he isn't a submissive person unless its me. I have learned though that between us I am the alpha. I own him :)

What has been your favorite thing that happened here on KITG since joining the site?

My favorite ? To much to tell. I have learned so much from the people on this site, you guys are partly the reason I am who I am. This place has opened my mind so much and has taught me to take power and own it. :)

It is really cool that you've reached that higher level.  I have really enjoyed watching as my wife has become much more self-confident and assertive.  Not bossy.  Comfortable, confident, capable. It's sexy as hell. 

Thank you swo, you understand. That is how I feel how I have become.

hi mel, Thanks for doing the interview again and share.

do you use ballbusting as leverage to get what you want in a regular basis.?

Does he fear you more with steel toed boots than barefoot or with flip flops?

As a matter of fact, I do use ball busting to get what I want, lately more so then not. Lol I think any man would fear steel toe boots. He just knows to fear me regardless of what I am wearing.

have you ever (in a public situation) had to use like subtle signs to him that if he keeps behaving a certain way he will get busted?

had you busted him in public without everyone notice it?

Lol yes I give signs and warnings all the time. If he is being an ass hole, I tell them that he is going to pay for it later. Catch him checking out another woman, I will sac tap his balls real quick and hard to let him know I caught him, and he knows there is more to come later. If we are in a real public place, I will just glance down to his nuts and give him the eyebrow and little smile. He says I get a twinkle in my eye when he knows what I am think about.

I have busted him in Public before, its all about the right timing. Example: We went out to the movies one night and he was checking out all the young beautiful woman. When we got into the theater, it was pretty empty, we end up having the whole top row to ourselves. I Reached into his pocket and gathered up one of his balls in my hand and starting squeezing it hard. Needless to say that he wasn't really able to pay attention to the first 20 minutes of the movie. I always find the right time to bust his balls. ;)



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