A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Boogie Down Town
Kick-in-the-Pants Central
As Daniel joined approached the table in the dining hall where a bunch of his friends had congregated, he was glad to see that Brittany had saved him a seat next to her. She was his new girlfriend and they were still in that silly stage in their relationship where they just couldn't get enough of each other. It didn't hurt that she also looked sexy as all get out. She was a very pretty blond with long legs, wide hips, a small waist, and a very nice chest. Daniel felt very lucky that she was his girlfriend and had no doubt that some of their other friends were jealous of him for landing the busty blond. As he sat down, she gave him a smile and he smiled back broadly. After he sat down, she slid her chair a little closer to his, so that their legs were touching and he felt a thrill. The conversation at the table was already well in progress.
"Have you done Disco mode yet? You just do that Tavolta pointing move over and over again for the whole three minutes and it unlocks disco mode."
"Of course! Have you unlocked Lawnmower man mode? You just have to do the lawnmower all the way through five times during one free dance session to unlock it."
They were clearly talking about Boogie Down Town, the popular new motion sensor game. He and Brittany had been playing it a lot, actually. He had more been hoping that they'd have some actual sex, but Brittany hadn't quite been comfortable with that at this point in their relationship. Heck, she had only let him unhook her bra a couple of times and hadn't taken her shirt off yet. Instead, they'd just make out for a while and then play some Boogie Down Town to work off their sexual frustrations. Brittany had gotten really into it. They had already unlocked both Disco mode and Lawnmower mode plus a few others. Basically, you just would play in free dance mode and then do some particular move enough and it would unlock a new mode.
Chuck jumped into the conversation next. Daniel cringed a little whenever Chuck opened his mouth because it almost always was something about sex. His mind just always seemed to be in the gutter. "Did you guys hear about Boin-Boin mode? Apparently, they don't publicize it, but the sensor can track boob motion too, so you just take your bra off and bounce around a bunch and it unlocks Boin-Boin mode."
"Why's it called Boin-Boin mode?" Brittany asked. Daniel also cringed a little at that. Brittany was very book smart, but she was kind of gullible. She tended to accept anything people told her at face value. Daniel felt pretty sure that this mode was just something Chuck made up to be able to talk about jiggling breasts.
"That's the sound that Japanese people use for bouncing boobs in comic books," Chuck answered.
"So, how did you unlock Boin-Boin mode, Chuck?" Daniel asked, trying to be a little pointed, but polite.
"Oh, I haven't yet, but my friend saw his cousin unlock it."
"Well," Angela cut in, "I heard about Ball-Busting mode. You just have to have player 1 kick player 2 in the balls thirty times to unlock it. I'll be glad to help you unlock it, Chuck!" Several people at the table chuckled and Chuck looked a little embarrassed.
That evening Daniel and Brittany got together at his apartment. She was looking very sexy, wearing a very form-fitting red top and a black miniskirt. She wasn't ready to go all the way yet, but she sure knew how to dress sexy. Daniel was wearing a polo shirt and slacks. They didn't really have any activities planned other than just making out together. So, the two of them spent about an hour sucking face before Brittany called an end to it, not wanting to get overly excited and go too far before she felt ready. Daniel respected that, but it was hard. And, for that matter, he was also quite hard. He could feel the blue balls just setting in when she said, "Let's play some Boogie Down Town and try to unlock those new modes."
"Um, I'm not so sure those were real."
"Only one way to find out." She pulled her arm into her shirt and then after some fiddling, pullout her bra out of one sleeve. She tossed it onto the couch next to Daniel.
Brittany's top was so tight that he could clearly see the contours of her generous bust. And when she removed her bra, he couldn't help but notice that her breasts were still quite pert, even without it. He'd never actually seen her topless so far and neither before had he seen her without a bra while standing up. He had managed to get her to take her bra off a couple of times when they were making out, but they were always on her bed at the time. Her big breasts looked amazingly sexy pressing outwards on her red top and he could even see where her nipples were. It was driving him wild, especially combined with already having started to get an ache in his balls from all the kissing and touching they were doing before.
He also took a moment to look down at the tag on the bra because the way it had landed, the tag was easy to see. It read "30G". He was impressed. He knew that she was bustier than any of the other girls he had been out with, which he thought was great, but he hadn't realized that her cup size was quite that large.
His attention soon turned back to her, though, as he saw her doing a quick warm-up before actually getting started. She shook her chest from left to right, causing some impressive jiggling and then she did a couple of quick, short vertical jumps, causing her breasts to wobble up and down. Daniel's eyes were riveted to her bouncing breasts. His cock which had never quite gotten soft was now completely turgid.
Brittany started the free dance mode and immediately because to bounce up and down and then, as she got tired of that, switched to jiggling back and forth. After swinging her large tits back and forth for a while, she would switch back to the jumping, thus repeating the cycle. After watching her do this for a full three minutes, Daniel's could feel his cock twitching in his pants and worried that he might even accidentally cum.
But to his surprise, when the free dance mode finished a banner came up and it said "Boin-Boin Mode Unlocked!"
"Awesome!" Brittany exclaimed. She navigated the menu of the video game to the mode selection scheme. "There it is. And its worth double points to do songs in Boin-Boin mode. That will definitely help towards getting those high score achievements." She was definitely excited to see it was worth double points. Most of the other modes only added a 10% score bonus. This was way more. "Now we need to try for Ball-Busting mode!"
"Are you sure that's a real thing?"
"No, but there's only one way to find out."
"But, won't that hurt a lot?"
"Don't ask me. I haven't got any balls. You've been kicked in the groin before, right?"
"No, never, but other guys say it hurts a lot."
"Oh, come on. I'm sure it doesn't hurt that bad. Don't be a wuss. Here, let's try one kick for practice. Spread your legs."
"Umm, I'm not sure about this."
"Oh, come on. You don't know how much it hurts. This way you'll know."
He still looked unconvinced, so she batted her eyes at him. "Pleeeeease?" she asked, sweetly.
"Well, okay, I guess so." He spread his legs apart. "But, umm, don't -"
At that point, she stepped forward and before he was ready at all swung her foot hard and fast right into his crotch striking both of his testicles firmly. He let out an "eek" sound, grabbed his pained nuts, and slowly collapsed to the ground. Brittany had never kicked a guy in the nuts before and she felt a special excitement in knowing that she really could do it effectively. Plus, it was amazing seeing the strange contorted look on his face. She found herself giggling a little because it was funny seeing how strong his reaction was. But if she was completely honest, there was something kind of sexy about it, too. There was something very exciting about having just physically defeated her big strong boyfriend with just one little kick.
The only excitement he was feeling, though, was the agony of testicular pain and the fear that more would be coming. He lay on the ground for a couple of minutes clutching his nuts until finally he could feel the sharpness of the pain subside.
"Oh, god, Brittany. That hurt so much."
"Yeah. I took you down!" The excitement in her voice was obvious.
"No, baby, that really hurt."
"I could tell from the way you fell to the ground."
"I don't think I can help you unlock this mode."
"Aww, come on. You're my big strong man. I know you can do it for me. You wouldn't want to let me down. Plus, I promise I'll make it worth your while. I know you've been a little frustrated that you haven't gotten to see me topless yet. Well, if we can unlock the Ball-Busting mode, I'll take my shirt off."
That got his attention. "For how long?" he asked.
"Oh, for the rest of the evening. And we could even make out some more."
"Okay. I'll do it for you. But you have to kick softer than that."
"I can try to be pretty gentle, but three minutes, thirty kicks. that's a kick every six seconds, so I've got to do them fairly quickly."
"Well, maybe you can do them light and quick, like little taps with your foot."
"Well, okay, I guess we can try taps." She felt a little disappointed to have to be trying to do it so light. "Here, face me with your legs apart."
She started the free dance mode and then raised her leg. She swung it forward, to give his nuts a little tap. He flinched, moving away, the memory of the intense pain was just too strong for him. She tried a second time and he moved away again. "Stay still!" she commanded loudly, frustrated.
"Okay," he said and managed to will himself to stay where he was. She kicked a light tap and this time he managed to stay in place. He was relieved by how light the kick was. He winched just a little from the pain he was expecting, but the actual sensation wasn't very painful at all. She tapped him again and he managed to stay in place. She counted the taps as she did them, and soon was up to about ten. As the tapping continued, he could feel the pain starting to build. It wasn't very painful right at that minute, but each tap hurt a little more than the previous and his balls were starting to really ache. That combined with the nervousness led him to suddenly cover his balls with his hands right after the seventeenth tap.
"No, stop that!" she said. "I have to keep tapping them! We've got thirteen more to go! That's not that many."
Reluctantly, he moved his hands back away. After four more taps, they were back and he was starting to bend forward.
"No! Cut it out or I'll kick really hard! Do you want another hard kick?" he didn't and his fear of that managed to overcome the ache. He put his hands behind is back, squeezing one in the other and tried to focus on leaving his crotch vulnerable. She tapped his balls again with her foot. And then again and again, and he could feel the pain starting to build.
"Ten more!" she said and started counting down, "Ten!" smack "Nine!" smack. His balls felt so sore. "Eight!" smack "Seven!" smack "Six!" smack. His balls were really tender now and the taps were starting to really hurt. He was focussing so much energy on not moving or blocking that his hands were squeezing each other white. "Five!" smack "Four!" smack. His legs started to wobble a little. "Three!" smack. His mind was racing and it was taking all of his willpower to keep himself vulnerable. He knew he could take two more. "Two!" smack "One!" smack.
"We did it!" she said jumping in excitement, as he let go of his other hand and grabbed his crotch. The pain was not as bad as the hard kick, but it was enough to make his stomach churn and he slowly sat down on the floor, his legs wobbly from his effort. The free dance still had more than a minute left on the timer, so he just sat there while she stood, awaiting the result.
Finally, the time ran out. The end of dance screen came up. There was a score and a rating and absolutely no notices about any new mode being unlocked.
"Aw, we didn't get it," Brittany pouted.
"I'm not sure this is a real mode," Daniel said.
"Really? I don't know. Maybe I just need to kick harder."
He crawled across the floor and got his phone. After fiddling for a couple of minutes, he looked up at her and said, "Babe, I just Googled 'Boogie Down Town' and 'Ball-Busting mode' and didn't find anything. I think Angela was just yanking Chuck's chain."
But as he was searching, she got her phone and was looking, too. "No, here it is. I searched for 'Boogie Down Town' and groin kicks. It's not called Ball-Busting mode: it's called 'Tamakeri mode'. It says here that there have to be thirty kicks, just like Angela said, and that they each have to be full kicks where the leg goes from the floor up to the balls and where it provokes a reaction from the person being kicked. So, like, you need to stagger or fall or something."
"That sounds like it will hurt a lot."
"Oh, come on, it won't be that bad. I'll just have to go a little harder. Just hard enough to get you to react. Not enough to really hurt."
"But even last time was starting to hurt by the end."
Secretly, she found herself surprisingly pleased about the idea that even those light taps had been hurting him. She knew that testicles were a man's most vulnerable organs, but she hadn't realized that they were that sensitive. "Yeah, but I mean, you can take it, right? I mean, I'm sure you can handle a few little sack taps, especially if it results in a lot of gratitude from me, right?" As she said gratitude, she stepped closer to him, letting her big left tit press gently against his arm. She gave him her best batting of the eyelashes and a warm, smile.
"Uh, yeah," he said, being quite distracted by the sudden feeling of her breast pressed against his arm. "Anything for you, babe."
"Great!" she squealed and gave a little leap back. His eyes eagerly followed her sizable breasts as they jiggled still braless under her shirt. "First we should do a little practice to see how much force I need to use to get you to react."
"Um, okay. Start light, though, and work your way up."
"No problem. Okay, spread your legs for me."
He did as he was told, standing with his legs apart. She didn't bother asking him if he was ready and instead started with a kick where she brought her foot up from standing and then gave him another tap like she had been doing on their previous attempt. He breathed more heavily right after the tap, but didn't otherwise react.
Her next kick was a little harder. She again put her foot all the way to the floor, but then when she brought it up, she kicked it straight into his balls, but pretty slowly and without a lot of oomph behind it. When the kick landed, he could definitely feel it, but it was only very slightly more than the tap. He let out a little grunt, but didn't move.
"Hmm, not quite getting it." She lowered her leg back to the floor and this time brought it up even harder. It audibly smacked into his crotch. He gasped and staggered and the pain hit him. "There we go," she said. "Just right. Now, let's see if we can do that thirty times. Hmm, though, how are we gonna stop you from grabbing your nuts like last time? Oh, I know, here, give me your hands." He held his hands out to her. "See," she said. "Perfect. I can just hold your hands in mine and you won't be able to cover up."
They face each other, her holding onto his hands, one in either of her hands. He expected her to start the free dance mode, but instead she stepped in closer to him, stepped up on her tip toes and kissed him. "Thanks for agreeing to do this," she said. "I love you."
"I love you, too, babe."
"Okay, let's do this!" She signaled for free dance mode to begin and it did. Immediately, she started kicking him in the balls. The first several kicks went just as planned. He staggered a little with each one, but aside from making some funny noises, didn't seem too disturbed. The seventh kick was clearly a little harder than she meant it to be, though, and after it landed he let out a loud grunt and started to sink down towards being on his knees. "Come on!" she said. "You can do it! Sorry about that one."
She managed to pull him back to his feet in a standing position, but he was clearly still in some pain. Normally, she might have taken a little break, but the clock was ticking and she had to get to thirty kicks. She overcompensated for how hard her previous kick had been by making the next one so soft that he didn't even react to it at all.
She cursed herself for wasting a kick and didn't add it to her mental count of how many she had completed so far. The next kick was a little too hard and he grunted really loudly and staggered, but she managed to keep him standing my pulling upward on his hands.
Kicks nine through fifteen went pretty well, not too hard, not too soft, just enough to make him stagger a little with each one. But he could feel his nuts getting more and more tender from each successive kick.
"Oh, God, babe, this is too much!"
"You can do it!" she said as she kicked him for the sixteenth time. He grunted and staggered forward. She helped him back to position and kicked him again and then once more. The next few he started to grunt louder and louder. Until finally on the twenty fourth kick, he let out a distinct yell from the pain which was building as each quick kick made his poor testicles more and more tender and finally all of that was too much. He staggered on his feet and then he started to collapse down.
But just as he was coming down, a kick was coming up. This kick was even a little harder than normal because Brittany was rushing, worried that she was running out of time. And the combination of his downward motion with her foot coming right up basically doubled the force. He howled in pain as the kick landed on his poor tender balls. He wrenched his hands free of hers and grabbed his poor, pained balls as he fell to the carpet.
"Please, get up! We only need five more kicks! We still have forty seconds! Please get up!"
He managed to whisper a really quiet "No more," but otherwise did not respond to her cajoling, just lying on the carpet in the fetal position with his hands cupping his tender testicles and rocking slowly back and forth.
As the time ran out with no mode unlocked, Brittany initially felt irritated with Daniel, but as she considered it, it dawned on her that her really was that tender and sore that he literally couldn't continue. And once that occurred to her, she felt a certain excitement from having exploited his weakness like that. It made her feel strong and powerful that she could reduce her strong boyfriend to such a state with just a series of light kicks to his vulnerable testicles. She wanted to try again and see if she could get the kicking just right so that it would work, but she also was feeling an increasing desire to put him on the floor again.
She smiled down at him. "Does it really hurt a lot?"
"Yes," he said through gritted teeth. "It really hurts a lot."
"Well, once you've had a break and once it's not hurting so much, we should try it again. I think I know what to do differently."
The train of thought rumbling through his head had the flavor of "I'm never letting you kick my balls again, ever", but he stayed silent.
After a pause she said, "Well, until then, I'll try doing a couple of the songs on Boin-Boin mode." She gave him a smile. "You might enjoy watching." He just lay there and didn't respond.
She went to the modes menu and enabled Boin-Boin mode for double score. It asked her if she wanted to review the extra dance moves which would be added in Boin-Boin mode. She said she did.
So the tutorial walked her through the boin-boin which was where she bounced her breasts up and down, the milkshake where she shook them back and forth, and the chest shimmy where she shook them back and forth really quickly, but without them moving that far, just kind of shaking and quivering in place.
Daniel had, of course, noticed her doing the tutorial. And seeing her shake and shimmy her big lovely breasts in that tight top was soon distracting him from the pain in his balls. Next she started the song. Many of the existing dance moves already caused her breasts to shake since they were so large and unsupported. And once the boin-boins and milkshakes and shimmies got mixed in, it was just a boob-lover's paradise of shaking and undulating tit flesh. Daniel was soon once again absolutely rock hard.
And as the song continued, her promise to take her shirt off sounded more and more exciting to him. As much as he was loving seeing her big boobs shake in the top she was wearing, he couldn't help but imagine what if she were doing it without the top. He still had never see her boobs naked but he couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to see them not just uncovered but uncovered and jiggling and shaking.
And soon his mind was justifying it to him. I mean, it's not like she was trying to hurt his balls. She was doing the least kicking required to get the job done. And he was tough. He could take some abuse. And it would make her really happy. And he would get to see her big amazing tits bounce and jiggle and shake. He managed to convince himself that he could do it, despite having only gotten to twenty-five kicks last time and despite the strenuous objections from his not-entirely healed testicles.
When the song ended, he said, "Okay. We can give it another try." He pulled himself up off the floor. As he rose, it struck him how sore his balls still were, but he ignored it and pressed on.
Brittany could not help but notice the erection that Daniel was sporting and was quite certain of the cause of it. The twins could, at times be inconvenient, and honestly all this bouncing and jiggling was making them a little sore, but she had to admit how very useful they were for getting her what she wanted, even, as it turned out, when what she wanted was to kick her boyfriend in the crotch some more. Perhaps they were even more powerful than she had realized up to that point.
"But," he continued, "my balls got more and more tender as we went on. So at a certain point you have to lighten up. I'll tell you when it's getting to be too much."
"Okay," she said.
"And please, please, try not to kick to hard. If you put me on the floor again I won't be able to get up and take any more kicks."
"Okay," she said, sounding a little irritated. "I'll do my best to make sure not to put you on the floor before we're done. I know that you tried your best to get up, but it was just too much for your poor balls."
Something about her tone of voice worried him, but he ignored it. "Okay," he said. "I'm ready."
They took hands again and then she started the free dance mode. Her first kick was just right and she counted it out loud, "One!". She was feeling powerful and in control this time and she was kicking him exactly like she wanted to. He grunted and staggered back when it landed, but nothing more. The second and third kick produced the exact same reaction. The fourth resulted in a little extra bending of his knees. The fifth more grunting and staggering. And so it continued. Each kick was just about perfect. His balls got more and more tender, but she managed to dial things down just a tiny bit. Enough that every kick caused him pain and got a noticeable reaction, but even when he started to bend a little at the knees or waist, she just urged him back up using his hands and he straightened again. Once she got to the twentieth kick, her counting got louder and more excited but she kept her kick strength the same. Things were going really well.
There were still forty seconds left on the clock when she finished the twenty-eighth kick. She was really going to get there. She was sure. And then her twenty-ninth kick was a little too hard and he started to go down to the floor.
"No, goddamnit. Don't you fall on me!" she pulled up hard on his hands. Think of the naked boobies. You need those!" He managed to brighten up just a little and straighten himself most of the way back up.
She was so relieved that he didn't actually fall with the twenty-ninth kick. That would have ruined the whole thing. It occurred to her that if he waited until the thirtieth kick to collapse, it would have been no big deal. And that's when she realized that she had no particular reason to hold back with the thirtieth kick. She would still unlock the mode and she could always claim it was an accident.
So before she really considered it too carefully, she went for it. She was still kicking from a starting position of her foot being on the floor, but she did the hardest kick she could from there, right into his poor tender balls. Her foot slammed into his crotch with great force. His mouth opened and closed, but he couldn't say anything and instead just fell down on his knees and then over onto the floor. His hands were limp when she let go of them, but he soon pulled them down to cover his aching testicles.
She felt a special thrill as she looked down at Daniel clutching at his injured manhood. She still thought he was sexy and still loved him, but she had never realized that kicking him hard right in the gonads would be so thrilling. Her heart was racing and she felt flush with arousal. She knew that this was definitely not the last time she would do this.
And then she felt an additional excitement when the free dance round ended and there it was, "Tamikeri mode unlocked!" She scrolled to the mode setting screen. It had five new moves: the straight-kick, the snap-kick, the knee, the slap, and the grab-and-squeeze. She hadn't even thought about trying knees or slaps or squeezing. This was gonna be fun. Oh, and the mode was worth a score multiplier of three, even more than Boin-Boin mode. And she tried it out and found out that they could be combined. A six times multiplied for playing adding extra boobie-shaking and beating her boyfriend's balls: the score achievements in two-person mode would be no problem.
"It worked! Tamikeri mode unlocked!" she told him. "How are you holding up?"
He just grunted a little.
"I know something which will cheer you up," she smiled at him and then reached down to the bottom of her top and pulled it upwards very, very slowly. "Would you like to get a good look at my breasts?" Sure enough, that got his attention and he watched as she slowly peeled her top upwards, slowly revealing first the bottom of her breasts and then eventually, oh so slowly, reaching her nipples. Once the shirt was above the nipples, the breasts bounced down a little, now free of the shirt, and she pulled it the rest of the way over her head. "Are they as nice as you thought they'd be?"
"Oh, yes, they're amazing!" he said. "They're so nicely shaped and your nipples are very sexy. I can't wait to suck on them."
"Well, no sucking today, but probably soon if you're a good boy. Is getting to see them worth the pain in your balls?"
"Yeah," he said, still curled up on the floor. "They hurt so bad. But for getting to see you unwrap more of your sexy self, anything is worth it. I'm just glad that that's all done, though. I'm glad the mode is unlocked and there won't be any more kicking my balls."
"Oh, Daniel, I hate to break it to you, but we still have to do the songs in Tamikeri mode."
"Well, it's a three times score multiplier in two-player mode and I still have a lot of score achievements to get. It just adds in some kicks and knees and punches and some squeezing your testicles. I'm sure it won't be too bad. No worse than this, anyway. And it's clearly the best way to get the achievements."
"Oh, no. Do we have to?"
"Oh don't worry. It can be combined with Boin-Boin mode. And, if you do well, with topless Boin-Boin mode. I bet you'd like to see that." He nodded at her suggestion. "See, don't worry. We'll only do one song a day to not overdo it. We'll be through with the sixty songs it comes with within a couple of months. And next month's expansion pack of sixty more should only take a couple more after that. I'm sure it'll be over before you even realize it. And it'll make me so happy and I know you'd do anything to make me happy. And once you've made me happy, I'm sure I'll find lots of ways to make you happy. Won't that be nice?" She smiled a broad smile, her head just dancing with visions of her kicking, punching, kneeing, and squeezing his balls over and over while she jiggled her big boobs in front of his hungry eyes. It was going to be wonderful. Well, at least it would be wonderful for her, anyway.
No, probably not. I figure that I'll just leave the rest up to the reader's imagination. If anyone else feels like writing a continuation, they can feel free.
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