Please let me know what you think of my story:

It was the spring of 1942 and Sacha was patrolling the Russian countryside with his unit, he had been captured by the German Army earlier in the year and sent away to a prison camp, but conditions there were so awful he decided to join the Germans as a Hiwi, or native Russian fighter and don the enemy’s uniform. It had been a very difficult decision to make, especially after what had happened to his family, but it meant the difference between life and death and now he was back. Besides, had never been a fan of the Communists, they hadn’t treated his family very well either.

Sacha did miss one of his former countrymen though, or countrywomen, Tania Chernova, the love of his life. He had had a crush on her for years. The last time he’d seen her he’d been a 15 year old cobbler, now he was 18 but he still retained his boyish looks and didn’t look much different at all. Sacha reminisced as he crept along, he remembered one time sleeping next to Tania in the tunnels just as the war had begun and he caught a glimpse of her beautiful bottom as she rolled around with one of the other soldiers. He had been so jealous of that soldier, but also transfixed at the sight of her pert little cheeks. That sight had left his loins raging and his pants became tight, one particular sight would always be burned into his memory, the moment when the soldier gripped her cheeks and pulled them slightly apart leaving Sacha a full view of her little brown hole. Poor Sacha thought he was going to die and rip a hole through the front of his underwear. She had such a beautiful face with those dark brown eyes, slender body and brown hair flecked with blonde. To see her most private part twitching was almost heaven itself. He remembered losing control for the first time that night and the wonderful feeling of intensity, ever since then he was determined to catch another glimpse of Tania’s bottom.

Soon the squad that Sacha was patrolling with came to a stop next to a small grass hillock overlooking a forest and the sergeant told the men to get some rest whilst he waited for further orders. Sacha sat down on the grass and took his helmet and pack off. The thoughts of Tania had left him feeling hot and aroused, he hadn’t been able to relieve himself for months due to the lack of privacy and he felt fit to burst. Sacha decided to take advantage of the short break and head into the forest to sort himself out. “I’m just going for a quick piss.” Said Sacha as he grabbed his rifle and headed off to the woods.

“Watch out for snipers.” Said the sergeant. “We’ve had reports that they’re operating in this area.”

“I’ll be careful.” said Sacha.

As fate would have it at that very moment Tania Chernova and her girlfriend Alexa were also prowling through the forest and not too far from Sacha. Tania had managed to escape the German onslaught and had undergone training with Alexa at the elite Soviet sniper school. Now she and her old school friend were crack-shot snipers.

“This looks like a good place to make a hide.” Said Alexa.

“It gives us a good view of the valley below and our flanks are covered if we need to escape.” Tania laid down and set up her sniper rifle, adjusting the scope expertly whilst Alexa got out the binoculars.

“Have a scan around the treeline.” Said Tania. “Who knows what we’ll see? I’m determined to get my vengeance after what those brutes did to my family.”

Alexa grinned at Tania. “I’ve got an idea.” She smirked gleefully, Tania could see that Alexa’s eyes were smiling deviously and she was in one of her mischievous moods, she hadn’t grinned like that since she saw Vladimir get caught in his zipper.

Alexa kept her voice low and whispered “If we do see a soldier why don’t we aim for his you know what?”

Tania wasn’t quite sure what her friend was getting at.

“What do you mean his you know what?” She said.

“You know…” Said Alexa. “His thingy.” And she gave a broad wink.

“Oh my God!” Exclaimed Tania. “You can’t be serious! That’s such a horrid thing to do!”

Alexa giggled uncontrollably as she grinned even more at Tania. “Oh really? And what about what they did to your family? Are you just going to forget that?” Said Alexa. “Think about it, it would be the perfect act of revenge, imagine how much pain he would be in if his most important piece was blown away?”

Tania thought about it for a moment and then a slow smile formed on her lips. “OK, she said, but it’s so naughty I can’t believe we’re going to do this. Maybe we should aim for that part every time from now on?”

“Imagine all those soldiers running around with no willies!” Blurted Alexa. “They’ll have to go home and their girlfriends will be so disappointed.”

Tania laughed and smiled at the thought of all the spoilt soldiers, it did seem a good idea and the perfect act of revenge, especially if you were a girl. “All boys are really sensitive down there.” Said Alexa.

“Remember we learned that from a young age when we used to play fight with the boys at college, one swift kick always took care of things and it was always funny to see them brought down a notch or two. Especially when it’s one you have a crush on, there’s something delightful seeing them squirming around on the floor screaming with tears in their eyes.”

Tania sat back a moment and thought about her college days, she recalled the playground fight between the girls and the boys, there was a big crowd and Alexa was at the front. She had always been the prettiest girl in college with long blonde hair and dark blue eyes. Her elven features meant that every boy had fallen in love with her. There was one boy in particular who used to pick on her and he was the one who stood forward in the playground fight. Tania remembered Alexa’s cheeky grin, the same mischievous grin she always had when she was going to do something naughty. The boy was calling the girls names and acting all tough, then he called Alexa a bitch and that was when it happened. There was a pause and a hush fell upon the crowd, then Alexa quickly stepped forward and kicked the boy hard in the crotch with her pointy shoes. The boy fell to the floor clutching his groin and burst out crying saying that she’d broken his dick. At that point all the girls started laughing hysterically as the boys looked on in horror. They never bothered them again after that. Alexa changed from that moment on though, she continued throughout the rest of her time at college trying to find ways to kick boys in the groin. It was as if she was almost turned on by it Tania thought, but then she secretly enjoyed watching it too. Sometimes when she couldn’t sleep she would think about it at night and recall the surprised look on the boy’s face, it excited her in a way she couldn’t describe. Alexa said that sometimes the boy’s parts got hard and that was the best time to kick them because it hurt even more, and that the best way to make boys hard was to bend over and show them your bottom. Tania had tried it once herself when she was in the swimming team, that was the best time to see whether it was really true because the swimming trunks were so revealing, you could see everything! There was one boy she knew had a crush on her so when she was in front of him Tania bent right over and pushed her bottom up and out so the boy could get a good view, she felt her swimsuit go between the cheeks of her bottom giving her a tight wedgie, then she stood back up and turned around to see the results.

The boy stood there awkwardly with his stiff shaft pointing directly out, stretching tightly against the thin material of his swimming trunks. Clearly embarrassed by his uncontrollable erection, he blushed deeply. Tania could see that Alexa and the other girls were watching from the benches as she stared down at the engorged member pointing right at her. Then she looked up at Alexa and quickly kicked the boy with full force right in his erect penis. “Take that you pervert!” She shouted. Tania felt her foot make contact with the sensitive head of the boy’s shaft and it bounced up and down comically, all the girls on the bench laughed as the boy fell to the floor in agony and Tania grinned in delight. She felt herself becoming quite wet at the thought of what she’d just done, and it wasn’t just the pool water.

The sound of Alexa laughing brought Tania back to reality.

"Remember all the things we used to do at college?" Said Alexa.

“Yes I was just thinking about that myself.” Said Tania. “Did you always try and make the boys erect before kicking them?”

“Of course.” Replied Alexa, “That’s the best way, it provides a bigger target.”

Tania giggled. “But that’s so cruel!”

“I know.” Said Alexa, “But I enjoyed it, after that fight I researched in the library other ways of hurting boys down there, do you know that in some of the history books it said that when the Egyptians won a battle they used to hand their prisoners over to their women and the women used to cut off all the prisoners genitals?”

“Really?” Said Tania. “Maybe it’s something women secretly enjoy doing then?”

“Do you think the girls made them hard before doing it?” Said Alexa giggling again.

“Of course.” Smiled Tania. “It would provide a bigger target wouldn’t it?”

Both the girls fell back laughing in delight at the thought of tormenting lots of penises until they were hard and then cutting them off.

“Do you remember at college there was a girl from Afghanistan? She had the most beautiful green eyes.” Said Tania.

“One time we were talking about Afghan culture and she said that the Pathan women from Afghanistan have a similar hobby. When the tribesmen would capture prisoners they would hand them over to the women so that the girls could have some fun. The men never used to watch, it was an all girl affair. The prisoner was usually tied down on the ground by three or four girls. Then one girl would squat over the man and put her naked bottom in his face whilst the others pulled his pants down.”

“Ooooh that sounds fun!” Said Alexa. “What happened then?”

“Once they’d pulled his underwear down they’d play with his you know what and make it hard, they used to be quite rough with it, apparently one of the girls would squeeze the balls and another would try and ram a sharp stick down his pee hole. The prisoner would scream quite a lot but the other woman would just push her bottom into his face even harder.”

“Imagine if she accidentally farted? Or worse!” Giggled Alexa.

“Oh you’re so naughty Alex.” Chided Tania. “Trust you, you’d probably enjoy playing with a prisoner's willy and shoving sticks down it.”

“I imagine you would too.” Smiled Alexa.

Tania felt herself blushing deeply, conscious that her secret might be found out. “Well, all this chatter is distracting us from our mission, we’d better get set up and start scanning the treeline.” Said Tania as she laid down among the bushes.

Sacha had been wandering through the forest for a few minutes, being careful to note his route back to the others should he need to make a quick getaway, he felt the need for absolute privacy so that he could satisfy his frustrated yearnings. The thoughts of Tania had left him with an insatiable need, there was rarely any time to sort yourself out when in the constant company of so many others and young men certainly needed to sort themselves out often, he felt fit to burst. Sacha’s thoughts returned to Tania’s pert little bottom, what a beautiful sight it had been, he longed to touch it and look at it in more detail. Tania seemed to have a playful and adventurous nature, perhaps she might even let him slip his thingy in there? It made more sense during wartime to avoid unwanted pregnancy. The thought left his heart beating faster and he felt an irresistible pressure from his groin as his erection pushed against his trousers. Imagine slipping it in there, in her most private place?

Sacha found himself in a secluded meadow on the other side of the woods and decided that he had gone far enough, he simply must sort himself out now or he’d go crazy. Sacha sat back on a tussock of grass and quickly pulled his trousers and underwear down as his private parts popped out, finally free from any restriction. Sacha caressed himself gently imagining what it would be like to have Tania’s bottom hole pressed against his penis, and then opening up and squeezing it so that he could enjoy the greatest pleasure.

Alexa scanned the treeline with her binoculars and saw something moving, she couldn’t make it out at first but then the vision became more clear and she saw the young man sitting on a tussock of grass. “Hey, hey I’ve got one!” Whispered Alexa.

“Where abouts?” Asked Tania anxiously.

“About 2 O’clock, just to the left of the large conifer, he’s sitting on a tussock and… doing something.”

Tania moved her scope to the direction Alexa described, her scope had a more powerful zoom than the binoculars and she could see the image in greater detail. “Oh my God!” Whispered Tania. “You’re not going to believe this.”

“Why? What’s happening?” Said Alexa.

“Do you remember little Sacha the cobbler? Well it’s him, but he’s wearing a German uniform! He also seems to be, eeer…” Tania’s cheeks turned a bright scarlet and she peered into her sniper scope.

“Let me see!” Said Alexa, grabbing the rifle from her companion. “Oh my goodness! The dirty little pervert! Can you believe it? Our own little Sacha in a German uniform and he’s got his cock out and made it all hard too!” Alexa peered through the scope with fresh eagerness, her cheeky grin spreading across her face. “This is a perfect opportunity.” She said. “Look he’s already hard!”

“I’d rather not.” Said Tania.

“Oh go on, you know he had a crush on you, and he’s quite handsome now too, well he always was and he doesn’t look any different.” Tania reluctantly took the rifle back from Alexa and looked through it, true enough there was Sacha in a German uniform and masturbating for all he was worth.

“His little dinky has got quite big, hasn’t it?” Chimed Alexa. Tania moved the scope down to get a better view and zoomed in until it filled the crosshairs, she could feel her nether regions becoming wet again in excitement.

“Well?” Said Alexa. “Shall we do it?”

“No.” Said Tania. “Not with a bullet anyway, I’ve got a better idea.”

Tania un-chambered the round and searched in her pack, she pulled out a small dart.

I use this in case of bears, the small syringe can be filled with poison but this one’s empty. If I’m careful I can fire it right up his little hole, it won’t kill him, but he might be a bit sore for a while with this needle stuck in his more precious part.”

Tania smiled and giggled at her evil plan. “I had no idea you were so naughty, you’re even worse than me!” Said Alexa, clearly impressed at the deviousness of her friend.

Tania loaded the dart into her rifle and lined up the target again, she could feel herself getting so excited her nether regions were completely drenched. Just then she felt a hand at her waist and her trousers being pulled down to expose her bottom, she turned her head back and saw Alexa grinning sheepishly.

“I could see a damp patch down there and I was just checking to see if you’re as pleased as I am,” Tania felt her friend’s fingers move between her legs and caress her most sensitive area.

“Ooooh, you really are excited, oh my!” Tania turned back to the scope and saw the engorged member in the centre of the cross hairs.

Alexa slipped her index finger inside her friend and started gently moving it in and out whilst her other hand manipulated her clit. Alexa leaned forward and whispered in Tania's ear.

"Imagine having Sacha's big cock in your hole or sitting on his face? Go on, take the shot. I know having this power over him turns you on."

Tania was so wet and excited she started trembling.

“Oooooh.” Said Tania, if you keep doing that I think I’m going to…” Just then she felt a finger being pushed rudely into her bottom. Tania lost control completely and her finger snapped back on the trigger as she came violently.

A short distance away on the other side of the meadow Sacha was close to losing all control, he’d spent a little longer than usual enjoying the agony of ecstasy and could feel from the build up that he was going to have a very big explosion. He squeezed his balls tightly and pulled the skin back as far as he could on his shaft, leaving the head completely exposed and his little hole gaping wide. This was it, he could feel it coming!

“Oooooooooooooooooooooooooh!!” Cried Sacha, biting his lip.

Just at that instant a dart suddenly flew out of the bushes and directly into the tip of his engorged member, the needle burrowed its way into his urethra with the feathers hanging out the end and jamming it to a painful stop.

Back on the other side of the meadow Tania could feel her waves of orgasm passing, it had been quite a climax.

“Ooooooh.” Cooed Alexa. “That was a big one! I felt the muscles in your bottom contracting around my finger too. So, it seems you’re a fan of inflicting cock pain and bottom play? You kinky little thing! It’s always the quiet pretty ones.”

Tania felt herself blushing uncontrollably, slightly ashamed that her dirty little secrets had been found out.

“Let’s see how our friend is getting on?” Said Alexa as she picked up the binoculars. “He’s making quite a lot of noise.” Said Tania. “I can hear his screams from here.”

“He’s rolling around on his back screaming with his bits flopping about and he’s pulling up tufts of grass desperately with his hands.” Giggled Alexa. Tania looked through her scope and saw too, both girls descended into a fit of uncontrollable laughter at the funny sight and the thought of what they had done.

“Bulls eye!” Said Tania.

“Or Ball’s eye?” Retorted Alexa. “Maybe next time we can aim for them?”

“That’s a good idea.” Said Tania. “He’ll recover in a few weeks, the rest of his unit will find him and send him off to hospital. I imagine the nurses will have to have it surgically removed.”

Alexa smiled at the thought of Sacha having to be restrained while a group of nurses tried to pull the dart out.

“Do you think they will enjoy it too?”

“Of course!” Said Tania. “Then he’ll be back on the front line, maybe we’ll see him again and we can try something new?”

Alexa winked at her companion as they packed up their stuff. "That sounds good, I’ve always wanted to try some archery myself." Tania laughed as they headed off through the woods to safety, the screams still echoing in their ears.


Views: 339

Replies to This Discussion

That was quite detailed, to say the least lol, some parts simply hurt to read :O

This has got to be the hottest story I've read



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