I need an advice for my mixed emotions. I feel so shy. THeres a 20yo friend i really like. She feels lonely, and so do I - hence i always had the wish I'd find something we have in common to get to know her better. But now im truely hot for her Oo
I asked if she'd bust guys withme for my videos, since she knows me for a half year and im into that and all my friends decline to participate.  

I never had any clue that this innocent-looking one is INTO busting. Passive. Shes the bustee. I was told that she knew busting way before i told her about it, and she proved me by showing me profiles that displayed her interests.
She explained she never told me about that, she assumed i might consider it odd that she as a girl likes to be a receiver, not a taker. She also informed me that she is shy in giving away her preferences, thus has never told me when we met but waiting for me to ask her things.

i really have a reason now to meet her, but shall I? Guys just wana meet for busting, but i like her alot and dont want her to think i only want to bust around, i like her very very much as a person. (not love, though.)
She said shes the type that waits to become asked. Should i speak my feelings then, and reveal to her "I'd really like to bust you"? I mean ... This feels awkward and different than to tell this to boys, and its not the same like asking "Do you wana participate busting guys with me?". Suddenly, i become shy.
Shall i ask her to cuntbust her? ^^

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I guess my advice is "sure, why not?" Nothing ventured, nothing gained and all that : )

I suppose there's a lot to consider; distance, time, one-off or ongoing thing...
Is she someone you know personally, or on the net?

Oh, and girls like it too : ) Just sayin' hehe.

From the sounds of it she's laid it out there, and it's up to you to pick it up. Tho if you think she might also be looking for something a little less plutonic, best to state your boundaries early on. Better to be slightly awkward up front then having to call halt to a slightly tipsy girl with a hand up your leg and dealing with the tears...
I agree that you should set your boundaries. Make sure she is someone who you want to have busted in the past; don't get too caught up in how good it would be before you consider the consequences. Otherwise go for it!

And hey, not all us guys just want the bust ;) Sex of any kind is pretty empty without some conection, for me anyway.


If she likes to be cuntbusted, then why not satisfy both your fetishes, and ask her if you can bust her?

simple amswer:  Yes you should.


complicated answer:  Be careful.   The first few times that you ask for it, you (meaning I) sound(ed) like a douche



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