ask me anything, ill answer everything! ballbusting related that is

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about so yes, i never got in trouble and my parents never found out.

maybe a few cried? i squeezed one boy as hard as i could once, another i kicked in the dick when he was wearing speedos and he went down. an older boy was teasing me as he was towel changing so i pulled his towel away and he had his speedos up to his knees, he was naked and i saw his fat weiner and his two hanging balls, and i grabbed his bare nuts hard. he shouted, i squeezed, then i pushed his nuts to the bottom of his sack and kneed him in both. he fell in front of all the girls and boys, a lot of people gasped. he was tearing up in humiliation and i felt really bad afterward, but he said some really nasty things to me and my friends and he was cheating on my bff.

Damn you got lucky not exactly sure how you escaped getting in trouble for so long. And I'm surprised you didn't have that many boys cry because of you since you started from a young age.  When I was younger a lot of boys would cry from testicle crunches.  Do you ever talk to other girls about ballbusting at all?

i do sometimes! we don't talk a whole lot about it, sometimes we make references to it or mention 'hitting a guy where it counts' but thats as far as i go. i love talking about it here though

yeah this website is a great medium since it's accepted here when it's pretty taboo elsewhere. I kinda though you would have girl friends that shared your fetish or maybe even some guy friends.  well thanks for answering my questions!

Hey Elizabeth.

You said you love grabbing guys in speedos. Is there an almost immediate reaction when you look at a guy in speedos? As in, do you see his package, and the blood rushes, urging you to just go for his bulge? Is it almost an uncontrollable impulse to grab a handful of dick and balls? Also wondering if you plan on when to grab him, or just instantly go for it, haha.

Thanks for doing the interview. :)

it is an immediate reaction! you said eveyrthing prpetty perfectly. and yes i do plan ahead to make sure haha

Haha that's awesome. Do you sometimes see a guy's set of balls in speedos, and get distracted the whole day, just thinking about when and how you're gonna squeeze his nuts? lol. Am thinking it's an almost uncontrollable lust for balls? haha. :P Thanks for doing this interview!

grabbing you get to control the pain and cop a sweet feel

Hurray, you started an interview.
First, I will ask you around relationships, ballbusting and sex.
How do you look at it, is ballbusting only a game for you that you don´t want to mix in a relationship. Or would you like to have a relationship where ballbusting are included such as a foreplay or during sex. Or is ballbusting not sexual for you, but just a way for you to have fun at the guys and that they have such a weak point.

i think it should be done in a relationship, but not with the intent of serious injury.

If you could only bust balls one way for the rest of your life, what would it be?




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