Hello boys, Melinda here. I have a few questions that I want to ask, and seeing how guys don't have interviews here, (understandable considering the woman to men ratio here) I figure I would start one for you guys, because I have questions sometimes and I want answers. So this one is your guys to answer any questions I have, and maybe some other ladies might have some general questions as well. Please refrain from smart ass answers and bullshit.

Ok first question. After your done getting your balls busted, what do you feel like? My husband is very docile after I bust his balls, he is more romantically intiment then sexually. He seems to be cuddly and more interested in just talking to me. He always goes out of his way to help me, and pretty much waits on my every need. The more and harder I bust his balls, the better the response I get form him. Now am I just luckily or do any of you boys get like that after a good busting?

Question 2. How do you honestly feel about ballbusitng in a relationship, long term. Knowing that it would become an active lifestyle more or less? 10 years of busting my husbands balls for the reasons that I do eventually changed the entire structure of our relationship. We are closer now then we have ever been. Do you think you would be able too?

Look forward to the responses and the chance to grill you guys. ;) later

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Hey boys Melinda here again. Seeing how I haven't been really active on this site in awhile, I figured I start by trying to interact with the community again. It's been a real rough few months, and I'm sorry for disappearing occasional, you know how it is.

So I have a few qustions, this popped up in the main chat the other day and I figured I would ask them here.

1.) A uncomfortable fun little question. Theoretically if you had to lose a ball, and I mean your GOING to lose one no questions asked, If given the option would you let your BB partner or woman do it?

2.) This came up in convo between 2swollen and CC, so thank you guys for your input. Question is what do you think hurts more, a woman crushing your balls with her hands or standing on them with all her weight?

1. If that were the case, then I would think letting a partner do it would in fact be the only acceptable way to have it done. 

2. I have not experienced either, but it likely depends on the distribution of pressure/weight. So, it could be either

1.) I mean if it HAD to be lost, then yes.  I'd prefer it that way as opposed to like falling on a fork or something.

2.)  You already know that I feel grip is generally worse.

1.) A uncomfortable fun little question. Theoretically if you had to lose a ball, and I mean your GOING to lose one no questions asked, If given the option would you let your BB partner or woman do it?

Hmm... tough question. It depends on how I'm going to lose it. Like, if it's going to be something brutal and gross, like getting crushed with a mallet or put in a meatgrinder, then no, because that's not sexually enticing at all.

On the other hand, the idea of accidentally losing a nut is something that, at least in fantasy, really appeals to me. Like, a woman kicking me extremely hard and managing to bust one. It'd probably actually be terrible but, in fantasy, the sexual humiliation and the prospect of her teasing me afterwards (threats like "I can take your other one" or something along those lines) sound super hot.

2.) This came up in convo between 2swollen and CC, so thank you guys for your input. Question is what do you think hurts more, a woman crushing your balls with her hands or standing on them with all her weight?

Having experienced both, standing on them hurts more depending on how it's done. If she stands on them on a hard surface (e.g. on wooden floors), then I can only last a few seconds before I get out for fear of permanent injury. If she's standing on them through my jeans or on my body, they have some wiggle room, which is bearable. Crushing in hands is painful, but not nearly so dangerous, and is much more enjoyable imo.

1) *gulp*  I think I'd have my ex who seemed really into ballbusting do it.  At least becoming half a man would make someone quite happy.

2) I've never experienced the second thing and I STILL know it's that.  I don't know how balls survive ALL of someone's weight for very long.

Hey Melinda! Great to hear from you again. Your perspective is always awesome. My answers would be:
1. If I was going to lose a nut, I would most definitely want my woman to take it from me. Then I'd want to have it preserved for her. Maybe she could keep it in her jewelry armoire.
2. I think a woman crushing my balls with her hands hurts more than standing on them. I've had both and there's no comparison to how she can dig her fingers(& nails) into my balls.

1 hard to be said but i think dont have the balls to get the busting level until she cost me a nut, even knowing before, that the nut its already lost.

Anycase i would be taking harder busting just to like "honor the nut" taking hard kicks with crazy shoes or stomps.

2) i believe full weight its far more painful, because the woman doesnt need to appy force at all, just can be standed up and wait all day as pain rises and rises

If I ever got testicular cancer and a ball had to be removed, I would find a woman to pop it. For sure
Yes but that's not the question I asked. The circumstances of you losing a nut is irrelevant, and weather you want it done or not is also irrelevant. That's why I said your GOING to lose one, period. Think of it like this, the only choice you have is if a woman is going to do it or not.

I guess I was thinking of it slightly differently.  I guess the questions for me "Are we in a theoretical world where there are no consequences for doing it in a non-medical setting?" and "Is there someone who wants to pop one of my balls?"  The answer to the second question is probably yes (specifically, an ex of mine, although she'd want to be mean and painful about it).  If the answer to to the first question is yes, then yeah, torture or not, I'd let her.  Makes me cup 'em and squirm just thinking about it, though.

I guess I should have specified more, most qustions like this that I ask are going to be theoretical. And thank you jake, that is exactly what I wanted to hear.
1. I would absolutely have my partner destroy said ball. Hopefully after an all day session.

2. I think stomping will all of her weight would hurt more.



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