Hey all!

So I thought I'd get a topic going where a lot of people can answer. Today's topic is sports injuries. I'll start off with a few of mine, but before I do, my question is: Have you ever been involved in, or witnessed a sport injury that involved someone (guy or girl) copping it in the crotch? I have a couple of stories so here goes.

One time we were playing baseball (softball? not sure which one was which this day, lol) at high school, and we were lining up to bat. I think I got distracted somehow, and this guy pushed in line. I told him that he pushed in line, but he kept insisting that he didn't, and that he was due to bat before me. So afterwards I'm like, fine, whatever, it's only space ahead. Then almost out of no where, someone throws, or bats the ball (I didn't even see it coming) and hits this guy square in the nuts. He stood there for a split second, registered the hit and then thought "ow my balls!" lol. He had to sit out for a little while, tending to his sore plums, while it was my turn to bat next. Had he not have pushed in, it would have been me on the sideline tending to myself, haha.

Another time in high school, we were throwing footballs inside a school gym (Aussie footballs are very similar to the NFL footballs) and I was partnered up with a rather bossy girl. Each time we kept expanding out, throwing further and further. I didn't throw from all the way back at the other side of the gym, coz I knew I couldn't throw that far. My gym partner insisted I go all the way at the end, and started barking orders, so, of course, I thought "fuck it" I'm not gonna fight, I'll comply (looking back I was pretty laid back with this sorta thing, lol) so I grabbed the football, and threw it was hard as I could, hurting my arm in the process, but like I expected, it did not travel far enough. It bounced on the hard floor, and up between my gym partner's legs. I walked over and said I was sorry (I was pretty calm about it, she was being bossy after all, lol) meanwhile she's half laughing/half in pain, and trying very hard not to show the pain, as she was limping about forcing herself not to grab herself. I was sorry, but she was being bossy. This changed her mood immediately, lol.

As a bonus, the next day in school, she was in a fight with another girl, and I remember the other girl going for a knee. The gym partner girl immediately blocked the knee and protected her genitals. It's like she knew what it felt like now, haha.

Finally, the only ones I've copped myself during sport are the occasional soccer ball to the groin, which have usually been short distance, and not enough to make me call for time out. I also have a soft baseball bat to the crotch story, but I'll save it for later. :) Am looking forward to hearing your stories!

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One time in high school, as a freshman in gym class, there were some girls were playing volleyball.  I walked across the gym to the other side, and as I did one of the volleyballs sailed over the net right into my crotch.  But it didn't hit me at the proper angle, so I looked down, then looked at everybody staring at me.  They seemed confused as to why I wasn't hurt, like they thought I was ball-less.  This is more like a non-injury story, but I still think its funny, just because of how everyone expected me to dance for their amusement.  Either that, or freshman girls think balls are more fragile and easier to hit than they actually are.

Hey Max, thanks for your story! And all good, I'd love to hear everyone's stories. :)

Haha I totally understand man. A big ball is less likely to hit accurately, so with the wrong angle on top of that, I can definitely see you almost not reacting to it. I think a smaller ball, and more accuracy would have made all the difference. Also why in baseball or cricket they wear cups, but then again, those balls are hard as, lol. Thanks again for the story, I'd love to hear everyone's. :)

On my bio I have a story about how I got kicked really hard when someone tried to kick a ball that was in air in soccer and missed. That probably hurt the most.
Another time I did a judo throw wrong and this large guy landed on my balls. For that one I had to stop for a bit, but didn't complain and started practice once the immediate pain was gone cuz the guys at the gym would give me crap for fucking up my throw if I sat out to long.
Another time I got round house kicked by this 30 year old female lightly and I just shook it off, but like five minutes later she did it little harder. That wasn't that painful though just light sparring, but enough for her to feel so bad she didn't want to spar with me a third time that day.
I asked a women that worked out there if she had ever hit anyone in the balls and she said she meant to kick a guy in te stomach and hit low and he fell down instantly. She said it was a really hard kick which I could believe cuz she and the person she kicked were black belts and sparring. I didn't see that one obviously.

Hey, thanks for the response Jeff. I get a feeling that martial arts are one of the biggest sports to get busted in. Do you feel like you've been conditioning yourself to groin attacks? To a point where a hit that would normally stop someone, barely phases you, and you brush it off? I always wondered about that.

And haha, sounds like they had to work on their accuracy (or maybe they hit their mark). :P

Well because you are working out and its high speed I tended to get tapped there a lot, but did not notice until after when they ached a bit. For the most part though if I wouldn't have been working out and my adrenile wasn't kicked in then I wouldn't be able to take much more pain then average person.

Although I dont think i could take much more i no it did condition me at least a little, because if I had boxers and got thrown over someone onto the ground it would hurt. After awhile they stopped hurting during that.

Hey Jeff, it's good that you bring up the adrenaline thing. This is one of the things which I don't think gets discussed enough here. A lot of people love the fact that a small woman can bring a big dude down with one well-placed knee (it is a hot image, lol) but I can't help but think it's under special conditions, namely where the guy simply lets her. In a fight or flight situation, the adrenaline kicks in, and dulls the pain, and your mind is too busy thinking on getting out of there. So in the end, the whole small woman bringing down a large man isn't going to be a common thing (unless they're into busting). 

As promised, here is my baseball bat to the groin incident.

So this was a while back now, and my bro and I were playing Star Wars with soft foam bats (one was red, one was blue). So I was Darth Vader, and we're hitting the bats together and doing all kinds of moves, then I say something like "You are no match for me, you can never defeat me" so my bro says "Oh yeah, well I can do this" and proceeds to do an upward swing, straight at my crotch.

In a half-laughing mood, and half pained expression, I think I said something like "ugh! you got me!" That bat hit me right in the nuts, and I felt the dull ache resonating through me. The initial sharp pain was short lived however. I was also in a pretty laughy mood, despite rolling on the floor cupping my aching balls, lol. I must have been down for a few minutes, and then was sort of leaning/bending over for another 5. After that, I felt a slight tingling pain for yet another 5 minutes, and after that, it was like nothing ever happened. Was pretty funny, and painful all at the same time, haha:

This is kind of what the bat was like, except a little longer:http://i01.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/60004651851/soft_foam_baseball_bat...

So you've got the soft foamy bit, but a hard plastic on the inside. Add a bit of swing to it and a pair of testicles, and you've got yourself a dude in pain, haha. I really hope to hear more of your stories too! :)

Hey, thanks for replying and reviving this thread! I could use with some more sports stories. :) And yeah, I think not many people know how much getting kicked in the dick (esp. the knob) actually hurts a lot! And sorry to hear you got busted with cleats. Glad it was a front stomp in the locker room, and not a downward stomp/step on the field.

Well I have a very quick story, and it's sports related enough, haha. A friend of mine had been riding her bike at the park, and we stopped over to talk to a friend of hers. I forget exactly what happened, but I think her friend was being a bit of a silly dick, and sorta pushed her while she was standing with the bike (sort of like "c'mon, get outta here!" response). Because she was standing over the bike, the push made her fall onto the seat, crotch first. Either she was wearing lycra style bike pants, or it was more so like tight tracksuit pants. Either way, she cupped herself with both hands, and kept shouting "my pussy!" She wasn't hurt too bad, so it was kind of comical, and I don't think the guy intended it. She was cupping/rubbing herself for at least a minute. 

I'll try to think of more stories, and it's good to see more posts! :)

I did Tae Kwon Do for most of my life, and honestly, I haven't been busted as much as you would believe in sparring for it. But, there have been a few, and this is one that sticks out at me.

I was sparring one day, and I was a black belt. I was not wearing a cup. At one point I had to fight a girl who was about the 4th rank (black is 10th). Because of the rank difference, I got a "no-hands" handicap (this one was at the end of class, two students at a time, everyone watching, just for fun - handicaps are not the norm). For the most part, I dodged all of her kicks, and scored a good amount of points. Then, someone commented, and I looked back, got distracted, and then when I looked forward again, there was a rather low roundhouse kick coming in. Instinctively, I turned, and was about to block with my hands, but I realized they were behind me. Guess where the kick lands?

As much as I like getting kicked in the nuts, having your whole class see it happen kinda sucks.

In a pick-up game of (American) footbal, I was playing QB and after an incomplete pass one of my friends threw the ball back to me.  Unfortunately I wasn't paying attention and it hit me square in the balls.  The stereotypical football in the nuts.  After a few minutes on my knees I got to my feet and back in the game, but I was running a little slowly for a while.  This happened at a field right on a main street, so I have to imagine a few people driving by got a chuckle out of my misfortune.

I also took a tennis ball straight to my right nut.  This is one of the few times there was no delay in the pain.  Just an explosion of agony that instantly sent me to the ground cupping my balls.

Finally, I was playing first base in my office softball league.  Someone hit a grounder right to me and the man on thrid starting sprinting home.  I fielded it perfectly, stepped on first and threw it right to our cute female catcher.  As I let go of the ball, I realize she wasn't ready for the throw.  In fact, she was wathcing the runner and didn't see the ball coming at all.  I screamed her name and as she turned the ball drilled her in the crotch.  She doubled over immediately and then slowly, painfully sank to her knees.  I ran over to aplogize and see if she was ok.  After a few minute she was back on her feet.  At the post-game happy hour, she told me it felt like she had been shot in the vag.  

I was in intercollegiate taekwondo for a while, and then some muay thai here and there after that. Not too many busting stories, surprisingly enough, but there is one that really stands out: the story of my very first real sparring match. This story is completely true and, despite looking long as fuck-all, is pretty much unembellished. Believe it, don't believe it, I don't care; (sh)it happened, and I just hope nobody who was there reads this, because that would be embarassing.

My college tkd club coach had just announced that we'd all be pairing up for sparring, a first for me. I'd had all of ten days or so of training under my very white belt, and while I'd kicked around with a few people before I'd never actually done a proper sparring round. Suffice to say the butterflies were having a field day. Still, like most (idiot) newbies in the martial arts world, I thought pretty highly of my natural abilities and figured I could make a decent showing, taking on another greenhorn. As it turned out, though, most of the people there weren't newbies, and it became pretty clear pretty fast that most of them already knew each other and were very quick to claim partners, leaving me in something of a lurch as I cast about up and down the line trying to figure out who the hell was left.

"Hey, do you have a partner?" a voice calls out down the line, and I look up to find probably the hottest girl in the room staring right at me. Egad! No, I didn't go all gaga ENTIRELY because she was cute... it wasn't the first time a pretty girl gave me the time of day, damnit! The source of my consternation was the black belt knotted around her waist (because that kind of thing was damn impressive to me back then!). The three gold stripes embroidered on the ends didn't do my already pretty prickling nerves a whit of good, either. So, what more was there to do than smile back, saunter on over at her beckon, and accept the fact that my greenhorn ass was going to be kicked up, down, and all around the mats by the prettiest girl in the room. In front of everybody. Fuck my life.

We chatted a bit as other pairs took their turns, some evenly matched, others not so much. Nice girl! Except for the very impressive decade-spanning list of competition achievements. Those were disconcerting. It's hard to tell when seated against a padded wall, but I was pretty sure at this point that she was taller than me, too. And, sure enough, there's the boyfriend mention, so poof went that wisp of a silver lining, too. The coach gestures us up, and it's time to go! Helmet strapped. Mouthguard in. Alas, no groin cup to speak of. Fuuuuuuuuck... my life.

As we step up to our marks, the coach yanks me aside for a quick word. "Okay, as soon as the fight starts, you don't think, you just hop forwards and throw a sidekick with your front leg. No matter what she tries to do, jam the side of her hipbone and knock her backwards!" Maybe it was out of pity for the lamb headed to the slaughter, in the hope of putting me on at least a little bit of offense and catch the vet off guard before it all inevitably slides downhill. I'm sure he was eating these words not thirty seconds later, because, for my own peace of mind, I'm going to say that what happened next was his goddamned fault!

Everything kinda passed in fast forward for a bit. On the marks! Attention! Bow. Stances! Ready? Butterflies buzzing at full throttle, and probably pumping enough adrenaline to enervate the dead. Fight!

I did exactly as ordered, hopping forward off my back leg in that ridiculous sideways stance half of everyone thinks is a good idea in tkd, raising my front leg, albeit with form so horrid I don't even dare picture what it would have looked like, and snapping my foot outwards towards where her hipbone was... last I checked (classic greenhorn error: not watching the move through). As it turns out, she had exactly the same idea, and threw a sidekick near identical sidekick to mine right at the same moment.

You know the feeling when you just KNOW that the shit is not right, even if you don't know what the problem is?  Well, I had that going in spades as something brushed across the outside of my pants, so I tried to do the only thing that made sense at the time: pull the kick back. And I did... but a quarter second too late. It still had a good bit too much mustard on it when my heel bonked into its inevitable target, smack in between her oh-so-widely parted thighs.

Truth be told, I barely felt the impact. But everybody heard the strangled yelp that came after it! I snapped my face across in time to catch my sparring partner tumbling backwards, both hands clutched tightly around her groin, left leg in the air, right on the floor as both seem to curl up at the same time, leaving her to flop hard onto her side, face frozen in a shocked gasp. It took a second (or three) for what happened to process as she writhed from side to side, hissing out breath after breath with her face all screwed up in a grimace, but the folks watching were a good bit quicker on the uptake. Quite a few laughs and chuckles, quite a few "oooooooohhhhs," some sympathetic, some less so, and a fair few just utterly stunned and horrorstruck faces.

So there I was, standing mortified and profusely apologetic over my poor sparring partner, who then proceeded to sear an image into my memory by flopping onto her back, spreading her knees and ankles quite wide, and arching her back as she thrust her hips into the air a couple of times, both hands still firmly clamped deep around parts unspoken of, so deep that I'm ninety percent sure she was palming her clit. Mercifully... or hilariously, depending upon whom you ask or, I guess more importantly, whom you happened to be in this scene, the coach interrupted my non-stop stream of apologies with a real classic. "Don't apologize for doing what you're supposed to! She should have worn a cup!" Those of the folks watching who had a sense of humor were falling over themselves. I suspect that my opponent was way too preoccupied with her own concerns to be listening. And me? I swear, if it were physically possible to open a hole in the ground and clamber into it, I would have found it right then.

At any rate, it became clear that she wasn't going to be making her way to her feet anytime too soon (she was donezo for the rest of class, as it turned out), so some of the vets trotted out and helped (i.e. rolled) her off the mats so they could scrounge up a new opponent for me. Shockingly enough, the (substantially less experienced) replacement was quite careful to maintain a very safe distance from me throughout the round. Wonder why...

And that's the story of how I came to learn that coochbusting is very much a thing, and how it came to share my ballbusting fetish's space. I always wished she'd sneakily (or not-so-sneakily) repay the favor in kind, but alas, never happened... and to think, if I'd been a few inches taller, it might have been me on the mats doing the crushed crotchfruit two-step! If you made it this far down, I don't really know what to say to you, but I hope you enjoyed the story! And if the poor subject of my heelbone's not-so-tender attentions ever happens to read this... uhh... I'M SOWWY!!!

Nice story -- thanks for sharing!



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