Dear KITG,

The day has finally come... after six long years, I'm leaving the site.

Donation time has always been excruciatingly frustrating, but this

year has been exceptionally bad: I can never get answers from 

Dvhour because he is never around. I've been carrying the site for

four years now, doing 95% of the work and all I ask of Dvhour is for

him to handle the whole donation headache, but every year, I can

never reach him to get answers on how we're doing. We were supposed

to talk this weekend to figure out what to do with the site from here,

but as usual, he was not around and it is IMPOSSIBLE to get an answer

out of him. I have reached the end of my patience.

Even worse, only 56 people donated this year, with only 5 days left

before the deadline. 56 out of 8000 members!! Every year, we get

at least 100 loyal members to keep this site going, and even that is

pathetic, considering we have 8000 members. But, this...this is an

all-time low. I can't tell you how disheartening this feels to me. With

all the time and energy I put into this place, it is beyond insulting.

If only 56 people think this site, and my work, is not even worth a few

dollars, why the fuck are we here?? This tells me that it is time to go.

Whether or not you make the deadline, I am done here. I want to thank

all who donated the past five years and kept us online. I want to thank

all who shared their wonderful videos and pictures and stories because

we couldn't exist without your contributions. I want to thank the core

of the community, the dedicated who made this site a was

you that I stayed for to make this site a HOME. And as utterly frustrated 

as I am right now with him, I want to thank Dvhour for trusting me to

run the site...I had some wonderful experiences because of it, and there

may be a couple more in the works ;) But most of all, I want to thank all

of you who shared your experiences and stories and lives...your hearts

and souls, with me...I stayed this long because of you.



I will leave this open for a week, until I leave. Please feel free to leave

any hellos or goodbyes, any final thoughts, good or bad...or say hi on

chat. I don't want this to be a somber last week...I want to celebrate 

it, so I will be answering any last questions and sharing my thoughts on

blogs, discussions, stories, etc. Let's make it a happy final week :)

~ Mallory ~

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Mallory, you were fantastic, that's all I've got to say.  So long and thanks for all the fish.

Well thank you muchly, Rig :)

Well. I used to donate that times when Kramtoad was around then went away and returned with new profile.

Once I said in chat that one  could not be sure when professional dome do BB whether she enjoys it or just doing her job. I underscored there where no criticism and that was my personal opinion.

Next log on, KITG stated there were no account with my name and I could not make new one. For the purpose of investigating, I did new, female account, with different IP and I was straight away put into Featured Members saying just nothing.

I think it is unacceptable when KITG Team discriminate on the point of gender, notwithstanding  men members are subs and they far outnumber females. It is disgusting when men member can be banned for personal opinion which was not shared by your Team and females are featured even when they are mute.

How do you expect me to donate after that. I would suggest you revise your policy on that.

Otherwise, sorry to see you Mallory go.

Best of luck.


We have a 10,000 person cap on this site. Right now we are at 8,000+ members. Once we hit 10,000 people we will need to add another $500 dollars a year to keep the site open. With that said, over the past year or two we have had to be very selective and careful about letting people in. 

The reality men out number the women 20 to 1 on this site. 


If we did not have to monitor this cap then we would not be selective and we would be more open to letting more people in but we can't. As it is we will have to purge. Yes at this time proportionately we approve more women more readily but we are also very skeptical when we see a profile that claims to be female. Please do don't be fooled and think that all women are accepted. Also you have ZERO knowledge of who we add and delete from the site on a daily basis so you should be careful about touting your one little experiment as fact when in reality you have a small frame of reference to base it on. 

Also do not compare us to Kramtoad that was an entirely different site with an entirely different fee structure. We are fucking generous we let people in for free wether they donate or not. Please do not compare. You did not have to be a member to look at the site this site you do! Also it was not really a social network, we are! Also we are not changing over ownership of this site so its not an equivalence. 

The dynamics of running this site is a full job sir. Please respect all the time and energy that it takes to respond to messages like this and address private and public alike...

Mallory is saying she is fed up with people not donating... there are 8000 members we are asking people to pay 2 or 3 dollars. How can you possibly complain about that or even talk about our short comings when we do this with zero pay or support from ungrateful folks like you. Sorry bro It needs to be said. 

Oh and to be honest you need to remove your girly profile to let a new member in... or remove your Eugene profile. Either way you are not helping the site by doing this. 

Question, it's been said we have 8,000 members? How many of them as a percentage come here regularly though? I mean, I typically see about the same few hundred that are regulars. I wonder how many are people who joined just for giggles, but aren't really into this, and never come back? Perhaps the odd people who donated are actually the true representation of the actual regular users of this site? Just from my anecdotal perspective of being here almost every day, and the list of people logged in is rarely up over a few hundred, the number of those who donated doesn't seem as quite as small of a percentage when seen in that light?

Again, I am basing this on the limited info I have to work with, but I do see a lot of people joining constantly, and yet I never hear from them again, or see them posting, or even see them logged on again. 

Not at all meaning that I don't appreciate this site, I am just saying maybe a lot of these profiles are simply people who stopped by, and never came back, or were active at one time, then left. 

Maybe look through and wipe any members who haven't logged in in say, 2 years?

Hello Mr. Metal :) 

Without Hijacking Mal Mal's thread you and I and others can take this to another thread for sure but to answer your question...

yes folks like yourself who are the regulars are literally about a few hundred or so when you base it on chat. For example the chat window at this very second states that there are 14 people currently on the site at this very moment, but that is only part of the story. In reality thats just the chat window, some people have chat disabled and never turn it on and some people literally block people so it is quite possible that there are double maybe triple those numbers of people at a time on the site. 

I'm looking at our Google Analytics and it is claiming that we average over 1000 unique IP visits per day. The average viewer stays here for at least 5 min per day. We have a daily bounce rate of 30% which is damn good for any website. Bounce Rate is the percentage of single-page sessions per viewing and that even isn't entirely telling because some folks never click a page and just chat. And 59.2% of our users are return visitors monthly. Again that is a big number. Its hard to break down every variable by looking at these numbers alone but there are definitely more than a few hundred unique visitors daily but possibly less than that average 1000.

I guess the point is more than 70 unique people saw our Donation message just by logging on and everyone got an email about it.

Oh one last thing... yes I have been secretly purging the site of those who are not contributing or haven't done anything from years back (both men and women). But I'm super super careful. Also one should not be hasty to remove cause there are members who contribute no thoughts at all and still donate so where to draw the line is a fine one indeed. :) 

thanks for your thoughts sir 

Hi Mallory.

I want to thank you for all you have done for us. (all the hard works you've put to keep the site running..the beautiful pics, stories and movies)

I was alway glad to support your site.

we shall all miss you very badly.

I wish you all the best of luck (and god bless - i'm a christian)

greetings Frans Elmendorp

Frans, my was the wonderful members who we need to thank for the pics, stories

and movies! I mean sure, I did decorate the place to liven it up and make it a home, but it's

the contributors who keep us going with fresh material - like you...thanks again for all YOU

contributed, in photos and donations.You were always one of our biggest supporters and I

thank you sincerely. I will miss you all too... I'm Christian also... God bless you as well :)

Hi, Mallory.

I really loved it by contributing the site and giving fresh pics. it felt like home. I was very glad that I wasn't the only one who's into bb! as a good christian I shouldn't place bb pics on the site...but it's just a fantasy for me..thats not too bad, isn't it? Nice to hear that you are a christian also. I really loved it how you decorated the place to live it up. its a lot of work..I wish I had the knowledge running the site.

I hope that the site will stay alive and that maybe you will come back to us?? haha!!

thnx 4 the blessing!! I will remember you in my prayers. I wish you a very nice live, with all the luck and love you've deserve and may God by with you. I hope you will stay in contact with us.         greetings Frans Elmendorp

Aw Mal,

I really hate to see you go :(   You did an amazing job running the site and you're gonna be really missed!    I wish there was something we could say to get you to stick around, even as just a member.  :(

I'M TOO BOSSY TO JUST BE A MEMBER, hahaha... Mr. Ed, I shall miss our chats on

cooking & baking...homemade marshmallows will always remind me of you, haha :D

{KITG: sooo much more than just ballbusting} 



As of November 28, 2024 these folks have donated.

  1. Dvhour (Site Owner)
  2. Square initials TR
  3. PayPal initials DH
  4. PayPal initials ZC
  5. PayPal initials TD
  6. PayPal initials PJ
  7. PayPal Smoo
  8. PayPal initials MB
  9. PayPal 2swollen
  10. PayPal init' SdB
  11. PayPal initials JK
  12. PayPal initials NM
  13. PayPal initials ES
  14. PayPal initials BB
  15. PayPal initials EJ
  16. PayPal JK (again)
  17. PayPal PJ (again)
  18. PayPal initials DG
  19. PayPal initials JR
  20. PayPal initials SS
  21. PayPal initials EZ


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