Hello everyone, my name is Melinda. I have been into "Ball-busting" for almost ten years, I didn't know it was an actual fetish, or had a name to it. I am glad I stumbled across this website. I am married and yes I do bust him a lot ;) So if you can't catch me online, please come here. Or you can message me If you like.

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Have you ever recorded your devastation to his manhood for your personal enjoyment?  Either for the two of you to enjoy or just for your own private times?

No I haven't, but it would be nice to record it just because. It would be interesting to watch from a different perspective :)
He can say no to me, it will cost him but he can say no :) Liquid that would be funny, but I doubt he would be on here. He doesn't even use an email account Lol

Hey Melinda, it's great to hear you're answering questions again. :)

I loved the BB Shoes topic, but now for a non-shoe related question, haha:

You say you absolutely love squeezing. Do you prefer him when he's wearing briefs (tightly packed) or with boxers/naked (hanging low, lol).

What methods are your favourite? Do you like to tease him first by gently rubbing, before the squeeze, and do you alternate between squeezing both and just one (I hear that squeezing just one hurts a lot more, lol) and curious how far you go with it, ie. when he begins a high pitched scream, or you start to feel the testicle "flatten" in your hand, lol.

I'd ask what goes on in your mind too, but I know it's absolute pleasure, haha. I'd love to hear a thought process though of before, during, and after. :)

Thanks so much for taking your time to answer questions!

I always answer questions at least when I can, I haven't had questions on here in awhile. First off I enjoy a tightly packed package always, but grabbing them when they are just nude and hanging there, lovely :)
I like squeezing them both mainly but I single one out here and there. How far do I go, :) hard enough for him to make the high pitch scream, then he breaks on into a sweat, body starts shaking. He's defiantly not going to be standing up. The balls do start to "flatten" so to speak, at that point he looks like he is on the verge of puking or passing out. It makes my fingers hurt, I do it so hard sometimes. The thought process before is teasing and playfull. During not so much. It's exhilarating, to squeeze them until they are on the verge of exploding. I like to know his whole sexual existence is almost about to rupture in my hand, right threw my fingers. I like to think after, about just how close I got to Breaking him for real and it excites me. At least that is some of my througts ;)

Hey Melinda, thanks for answering! And all good, I know some threads go silent for a while, but then pick up again, which is all good. :)

And oh wow, to be honest, you went further than I thought you would, haha. I thought once they start to "flatten" you'd ease up, but instead you keep going further and further! I'm not sure how much pressure a testicle can take, but I'm guessing with a hand, it should be all right vs say the heel of a stiletto. The high pitch scream shows how much it hurts, but the whole body shaking/verge of puking/passing out sounds like it's pretty damn hard! Apparently a lot of adrenaline gets released when the testicles are squeezed, but if it hurts this much, then the pain is definitely taking over.

Well I'm glad for his sake that you don't rupture his balls, but it's kinda hot and sinister knowing that you're thinking "I wonder how much more I press to actually crack his nuts?" lol. I guess you literally have him "in the palm of your hand!" Thank you for answering. I can't think of any more questions at the moment, I think this one is a lot to think about it, haha. :)

Hey Melinda! I know you only check this every now and again, so take your time, and feel free to answer when ever you like. :)

Following up the squeezing question, seeing as you love to squeeze hard, have you ever noticed a difference in "firmness" when the guy is either full of cum, or hasn't cum in a long time?

I say this from personal experience, and I hope it's not TMI, but when it's been a while, the testicles can actually feel "harder/firmer" and may significantly feel different as well. Not only that, but when a guy has blue balls, they become much more sensitive, so even a medium nut grab squeeze would be enough to make him feel it a lot.

Just curious if you've noticed any differences, and if they have affected your squeezing, or if you were too busy exhilarated by it all that you didn't notice. :P Haha. 

Thanks once again, and keep those fingers strong, hehe.

I have to say I have never paid attention to the firmness when I'm squeezing, I just squeeze them and watch to see if they are going to blow.


I feel like I'm running out of questions, so I'll try and mix it up, lol.

Rather than ask what's the hardest bust you've done, coz I'm sure you've answered this already, but, what's the lightest bust that you've done, that's gotten the biggest reaction?

For eg. Did you ever say lightly knee someone, but you got them square in the right spot, that even a light hit made them fall to their knees? Any surprises like say doing a "warm up" kick, but it got him real good, he fell to the floor, possibly surprising you? Lol, not sure what other examples I can think of, haha.

Thanks again!

Yes there have been times when I nearly hit him and he drops. The first time it had happens I was on my way to work, I have hubby a quick kiss and a knee to his nuts. It almost floored him, I asked him why because I know I have hit him a lot harder then that before. He told me he's ball had gotten trapped between my kneecap and his pelvis bone almost crushing it. It gave me a new appreciation for busting balls, and how truly fragile they are. I don't care how tough you are, if those precious little organs are stuck between two solid objects they are bound to break, and I don't think it would take that much.

Thanks for the answer! And ahh yes, that makes total sense. Like being caught between a rock and a hard place, it has no where to go, so it becomes sandwiched. I'm not sure how much force/pressure a testicle can take, but what I do know is that the pain will be very high. Sometimes accuracy trumps power. I hope for both your sake that his balls survive for another day of busting, haha.

after that have you tried to cause that "trapping effect" on purpose?



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