This is a real brainstorm. During a chat a moment ago, some thoughts came to my mind, and maybe they are useful.
I have met quite a number of men that want to find somebody to bust them, but they dont know how.
Well lets say they are disencouraged. As much as I'd love to comfort every person that is unhappy with his situation by kicking the hell out of him - face it - im the wrong one to talk to, because in 90% of cases, i live way too far away to ever meet you and be your angel ^^ Go Get A Busteress where you live.
So I provide you a few thoughts.
To look for a busteress in specific BDSM chats could be a way. However, women tend to be arrogant there, because they wana act like mistresses and they also are annoyed by men spamming them PM's. To give you an idea - if i log in there i get like 10 PM windows in 2 minutes. They all have in common that i wont answer them. Why? Because they all read "how are you?" - it is no arrogance that i dont answer these but simply the fact im tired of basically copy and paste all my answers into 10 windows. if you want to get attention, stand out and deserve it or at least gain it effectively.
I usually chat with the first person who doesnt bore me. Things that bore me are especially questions like if i kick hard. or in normal adult rooms - if i swallow >_> I want to get to know the person, but the men in these rooms act like we're already in bed - you know what i mean?
But think about it - what you look for there is a busteress - this means she is totally random if it comes to her character and most likely wont fit. A one time busting date wont make you happy for long. Hence, i decided there must be a better way. i once wrote a text about things like the above, maybe i post it another time, but this post is about the way to get a GF and TURN her into a busteress. :)
The way is
Find a new Girlfriend that matches to you. by this search criteria, you will find a person that is also interested in you - and not just in kicking you a few minutes and then buzz off to never be seen again.
Then, carefully introduce your gf to this fetish. She most likely will act like "but i dont want to hurt you" so you have to explain that this cant compare to other pain and is what you want and long for, and even kinda suffer when you miss it for a long time. Once she gets that thers nothing bad but only good for you in it - why should she still refuse it or hesitate. Maybe this already wakes her curiosity but lets see.
After a bit of soft bb, the first step is done. You need to chat here alot so she knows "That KITG is where hes always at." Also, the fact you hang here explains her how much BB must mean to you that you dedicate your free time to it too.
after these first bustings she will unlikely discover her sadistic part of the soul, that would be luck, so lets continue ^^
After the first bustings, what i believe she will feel is like insecurity. Was this freakish? Or was it sick? Is her bf a perv? so the place (KITG) he hangs at is full of pervs too...?
You have to confront her with the bb and get her into it step by step, instead of to ask her for a favor because i have noticed in other posts from guys taht gfs seem to to that favor without much inspiration and motivation, since to them its boring and they dont get anything out of that.
Hence, you should tell her she is a wonderful person. Going to chat in KITG you will tell her after a while that people greet her - because you spoke about your gf busting you, since everybody does that and you said like "my gf is in the background, oh she had given me heaven of a session last night."
By this, subconsciously, she will take notice of KITG again and that people there now know that she exists ^^
Remember she's insecure if this is a weird or silly thing or not, and she surely believes no normal girls could be into that. So you tell her the girls of KITG (at least me, i'll do that favor to you) have asked why she doesnt register there. Or come to chat.
Now she will meet us to find out we're no sick bitches (except that im a freeeek Oo).
If you manage to make her like to chat here regularly, she will combine the BB with the KITG.
Back when i was in Unreal Tournament for 5 years, the game itself was not my type (other than its single player predeccessor). but i met a wonderful community around that game in England.
I started to play it again because of those people. I discovered i could put my creativity into building maps in that game - so i could share my creativity with my game friends instead to have gaming and creativity (i.e. writing, drawing) separated. AFter gaming, there was talk in cahts and forums. So i also made all my internet life - the chatting - going all about unreal Tournament. Hence, it became a thing to me i really liked.
Now if your gf realizes you (the one she loves) gets big joy out of BB - and she likes to chat here and exchange with the likeminded, she most likely will find interest in practicing BB not only for you but for herself. Discovering this site of hers, we need a term for it.
It was said this is a fetish or a kink. But those words are not really effective.
However, could it be a lifestyle? Opinions about it vary. I think it can definatly be called it because
BB belongs to variations of BDSM.
BDSM people, you know the full leathered hardcore freaks with whip and stuff, are pretty proud and dedicated about their "lifestyle", even hold meetings about it or go to clubs. Now, if you sell your gf that she likes BB a bit so she DEFINATLY lives a part of the BDSM lifestyle, i think there will be a subconscious sympathy and identification, insecurity becomes a Security because she begins to understand where her place is in this. "i = do this because... many do it... its not awkward or weird... but a lifestyle...that many live. in different forms... some slave some dom... well and me... im a ballbuster, if anyone asks where my place in BDSM is."
by this, she might accept she lives it WITH you, not doing you uninspired favors lacking of motivation. She will feel a part of it instead of giving that just to her awkward bf. She also will understand this is no stund or a party gag to invite every random friend to ("kick him!") but sex.
She sure will not only fully understand the fetish then but treat it a delicate thing.
Everything has points, rules, every thing has names ... so in her mind it should sum up as something logical now. Why should she refuse it - she's a part of it already.
Shes practicing it, chatting about it, feeling comfortable with it and her experience that grows.
I think all girls on this page will think as i do and be extra-nice to new found gfs that you introduce in the chat, trying to make her feel home to do our guys this favor :)
I dont know if this works - but i believe it will. Because it woudlve worked that way for me i think. Especially when my bf tells "she does it so wonderful" I'd feel like "Im good at this... I like that im good at it." We overtake passions and interests and habits when we are comfortable with them and we can become interested in them when we are new to them. So, you guys who long to find a busteress... a new gf freshly introduced to bb (like... a week or something) really might "work" this way.try it! And if the other girls provide a few thoughts of how they believe it could work out, maybe this thread becomes a rock solid recipe on how you really increase the chances to step in the chat next time and smile instead to feel a lack of busting. I'd bust all of you to make you happy but i live faaar away. There must be your personal angel out there who gota be awakened yet. Yet, she doesent even know her new passion but show it to her! I wish you this works out - cus Marina from KITG likes you all <3
*blows a kiss and vanishes in a sparkling low budget light effect*