A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Reaching for his cell phone and keys, Ryan was surprised to see that he had a voice message. Though he was running a little behind on his way to meet Rebecca, he decided to listen to it, figuring it was just a telemarketer since he didn’t recognize the number.
“Hi, this message is for Ryan from Dr. Cameron. She is requesting a follow-up appointment. Please call the office at 555-1009 to schedule an appointment this week. Thank you.”
Dr. Cameron? Ryan didn’t know a doctor by that name, so he figured it was a wrong number. Pocketing his phone he headed out the door.
Panera was crowded – especially for a Monday morning, thought Ryan, but he had no trouble spotting Rebecca’s black hair across the dining room. She’d grabbed a corner table and was waiting with two coffees and an oversized cinnamon roll. He headed over as she waved to him.
“Thanks for grabbing the joe, and nice call on the cinnamon roll,” he said, leaning over and giving her a quick kiss on her soft cheek.
“I figured we could split it considering how big it is.” She handed him a plastic fork.
Digging in greedily, Ryan alternated between bites of pastry and sips of coffee as Rebecca talked, mostly about work.
“Bet you can’t wait to get in today,” Ryan rolled his eyes and chuckled. “Sounds like your co-worker is really getting to be quite the pain.”
“No doubt,” she said, returning the eye roll. “I’ve got half a mind to kick him between the legs.”
Ryan shivered, knowing full well what that felt like. “He better watch himself. I know from personal experience, that’s not an empty threat.”
Rebecca smiled coyly. “Not from this girl…” She trailed off.
“What is it?” Ryan asked.
“I just realized it’s been quite some time since you got to be on the receiving end of my foot. Ever since that scare at the ER, I’ve been a little hesitant to bust you. I know you keep telling me everything’s back to normal, but I just can’t get the image of your overly-swollen testes out of my mind. Not to mention the wicked bruising.”
“Hah!” Ryan exclaimed, as it finally dawned on him.
Rebecca nearly spit out the coffee she’d just sipped at his sudden outburst. Quickly swallowing it, she inquired, “Please, do tell.”
“I got a message this morning from a Dr. Cameron. I thought it was a wrong number since I couldn’t recall anyone by that name. She was requesting a follow-up appointment, but I didn’t know what for. Your little rehash just made me put two and two together.”
“Interesting,” Rebecca seemed to mull it over. “I didn’t know ER docs did follow-up appointments. Guess she must be pretty concerned. I’d definitely call her back, though.”
Ryan pulled out his phone and hit redial.
“Dr. Cameron’s office. How can I help you?”
“Uh, hi, my name is Ryan Johnson and you asked me to schedule a follow-up appointment.”
“Ah, Mr. Johnson. Thank you for getting back to us. We had a cancellation this evening if you’re free.”
Putting his hand over his phone he asked, “They have an opening tonight. Should I take it?”
Rebecca nodded her assent.
“That works for me,” he said, back on the phone. “What time.”
“Dr. Cameron is available at 7 pm. She’ll see you then.”
Ryan clicked off. “It’s at 7. Will you be off work by then? That is, if you want to go.”
“Works for me. How about I pick you up on my way home. Should be perfect timing.”
Ryan finished his coffee, said good-bye and headed off to class. Rebecca got a refill on her coffee and considered the circumstances. It definitely struck her as strange that the ER doctor would do a follow-up. But whatever, she thought, it would be good to hear a doctor reiterate Ryan’s claim of a full recovery.
Ryan heard the honk from Rebecca and went outside to meet her. “How was work?”
“Not too bad. Actually, my shift went pretty quick.”
“No problems with Jack?” He asked, curious as to whether or not she made good on her earlier idea.
Giving him a sideways glance and a sly grin she said, “You mean, did I kick him in the balls?”
He nodded.
“No. Sadly, he called in sick today. I was all revved up to bust his nuts good, too. If he knew what was in store, he might be a little more happy to be under the weather. One of these days, though.” She slammed a fist into an open palm, the smack punctuating her intentions.
They pulled into the parking lot of Dr. Cameron’s office. There was only one other car, a BMW, most likely Cameron’s. “Well, let’s go get you checked out,” Rebecca said.
They walked into the building, found the right suite and entered. No one was at the desk, but there was a note next to a bell that said Ring for service. Rebecca tapped it.
A few seconds later, Dr. Cameron appeared and both Ryan and Rebecca’s jaws went slack. Instead of the normal business suit or lab coat, the doctor was in black yoga pants and a pink sports bra with matching black and pink sneakers to match. Her long blond hair was pulled back in a pony tail and it was obvious she’d just been working out. Her ripped abs were amazing, but Ryan and Rebecca didn’t really notice.
Rebecca nudged Ryan and he shot her a quick glance. He saw her eyes wide and he knew she was just as impressed as he was. She was blatantly staring at Dr. Cameron’s boobs which were still glistening with sweat and threatening to burst from the overmatched bra.
“Her boobs are huge…I had no idea,” Rebecca marveled in a whisper. “I can’t look away.”
Inwardly, Ryan concurred. It was really hard not to stare. They were literally each the size of her head. He must have been in a serious daze not to notice them before, even if they were hidden by a loose lab coat.
“Ah, Ryan, thanks for coming in,” Dr. Cameron said warmly, as she wiped a towel across her cleavage and tossed it on the desk. “Please excuse my attire. I didn’t have a chance to work out at lunch, so I took the liberty of squeezing one in before your appointment. I can go change if you want.”
Ryan looked at Rebecca who finally broke off her stare to nod that Cameron didn’t need to change.
“No problem,” he answered. “We don’t care.”
“Good,” Cameron smiled again. “Now why don’t you both follow me.” She motioned them around the desk and led them into an examination room. She had Rebecca take a chair in the corner and told Ryan to strip down to his underwear.
As he got undressed, he was relieved that he’d been able to keep his penis in check. He didn’t relish getting a hard on in front of the doctor, especially one as hot as Dr. Cameron. Plus, Rebecca might not appreciate it too much either.
Dr. Cameron patted the examination table and Ryan hopped up.
“So you’ve made a full recovery?”
Ryan nodded. “Everything seems back to normal.”
“Great!” She said enthusiastically, reaching for his underwear. “I’ll just have a quick look-see to make sure.”
Ryan steadied himself as she pulled down his boxer-briefs, trying not to be self-conscious. She moved his penis out of the way and cradled his testicles, giving them a thorough inspection.
“I think you’re right. They look right as rain.” As she spoke, her cheery demeanor dissolved into a frown.
Noticing the shift, Ryan quickly asked, “What is it? Is something wrong?”
“Actually, yes, there is something wrong.” But she was no longer looking at Ryan. Instead, she looked sternly at Rebecca, who shot upright in her seat at being called out.
“Did I do something?” She asked nervously.
“No, you didn’t. And that’s precisely the problem.” Cameron admonished.
“What?” Rebecca’s eyes betrayed concern.
“Didn’t I give you a prescription several weeks ago, young lady? Som...” There was a small smirk underneath Cameron’s stern expression.
“Well…I guess so, but…”
Cameron cut her off. “Clearly, you did not follow my orders.”
“Not yet,” Rebecca stammered, surprised at feeling so intimidated. “I just didn’t think it was a good idea.” The excuse sounded weak, even to her.
“I was afraid of that,” Cameron said, shaking her head as her face relaxed back to its previous cheery air. “When I didn’t get another visit from Ryan, here,” she jerked her thumb in his direction, “I figured you hadn’t filled the prescription, so to speak. That’s why I decided to schedule this follow-up appointment. I don’t normally keep hours after 6 pm, which is why we’re the only ones here.”
“We were wondering about that,” said Ryan.
Cameron patted his leg and shot Rebecca a wink. “I suspect you’re afraid of a repeat scenario, and that’s why you haven’t followed my instructions?” As she asked, Cameron motioned for Ryan to pull up his boxer-briefs.
“You’re right,” said an embarrassed Rebecca.
“Nothing to be ashamed of, that’s why we’re here. I thought you could use the encouragement. Plus you’ll see that you have nothing to worry about.”
“Wait, what –“ Ryan tried to interject, but Cameron waved him silent.
“Stand up,” she said to Rebecca. “You, too Ryan.”
As he stood, Cameron took his arm and positioned him in front of Rebecca. “Why don’t you go ahead and spread your legs a little wider.” She tapped his left leg with her foot and Ryan obediently widened his stance. He could feel his testes hanging heavy in the pouch of his boxer-briefs, a ripe and ready target.
Cameron looked at Rebecca. “Nice shoes. Black suede stilettos. I bet they can do some damage. I hope you don’t mind me saying that they really make your legs look long and toned. Unfortunately, it looks like you’ll need to hike up your skirt if you want to get any leverage.” With that, she grabbed the bottom of Rebecca’s skirt and lifted it to the top her thighs, giving Rebecca a wider range of motion.
“Well, they’re certainly not as toned as yours,” she returned the compliment, swinging her right leg back and forth to test the freedom.
Cameron pushed Rebecca’s chair out of the way, clearing space for a nice long backswing, and then stood next to Rebecca. “He’s not going to do anything stupid, like try to get out of the way, is he?”
“Are you, baby?” Rebecca said in a ridiculously girly voice.
“It’s only going to be worse if you,” Cameron added.
Ryan didn’t answer, but instead set his jaw to indicate that he understood. He did know better than to protest or ‘do anything stupid,’ as he had no doubts Rebecca would not hold anything back if he did.
“Good,” Cameron smiled. Then she folded her arms under her breasts, making them larger than ever while creating deep cleavage. She looked directly at Ryan with a sinister smile and noticed that dick was springing to life – just the effect she was after as it left his nuts as the only target. Turning her to Rebecca she said, “Go ahead and kick him when you’re ready. As I said before, don’t hold back. I want you to see that he’ll be fine.” She chuckled and added, “More or less.”
Cameron watched as Ryan’s eyes betrayed true terror. She could see him trembling in fear and anticipation, but was impressed as he stood firm.
Rebecca took a deep breath and visually lined up her kick. She was really going to make this one hurt. She drew her right leg way back and then swung it forward, driving her foot viciously into the V of Ryan’s legs. She felt her foot connect and then the sharp pain as it met his pelvic bone. A small ‘unff’ escaped her.
Cameron’s eyes gleamed as she watched Rebecca’s supple leg swing in a beautiful arc before driving into Ryan’s balls. She gasped as the kick lifted Ryan a full six inches off the ground and then clapped excitedly as he dropped to the ground moaning and clutching at his balls.
She turned and offered Rebecca a high five. Rebecca giggled as they slapped palms. “Wow, girl, that was some kick. You really know what you’re doing!” Cameron’s beaming face complemented her compliment. “I may have underestimated you. I still think he’ll be fine, but goddamn, he has to be hurting.”
They both looked down at Ryan who was moaning unintelligibly and rocking back and forth, hand pressed firmly in his groin.
“Ah,” sighed Cameron, “isn’t it a wonderful sight. Seeing a young, beautiful girl like you standing over this heap of a man after you kicked him so hard in the balls – his pain must be unbearable. It just makes my day.”
Well, if it’s any consolation, my foot stings a little, too.”
The two women burst into an uncontrolled fit of giggles.
“Honey, that sting was worth the terrific agony you just put him in. Admit it.” Cameron cajoled.
Rebecca, in complete euphoria, couldn’t stop herself. “Totally worth it. There’s nothing like kicking a guy in the balls and watching him wrestle with such extreme pain, knowing it was you who made him hurt. Talk about having power go to your head.” She eyed Cameron and noticed the doctor’s hardened nipples pushing through her sports bra. “Maybe you should try.”
“Really?!” Cameron exclaimed. Rebecca nodded.
“Okay, then you hold him up,” Cameron commanded as they grabbed Ryan under the arms and lifted him to a standing position.
Rebecca held Ryan in a full nelson and used her own big boobs to push him forward while keeping his legs spread with her feet. He tried to pull his arms back to his groin, but he was too weak to break Rebecca’s grip.
“Please, no,” he petitioned, “my balls hurt too bad.”
“Stop whining and take it like a man,” Rebecca whispered in his ear.
Cameron hopped up and down, swinging her leg back and forth, her boobs bouncing and jiggling in a way that even Rebecca found sexy as hell. “Ready?” She asked.
“I’m ready,” Rebecca said, “But he might not be –“
Before she could finish, Dr. Cameron stepped back and swung her leg forward. She kicked him in the balls so hard that it knocked Ryan and Rebecca backwards. “Oh yeah!” She exclaimed as the couple fell to the ground. “That felt great!”
Ryan let out a howl of pain and then simply coughed and gurgled. As Rebecca caught her breath, the wind having been knocked out of her as Ryan collapsed on top of her, she whispered, “Oh baby, are you choking on your own balls?”
Ryan just kept moaning, tears rolling from his eyes.
“I hope the pain is utterly agonizing. She really kicked your balls hard. I even felt it. But I’m so glad it was your balls that took the full impact.” Rebecca balanced the mocking by covering his hands with hers, to help him cope with the torture. “I kicked you hard, but I think she may have outdone me. But it was awesome to see her foot smash your balls flat and to feel you jerk and twitch from the pain. I wish you could see how happy we are to see you hurting.”
“Me too,” said Cameron, putting a hand on Rebecca’s shoulder. “Thank you for letting me kick your boyfriend. I hope you’re not upset.”
“I’m not upset at all. It was a rush to watch a gorgeous woman like you bust his balls. It’ll be fun to talk about later,” Rebecca said, sincerely, then added, “Do you think he’s okay?”
“Give him some time and I’ll check him out.” Cameron assured her before taking Rebecca into the hallway, leaving Ryan to await relief.
Outside, Dr. Cameron gave Rebecca instructions on what to expect and how to help speed Ryan’s recovery. The doctor again complimented Rebecca on being a great ballbuster, something she herself was also proud of being. She told Rebecca some stories from her past as Rebecca listened wide-eyed and rapt. Then she looked at her watch and decided it was time to check out the damage.
Back in the examination room, the women hoisted a broken Ryan onto the table and pulled down his shorts. His balls showed the early signs of deep bruising and they were the size of baseballs. Dr. Cameron had a cold compress ready and applied it to his testicles after feeling them to make sure they were still completely intact.
It occurred to Rebecca that perhaps the ice pack should’ve been administered sooner. “Isn’t it a little late for that?”
“Not at all. I wanted there to be some swelling. Don’t you want something to remember this by, at least for a little while?” She laughed. “Think of it as a trophy for being the number one ball buster. When you get up for the next week or so, you’ll see these huge balls and know you’re the reason. I guarantee it will put a pep in your step.”
“I believe it will,” Rebecca murmured, “I believe it will.”
Cameron pulled up Ryan’s underwear and let Rebecca get the rest of his clothes on. Then she helped her walk Ryan out to the car.
“Enjoy the rest of the night, Rebecca, especially since he won’t.” Cameron chided. “And don’t worry, everything will be fine. They’re just balls.”
With that Dr. Cameron waved them good-bye.
As of November 28, 2024 these folks have donated.
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