This is a story I wrote for my girlfriend, heavily inspired by Kneelover's great story Catwoman Steals the Family Jewels, who I believe was partly inspired by Mallory. Anyway, tribute to a tribute, here it goes.

Games of Gotham


The Gotham museum of natural history was aglow with the annual board member party. There were lavish costumes, exotic appetizers, and scantily costumed waitresses. All was going as expected, until one of the waitresses half finished her plate, and exited through the door. Her bunny costume seemed a little more bulky than normal, with a pronounced belly, solid black leather leggings, and a sturdy, yet tight V-cut top, and large fuzzy mitts. She came to the survelliance room, and kindly knocked.

            “Mr. Johnson told me to see to the hardworking employees of the building.” The two guards let her in. She leaned over, setting down the platter of cheese pastries, and edible caviar bowls. “These are my favorite, make sure you enjoy them.” She watched them closely, and sure enough, the one to her left closed his eyes. She kicked right in a flash, and grabbed the left guard by his left shoulder, and right wrist. She shoved him up against the wall, and kneed him in the berries twice. Once his hands went for his balls, she held him up, and kissed him, while she snatched his pistol with her left hand. She aimed it at the first guard, “keep holding onto your package for me honey.” And took his gun, and both their radios.

“Now if I wasn’t in a hurry, I’d gag you boys, handcuff you, and have some fun, but thanks to my schedule, and Mr. Johnson’s request I’m just going to smother you.”

With that she grabbed the guard she had kicked, transferred his hands to her butt, and grabbed his package with her left hand. Keeping her eyes on the other guard, she used her right to bring his face deeper into her cleavage. She simply whispered “kiss”, and switched from fondling to squeezing. They both moaned, and she let him down into his chair.

            “What did you do to him”, “Same thing I’m going to do to you.”, “I already gathered that.” He said sarcastically. She simply sighed. “Look we can have this conversation for two minutes, but I’m going to have a gun to your head, and your going to need to keep your voice down, and your stare on my boobs, to avoid seeing past my disguise.” “… As you wish”

“So my job requires me to neutralize a lot of guards, but hand cuffing and gagging is too much work, and hitting over the head is too variable, and cruel for me. So I’m a big fan of sedating with drugs. I could have drugged the food, but there’s the questions of whether or not you’d eat, which ones you’d choose, and its no fun.”

At this point she brought his hands up from his aching, tender balls, to her warm breasts. “I believe, you’ve got to do what you love.” “So a lip stick?” “Well, I didn’t feel like spending years to develop a drug resistance, or fiddling around with those silly strips to make it one way contact for starters. Secondly, River Song, Malcolm’s wife, and that tramp Poison Ivy all do that, and I am not a copy cat. Finally, I like my way better. I enjoy spreading the sedative on my boobs in my mission prep. I can feel confirmation that the guard has licked, and therefore ingested the sedative, and I love that feeling. Oh yeah, the reliability is incredible, only the most paranoid men hesitate for a second, when I tell them to kiss them.”

“So what if I don’t?” asked the guard

“Well then silly. I’ve got ways of making you want to go unconscious, which I thoroughly enjoy.” With that she changed from smoothly fondling his balls to a pulsing grip, with each pulse increasing in intensity. She then used her gun hand to force his face into her cleavage, “You know you want to baby.”

Within a few seconds he was out, and sliding down the wall, while she felt 10 feet off the ground, while she stopped the surveillance recordings. “Sweet dreams she said, and gave his nuts a little back kick on her way out of the room, bringing her tray.

            She knew her route, and her target, and expected to meet that section’s guard on the way. “You’re not supposed to be here, get back to the party.” Came a gruff voice to her side, who she approached. “Of course I am, I was sent from the party to offer you these” She said, bringing the platter up, just below her boobs. She quickly closed the distance, till the platter, and her boobs were most of what he could see, to hide her incoming boot. She felt both of his nuts on her laces, before he came crashing down, hitting the tray, which she dropped. In one fluid motion, she was behind him, with her left arm around his neck, grabbing her right arm. From this position she tightened her blood choke, and pulled him up against her squished boobs, while softly whispering, “Help yourself when you wake up”

With him down, she flicked off her bunny mitts, boot covers, and fluffy white belly. She also dropped her bunny ears and wig, and unrolled her cat ear hood. “Almost forgot”, she took the white cover of her bunny tail off, revealing a thick black tail, which she untied to release, allowing it to uncurl beautifully along her round ass, and shapely legs. She pulled out a little cat face shaped container, and opened it at the hinged ears. She put a caviar bowl into it, and took one for herself, before grabbing the bag in the white belly, and moving on.

She soon arrived at the display for Cleopatra, which included a nice riverboat background, authentic 3 foot cat statuettes, and a realistic model of the queen wearing some of her ancient jewelry. Since the edges of the glass were attached to pressure sensitive alarms, she used a suction cup centered laser glass cutter to carefully remove a hole in the display case. She then took out a coat hanger, which she expertly bent and angled. Using it she carefully lifted the necklace up and over the head of the figurine. She inspected it carefully. It had a thick gold chain, with two angled plates, one depicting an eagle, the other a cat catching a mouse. Between them was a 2 inch tear drop shaped ruby. Instead of packing the priceless necklace away into a protected belt pouch, she simply, laid it down around her neck, feeling the cold, heavy finery on her neck, and between her boobs. She took a moment to look down, and admire the sight, before whispering “Its purrrrfect.”

She quickly ascended the fire stairs, and reached the roof access door. After quickly picking it, she came out to the roof, and crept over to a corner. There she opened her cat faced container, and set the caviar bowl on the roof. A shadow emerged from the shadows; it was an entirely black cat, with a Persian’s build. It happily ate up the caviar, while she pet it.

            Suddenly, they heard the crack of a grappling hook sinking into the roof’s walls, Batman would be here in seconds, the chase was on. Isis immediately jumped onto her shoulder, gripping the reinforced leather, and they were off at a run. The chase started off as a running and jumping game, but they quickly proved to be equals, with roughly half a roof between them, it was time to spice things up.

            First catwoman laid down caltrops, but batman saw her left hand spread them, and shifted to the right slightly. Next catwoman used a smoke bomb, but batman knew to wait, and watch both sides, instead of running in. They then came to a sizeable alley with an eight inch diameter drainpipe on the far wall, as the only climbing route. Catwoman ran and threw herself at the pipe. She connected with her hands, followed closely by her chest, which squished wonderfully to absorb some impact, and cushion the necklace. Then with her upper body forward and tethered, her lower body swung into the pole. She spread her legs, felt the round impact fill her crotch, and wrapped her legs around it. She took a second to look down to make sure the necklace was fine, and couldn’t help but appreciate the view, and how nice this pole felt. As she quickly climbed the pole, she reflected on how much she enjoyed the jump and impact, and how it would hurt poor batman, with his goods all packed into that tight speedo of his. She was at the top of the pole, when she heard his jump, and the subsequent “Oof!” as his breath left his lungs. With him looking up, she gave the pole one long, deliberate grind and moan to rub it in. She smiled as she ran, knowing she had gained a good lead.

            Unfortunately for her, she soon came to a building, where all of her roof options were above her. She used her whip to grab a fire escape, then swung over, and started climbing. Due to the pipe, she had a good lead on batman, and was mostly up before he arrived. Batman simply pulled out his grappling gun, and shot at the top of the fire escape, and used the gun to bring him up. Cat woman needed a few seconds before reaching the hook, and swiftly cutting the cable. She looked down, to find Batman dangling from the railing with his left hand, before he started quickly climbing. “Do you ever give up?” “I will never stop chasing you” She simply gave an exasperated sigh, and threw another smoke bomb down to mess with his vision.

            She had expected to slow him down, but he had easily memorized the modular construction of the fire escape, and knew where to grab. So she took a turn with him hot on her tail. She figured this roof with 4 full clotheslines would slow her taller pursuer down, and give her a chance to slip off to a side, and change direction. she had ducked under two clotheslines, when she heard two batarangs slice through the air, cutting the lines on either side. She had to jump to avoid the third clothesline, launching Isis into the air, then back onto her shoulder with a loud hiss. That was enough Isis jumped off and hid in the clothes she was slower, but she would follow well. Batman was good, but Catwoman was close to her territory.

            Selena Kyle had laid a few traps during the day, while Batman was busy being Bruce Wayne. She got to her trapped roof, and started running over what looked to be a thick black wire, strapped to the ground. Catwoman made sure that he was running 10 feet behind her, when she reached the 4 foot wall of the roof, and simply jumped off. It was at this moment that Batman saw the cable leading vertically up the wall. Even he didn’t see the trap coming, it was too sneaky. He expected to follow her climbing down the bolted cable. He was right at the edge when it caught him. The wire had been a thick black rope, strong and flexible, and the brackets had been placed over it, but not screwed in place. They went flying as the falling catwoman had grabbed her trap rope 3 seconds after she had jumped. The rope had been anchored 10 feet from the wall, suddenly went taunt, becoming the hypotenous of an instantly formed triangle. The thick rope shot up, directly into Batman’s balls, just as Catwoman had planned. He wound up grabbing the rope, because it was too taunt to cradle his berries, and slumped over. This put his chest on the wall, allowing him to look down at Catwoman. “Really Bats, you should have expected it. This is exactly my style.” She said, as she held the rope, and brought her arms together for a flaunting boob squish. Then once his hand came up to the ledge to climb off the rope that had him on his tip toes, she jumped off the ledge that she had been resting her feet on. The rope went slack for a second, causing Batman to shift his weight back onto his feet, and then, came back up with a vengeance, as her full weight returned to it. “You would have also seen that coming, with my foot on this ledge, if you hadn’t been staring at these. Or was it this?” pointing to her boobs and necklace respectively. She jumped one more time, but Batman was ready. He quickly put his left hand under his nuts, and grabbed the rope. This allowed him to cushion himself, lift his weight off the rope, and slice it with his right hand. “Just like the cat to play with string.” He grumbled, before sinking to the floor.

            Catwoman fell one story, before grabbing the next window sill. Once stable, she dropped herself onto the next one, planting her feet, and grabbing the brick sides. From there she jumped across the narrow alley to a thin drainage pipe. Once she was at the top, she looked back to Batman regaining his feet, and thought another one of these, and gave it a good rubbing top and bottom, before running along the roof. She had only gone 10 feet before the bolos tripped her up.

            Batman was upon her in an instant. He straddled her back, held both of her hands and said “turn over slowly”. As she did, she made sure to grind her shapely ass into his tightly packed speedo. For the first time he saw her front close up. What he could see of her face was beautiful, he then had to stare at her large round C cup boobs, held up and in by her V cut suit. On those breasts rested Cleopatra’s necklace, surprisingly unharmed by their chase, with its central ruby, resting, cushioned by her cleavage. “Getting a little distracted?” He literally shook himself out of it, before pining both of her hands with his left, and reaching to his belt for his cuffs. “Its over” “Silly boy, its just begun” at that moment Isis Reowwed and jumped on his back and clawed at his neck. Even Batman had let go of her hands, arched his back, and reached back at Isis. Once he had her, Catwoman had a firm grip on his berries, and they all froze. “Let go of my pussy cat.” Her words slow and deliberate. “Let go of my balls and I let her go on two and three respectively.” “Your in no position to argue” “But I am in a position to be trusted.” “I guess you are” she said with a smile, and slid back slightly, causing her boobs to jiggle. He started “One” “Two”, and she let go of his balls, and put her hands down on the ground. “Three” he released Isis, and lunged for her wrists, while the cat jumped off to the side. “Fooooooour” she said in a golfer imitation, as she rammed her knee right into his nuts. He hadn’t noticed that Isis had cut the bolo off, while he was checking her out, before pouncing on his back.

            He lurched forward, his hands still landing on her wrists, and his face inches from her cleavage. To prevent ending the night too early, she swung her shoulders, to hit him in the face with her left boob’s covered, non-drugged, side, and shifted her left hand. She then kneed batman a second time, and bucked him off to her right. He went fetal with both of his hands on his balls, before he was vaguely aware of something missing. “Looking for these?” she said as she held the batcuffs she had taken from his hand while boob smacking him. “You’re very lucky. Even though you wanted to turn me in, I still want to turn you on. So be a good boy and we’ll have a good night.” She said this as she leaned over him, took off his gloves, and tried to cuffed him. “Oh, and don’t worry. Its more fun if I keep your mask on” With that he actually calmed down.

            She went to unclasp his belt, when he said “Wait, I find first impressions to be very important, would you like to go first?” “Just because I like the way you think” with a wink, as she steeped on a chimney to remove her boots. She started by unzipping her top, squishing her boobs together, then arching her back, pushing her arms back and down, and letting the jacket fall off. She the turned around, undid her belt and leather pants, and swayed her hips as she slid her fingers down her butt, and thighs, bringing the pants with them. She turned around, and his eyes were confused. Between her still masked and hooded face, gorgeous boobs, and strange cat face shaped thong, with the ears tapering to straps, black of course. “Nice touch” “Hey, at least I’m not getting laid in a cape tonight”

            She knelt over him, to undo his belt, and saw his face approaching her cleavage. She immediately grabbed his shoulders, and kneed him in the balls saying, “Don’t kiss there until I tell you to.”  She undid his belt, and found the speedo to be separate from his straining pants. She used her thumb and fore finger claws on each side to slowly pinch together, and shred the fabric. She looked between his dick and face, and could see an ecstatic, frightened anticipation. When the cut was done the 8 inches of wood stood at attention, flinging the Y of the speedo to her, before it fell to the roof, like a curtain revealing his large tender berries. Because it was so close she couldn’t resist giving it a taste and a once over with her mouth. Then as he was experiencing the tingle of her saliva evaporate in the cool night air, she swayed her boobs over it, making sure to knock it around with the outsides, underbood, and of course her hard nipples. She then crawled up his body slowly dragging her nipples along. Once she had them above his face and cuffed hands she told him,” remember to massage away, but only suck on the nipples, or else you’ll wake up unhappy.”

            What a boob massage it was his hands were strong, but controlled, and he had lips that could suck a vanilla frosty up a straw all day long. The way her thigh was nestled into his crotch, with his joystick along it, and his soft balls underneath her grinding knee gave her warm shivers up her legs and back. She found herself clenching her claws in ecstasy, which put scratch like gashes in batman’s suit revealing his solid pecks, wash board abs, and a few blood streams. Needless to say, it wasn’t long before her moans and cries echoed across the deserted warehouse district. As she collapsed onto his large shredded chest from orgasmic bliss, she thought he Better not grab my jugular and knock me out right now. And the danger sent a shiver down her spine, and reminded her how this rough tango made her feel so alive.

            As she lay there, batman tried to study her masked face and closed eyes to see, if she reminded him of any Gotham citizens he knew, but it simply turned to admiring her beautiful features. When she regained coherence, she reached down to his balls and started rhythmically squeezing his berries until he started to squirm slightly. She then gave him a longer squeeze and purred, while nuzzling her head into his neck. She reached into her suit for a pocket with a catdom in it. As she put it on she joked, “ I know it doesn’t have bat in its name, but I think you’ll survive.” Which elicited a chuckle. She pointed to the warehouse’s roof access doorway, and said “Lean against that wall, trust me.” Not wanting, or able to fight effectively Batman accepted her hand up, and walked slowly to the side of the doorway, where he sat himself in a sitting position.

Catwomanslid her cat thong to the side, then mounted Batman. “Remember to stick to the nipples”, she stated before riding him. She loved the combination of suckling and deep penetration, and even stuck her hand down, to trap his nuts under her bouncing butt, just because. For batman this extra squashing added a whole new flavor to the sex, and slowed him down. Given how many nights he had thought about this, he liked drawing it out, and feeling her squish him. Once again catwoman shook herself, and the block, and closed her eyes and clenched batman’s nuts. When she released him, she heard the batcuffs land on the street below. While mildly annoyed that he had freed himself, she was far more impressed that he had done so in the short span when her eyes were closed, and his balls crushed.

            “You little sneak” “Don’t act like you’re not impressed.” “I would be if I knew what it were like to have my berries squished” She shook her head “You did live up to expectations, being a gentleman and letting me go first.” “Well, I am always chasing you, and you’re always keeping my berries blue.” “You sure do have a way with words. A way of turning a woman off.” With that they started making out. (Primarily to end the awkward banter). Batman then lifted catwoman off himself and proceeded to place her on all fours. “Hey this isn’t fair, does not like.” “You can call it cattie style if you need to. I think you’ll survive.” he said with a smile. She just sighed, knowing he had a good point. He propped himself up with his left, and used his right to squeeze her boobs, one after the other. His cape covered hem both, except for catwoman’s head, and she loved being engulfed by him. He was a strange combination of strong and patient. While he was dropping blood from his chest to her back, and going further in her, than any other man, he did so almost lovingly, savoring it. She had to classify it as the gentlest rough sex, she ever had. Despite all the women that Bruce Wayne had to bed to keep appearances up, this was the first time either of them slept with an equal of theirs. When batman came it was like a torrent into the catdom, and catwoman loved the feeling of his joy stick pumping inside her. When it was finally over Bruce pulled out, rolled to his right, sprawled out on the roof, and whispered “Finally” before slipping into his waking dreams. Selena, quite ecstatic herself, simply crawled over, and draped herself across him, with her boobs pressed into his right thigh, her left cheek on his left thigh, and her arms, curled around her hands, cupping his tender berries.

            When they stirred, catwoman gave a little squeeze of batman’s berries to wake him up. She slowly crawled up him. Dragging her boobs, and the necklace along his abs and chest. When she finally got to his face she whispered seductively, “I want you to motorboat me.” “So you can knock me out, and get away with the necklace?” “Would I do that?” she asked coyly, “Knock a man out with this gorgeous cleavage.” “You’d enjoy it.” “That I do”

“The question still remains. Are you going to hand over the necklace? I caught you, right before we started all this.” “I had you exactly where I wanted you. Just like right now.” Before he could reply, the knee came into his balls, and stayed there keeping some pressure on. “Kiss it good bye batman”“The necklace” Knee “belongs” Knee “in the museum.” Frustrated with his perseverance, and Dr. Jones quote, catwoman changed tactics. She grabbed Batman’s balls. “I have been a jewel thief my entire life, and it took me till tonight to find my favorite jewels” she gave his nuts a snug reference squeeze. “I imagine you like them more than Cleopatra’s too. You wouldn’t want to choose between them, would you? So lets continue to have a good night, and make it a good motorboat. And I’ll be a good girl with this wonderful unconscious body of yours.”

Between her boobs in his face, her grip on his berries, and those suggestive words he was up at full mast again. Selena couldn’t help herself. She went down to him, peeled off the catdom, and tossed it. She started with the sweet drop on top, lapped it like a cat, and smiled. Then she proceeded to the head, and saw his legs tense and spasm. She had never been too fond of blowjobs, but this was great. Between her previous statement, and his impressive wood. She probably would have done it with him unconscious, but this was so much better, she thought as she squeezed him and elicited a moan. When he was about to come, she gave him one more forceful squeeze. Perhaps it was a little too hard, because she nearly choked on it, due to the volume and velocity of his ejaculate.

She looked over his resting, panting body, his closed eyes, and rising chest. She crawled over him, and once more, put her boobs over his face, and whispered,”lets go out on the lake and start the engine”. With that, batman came to his senses, and grabbed her boobs, and rubbed his face in them. He did not however, open his mouth to ingest the sedative, out of some last vestige of resistance. Noticing this, Selena held his face in her cleavage, and gave his nuts another knee. “Kiss me” he still hadn’t done so, and she started to suspect he liked it, holding out, just for the challenge of it, and kneed him again harder. On the third knee he let out a moan, and she suddenly realized how much she was enjoying this as well. The fourth and fifth knee had them both moaning together, and him giving her a good squeeze, while she kept her knee planted between the berries. He held out for her, and on the seventh knee kissed the necklace, down her sternum, gave a quick shake of his head and lips back and forth, and squished her boobs directly into his face. She had another orgasm during his brief, but wonderful motorboating, and collapsed onto his unconscious body.

Batman had been blissfully dreaming of catwoman’s boobs, and visualizing them for what must have been hours when he finally woke up in bright sunlight. He blinked, then looked at the sun, and saw it was Noon! He then looked at his torn, bloodied suit, which was nothing out of the ordinary, until he got to the briefs that were sliced in half, and draped over his hard on, obscuring his view like a curtain. There was a certain pressure on them, which he considered normal after the night he’d had. Sitting up, he slowly moved the curtain aside. He found that his joystick had been wrapped up in a gold chain, which helped keep it rigid. Over his sack, he found a black velvet cloth, with a red ink on it. “Didn’t want you to feel like you had failed last night, because I know I got exactly what I wanted –(pawprint)” He looked down to see the centerpiece of the necklace resting gently on his berries, with an eagle on one side, and a cat on the other. Given the condition of his suit, he peeked over the edge, and told Alfred to meet him at the intersection, with another set of briefs.


Back in Selena’s hideout she posed in front of the mirror, with Isis at her side. She inspected Cleopatra’s necklace, and felt the power of the ancient queen. The forgery had cost her a pretty penny, the museum curator wouldn’t know the difference, but this necklace was worth it. She looked down from the necklace, to her boobs held up in her dress. The guards, the rooftop chase, and the night with Batman, were certainly welcome additions to the experience. Now though, she needed some pay dirt from her next job, from someone who wouldn’t miss it. Bruce Wayne should have some tempting targets for her to grab.

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Wow! Catwoman, leather leggings, boots and ballbusting ;) many things I enjoy!



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