unfortunately there are few but what are the funniest or coolest busts you're seen in a video game

i like the kicks in saints row of course just because you can do them to anyone and by pressing only one button

also in the first fable as a child you can tell on a man who cheats on his wife and she runs to him screaming YOU FILTHY SWINE I OUGHT TO CHOP THEM RIGHT OFF!

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Without a doubt heavy rain the squeeze is amazing ! There is also 2 possible knees and a  kick an ending where she chainsaws the guys balls into pieces  but thst squeeze is amazing 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjY6m-LZtPw   Looks like Johnny Cage's daughter takes right after him... and is way more brutal about it.  Sorry for the crappy quality, the game isn't out yet.

I just finished an animated video featuring a number of video game characters and lots of male and female low blows:
On a more classical note, in the N64 game Goldeneye 007, one of the later levels involve you and your female sidekick trekking through a jungle toward the enemy base, battling enemy soldiers on the way. I liked this level because it was one of the earliest examples of an AI ally who DIDN'T just follow you around and haplessly jump between you and your enemy. In fact, she usually killed enemies with one or two shots. And every so often she would make a little remark. One time, during a gunfight, there was one enemy left but before I could take my shot, she kills him. But it just so happened that the death animation that they gave him was the death animation for when you shoot him in the groin. And I remember she made a remark to the extent "That looked like it hurt". I can only imagine how much hotter it would've been if they had had a good voice actress say her lines.
In Dead Rising 2 there's is a boss fight against twin hotties with swords, kinda of a tough fight but the best part is if you get kicked to the ground once in a great while one will walk up to you and stomp on the players groin. Bonus for wearing heels

Heavy rain without a doubt the best busts Ive seen a 2 kicks a knee and the best of all the long squeeze! where she grabbed squeezed twisted and pulled and this was just after a scene where she had to dress sexy and strip for this guy! I was in shock first time I seen that NOTHING will beat that amazing bust epic

as someone mentioned there are two xrays in mk9 from female characters.


try absolutely any of the wwe games on ps2 or maybe still ps3 (im not sure) you can pretty much custom make your own bb video, standing kicks and punches, stomps, headbutts, drops on the ropes etc. including the clothing of the female

Easily the best bust.. Heavy Rain. The woman ties a man to a chair and you control her. She kneels down, put her hand between his legs, gets a nice grip and starts squeezing.

Lasts for about a minute until she gets the information she needs, then leaves him there with sore sore balls.

Check it out!

When it comes to hitting below the belt (though the characters don't show visible signs of being damaged there) would be the down attacks on DOA-Dead Or Alive.  I used to play DOA 3, and would get a good fix from watching Kasumi and Ayane double foot stomp guys in their balls after hitting them to the ground.  My all time favorite was Lei Fang, because if you got an opponent near a wall, she would stomp kick the guy in the balls, then turn around and elbow him in the gut into the wall...or through it!  

Agree wholeheartedly with the Soul Caliber and Tekken ones, also there was a game for the first Playstation called something like Rival Schools United by Fate, I remember one of the female characters had a front kick and as the guy doubled over she would hold them up by their chin and blow a kiss before letting them drop to the floor.

I wish i could remember which game it is (I want to say dead or alive) but the girl places her opponent on a fence and delivers four or five brutal knees without letting Her foot touch the ground

How has NO ONE mentioned the Cassie cage testicle crushing X-ray punch?




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