A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
This story is a bit cheesy since it is all based on cartoon characters, and it is a bit perverted since it involves a girl growing balls and being busted, and that same girl gets her boobs enlarged too. Sorry about that. The story is based during the first season of Ben 10: Ultimate Alien. Gwen is 16 years old, and has just finished a brawl with Charmcaster, but she has a strange sensation.
I recommend you watch a few episodes of Ben 10: Ultimate Alien if you haven't already, so you understand the characters and the storyline.
Mana is a type of magical energy that can be used for utility (building, lifting, levitation, tracking, teleporting) and fighting. Charmcaster is an energy being (called an Anodite), so she can cast spells and stuff, using mana. Gwen is the granddaughter of an Anodite, and the rest of her family is human, so she is 1/4 Anodite, meaning she can use spells and magic, but with a weaker effect.
Yawatoxic shrines are a pathway to the planet of the Anodites (called Anodine), and the only pathway from Earth. Aggregor is a mutant villain that wanted to take over the universe and he had to collect four artifacts to gain access to infinite power. One of the artifacts was in the Yawatoxic shrines.
Gwen was just walking back home after having an exhausting fight with her old nemesis, Charmcaster. But she had noticed a strange itchy feeling between her legs from after she won the fight. She just decided to ignore it. While walking home, she just saw a not-so-pretty looking girl boasting to her friends about how hot she was. She was even bullying other girls. Gwen caught her name somewhere in the conversation- Stephanie.
“You can’t come to the party, because only hot girls allowed! Only hot girls like me!” then she slapped another girl between the legs. That girl went down, crying.
So, being the fair-minded and justice-ruling person she was, Gwen decided to intervene.
“You aren’t very hot you know.”
Stephanie stopped talking and looked back at Gwen.
“Just because you think you are doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true. And what do looks have to do with going to a party?”
“Stay out of it, Missy. It’ll do you some good not to talk in other people’s matters. And just for the record, you are the ugliest person I’ve ever seen. If you looked good, I might have considered listening to you. But since you don’t, you have no place to judge anyone else.” said Stephanie with an angered voice.
“WHAT did you say?!?” Gwen roared.
“I said you’re ugly and that you should shut up and walk away. You deaf or somethin?”
Gwen ran up to Stephanie and slapped her across the face, leaving a bright red mark on her left cheek. Stephanie hissed back. She bundled her fingers and punched Gwen straight in the throat. Gwen fell over, coughing violently and she let out a growl. She got up and ran straight towards her opponent, curled her hand into a fist and aimed for Stephanie’s face.
But before she landed her punch, Stephanie caught her hand, stopping her attack, and thrust her knee straight up Gwen’s groin, lifting her off the ground. Gwen fell to the floor, cupping her privates. That was a hard knee. Her vision went blurry, but came back a few seconds later. Stephanie was standing over her, with a smirk on her face. Gwen retracted her right leg, and then snapped it upwards into Stephanie’s crotch, while she was still lying on the ground. Stephanie grabbed her privates and fell over, crying. Gwen heard everyone around them go “Ooooohh! That must have hurt!”
While Gwen was getting up, Stephanie’s friends ran towards her and landed on her, nailing her to the ground. All of them attacked her groin and chest, with full force. Gwen was in a huge amount of pain. Her vision went blurry and her hearing went blank. She just fainted on the footpath outside Mr Smoothy’s.
When she came to, she was in Kevin’s garage. Kevin was outside, working on his car. Ben was close by, doing something on his phone. She just decided to lie there. She was in too much pain to get up. She just went back to sleep.
While she was sleeping, Kevin took her to his home, and put her in his room, on his bed. He took off her skirt, and then removed her tights. He saw her pink underwear, with a blue cat-face logo on it. But something grabbed his attention. He saw two small bulges right at the bottom of her thong. He felt them, and realized they were hard. They had the same shape and texture as his own balls. Gwen had a pair of balls!
Two hours later, Gwen woke up, cold. She was completely naked, except for her bra and undies. Kevin was standing over her with a blaster in his hand.
“Who are you and what have you done with my girlfriend? Who are you? An Incursean spy? A Forever Knight lackey? Or some other enemy of mine?” Kevin screamed.
“Kevin, it’s me, Gwen! But why am I completely naked in your room and why are you about to shoot me?” Gwen was confused and shocked. She had no idea what was going on.
“If you are Gwen, why do you have a pair of balls between your legs? You are clearly a man disguised as my girlfriend!”
Gwen felt between her legs and realized she did have balls. She didn’t understand why, though. In 7th Grade biology she learned about reproductive systems and her current condition did not match the same information as her school textbook. She tried to convince Kevin that she was, in fact, Gwen.
When she succeeded, she narrated her entire day to him, including the fact she had an itchy groin after her brawl with Charmcaster, and the nice beating she got from Stephanie and her gang. Both were puzzled.
Gwen came up with a conclusion that her condition must be because of one of Charmcaster’s spells. There was one spell that Charmcaster used, that didn’t have a noticeable effect. The spell was “Neruvus Simmortilus Testiculus”, followed with a pink beam that scanned her groin and did nothing else. While Charmcaster was casting the spell during their brawl, Gwen ran up to her and whacked her shin into her cunt. She left her there, crying and clutching her groin.
Kevin then narrated her condition in the past few hours.
“Ben wanted a ride to Mr Smoothy’s and he wanted to then go to a soccer match. His car was at the auto body shop, and I had some things to do anyway, so I drove him to Mr Smoothy’s. But we stepped outside and saw you on the pavement. You had bruises on your face; your shirt was ripped across the center, so your stomach and boobs were visible, and they were very bruised. Your skirt and tights were partially torn and had a lot of dirt on them, like someone was stomping on your crotch for an hour.
Both Kevin and Gwen figured the only solution would be to visit Charmcaster. Gwen told Kevin to stay back home, as this was her fight alone.
Gwen set out immediately, dressed in her trademark red sweater and grey skirt. She decided to wear a skirt to allow her balls to jiggle a bit and to give them some free space. With pants on, her balls would get no space and be squeezed in the small area between her pants edges. Girl’s pants are meant to be tight-fitting and less spacious, as girls aren’t supposed to have balls, so they don’t need extra space in the crotch area. Her balls were a liability after all, and she had no other way to protect them either.
She used one of her spells to find Charmcaster and confirmed it with her Plumber badge. She was in downtown Bellwood, in a warehouse. So Gwen decided to teleport, she was too far away to walk and didn’t have a car either.
When she arrived, she was in a dark room, with nothing in it. There was just a faint purple glow near the door. She stepped outside, and followed it. She reached a large room, filled with books, and saw Charmcaster, meditating in a globe of mana. She didn’t want to wait for her to finish meditating or whatever she was doing, so she just cast her disruptor spell, and Charmcaster fell down.
“Gwendy! What a pleasant surprise! What are you doing here?” asked Charmcaster with a mockingly sarcastic voice.
“You know exactly why I’m here. What did you do to me when we were fighting?”
“Oh, that? I just gave you a pair of balls. You would be easier to take down then. But you beat me up before I had my fun. So I hired Stephanie and her gang. I was just about to come get you and take you to the Yawatoxic shrines to destroy you after they beat you up, but Ben and Kevin found you first. So I figured I’ll destroy you now, since you’re already here.”
“What’s your scheme this time? You gonna try to take over the universe again? Why are you even here? You’ve failed in every other of your attempts.”
Gwen was mocking her. Last time, she, Ben and Kevin had killed her Uncle Hex and stopped her invasion. It was pathetic, to be honest.
“See, I’m not powerful enough alone to take over this universe. I need Uncle Hex for that. But since you killed him, I have to take over the planet, including the Yawatoxic mana quarries to revive his spirit. The bad part is that the quarries aren’t part of the Yawatoxic shrines that you and I visited to stop Aggregor, and that they always change position. I was trying to find them when you barged in.”
“I’m not going to let that happen, Charmcaster!”
“Who’s going to stop me? You? I’ll beat your balls up so bad you won’t be able to even walk again, even if you think of stopping me.”
Now Charmcaster was mocking her. She had a weakness now, and could do nothing to stop others taking advantage of it. Gwen decided to use only defensive spells for this fight. If she tried to attack, she would be countered and would take a really bad beating. If she defended herself well, Charmcaster would eventually get tired, and when she did, Gwen would go up to her and finish her off.
Charmcaster cracked her knuckles and got into a fighting stance.
“So let’s get started, shall we?”
Charmcaster ran up to Gwen and kicked her right in the balls. Both heard a small crack. It was so fast Gwen had no time to even realise she was hit. When the stroke of pain hit, she fell down and curled up on the floor, clutching her sore balls, crying. Charmcaster walked by and stood over her.
“Your balls are very precious too you, aren’t they?”
Gwen nodded, still on the floor.
“Too bad they’ll be squished by the time I’m done with you. But don’t worry, even if they get destroyed or cut off, they’ll grow back in a few seconds.”
While she was talking, Gwen opened up and snapped her right leg into Charmcaster’s cunt.
“Aaargh! Should’ve seen that coming!”
Charmcaster covered her crotch with her hands and fell to her knees. Gwen got up and slapped her left breast. Charmcaster let out a loud moan. She saw a wave of energy vibrate across her boob, and saw a tear glide down Charmcaster’s cheek. She was crying.
Gwen thought her opponent had taken enough of a beating, so she left her there, and walked out of the room. While she made her way to the door, she heard two footsteps and the next thing was a foot between her legs, along with another, louder crack. Her voice went mute so she couldn’t even scream in pain. She dropped to her knees and clutched her aching balls. This was the second time she had been caught off guard today, and she didn’t know whether her tears were because of this same disappointment, or because of the extreme pain she was feeling.
She heard Charmcaster’s voice now, “Tisk, tisk, tisk. Poor Gwen, both her balls are cracked now. You always left your opponents when you thought they were slightly injured, Gwen. You should always make sure they are so badly hurt they can’t even get up. Like I do.”
Charmcaster grabbed Gwen’s balls from behind, and twisted, and squeezed. Gwen’s eyes bulged and she screamed in pain.
“Hurts, doesn’t it?” Charmcaster said, leaning over Gwen’s shoulder. “That’s how you treat your opponents. Always torture them to the max.”
Charmcaster continued squeezing until Gwen fell on the floor and screamed “Stop! Please, I beg you!”
“Now, now Gwen, honourable fighters don’t beg for mercy.” Charmcaster let go, and walked away.
At this point Gwen had absolutely no interest in what Charmcaster would say. Partially because her hearing was blank, but also because she was a bit busy writhing and struggling on the floor because of the extreme pain she was feeling in her balls. Her panties and skirt offered little protection, and her defensive strategy wasn’t working very well either.
So she got up and stopped Charmcaster with one of her mana constructs.
“Well look who’s back for seconds!” Charmcaster had no problem beating up Gwen again. She was actually happy to do it. Gwen was, indeed, her arch nemesis.
Gwen charged forward; her aim was to headbutt her opponent and drop her to the floor. She could handle the rest on her own from there. But Charmcaster moved to her right and caught the back of Gwen’s shirt, and ripped it off, leaving her in her plain white bra, revealing her slim waistline, well-built abdomen, and perky 34B boobs.
“Gwen, don’t you think your boobs are a bit small? Here, I’ll make them a bit bigger for you.”
Charmcaster cast a spell, and aimed a beam of purple energy on Gwen’s chest. Gwen’s boobs enlarged, until about a 34C.
“That’ll slow you down a bit. But Kevin will really appreciate this though.”
Gwen again charged forward, but this time Charmcaster used a mana construct and pushed Gwen back. She then used a spell and sent a flurry of punches straight into Gwen’s groin. The punches were so fast they slowly ripped through Gwen’s skirt and tights, and the ripped pieces of cloth just fell to the floor. Gwen was just left in her bra and panties, with no other clothes on, meaning no protection for her balls against any of her opponent’s attacks. Her precious balls were defenceless against any attack, and even worse, the knockback from the attack was so great she flew across the room, landed flat on the wall, and fell to the floor. Charmcaster walked by and turned her body the right way up, and set her heel on top of one of Gwen’s testicles.
“Your balls don’t stand a chance. Any last words before I crush your reproductive system?”
“Just a few- Do your worst, bitch!”
Charmcaster stuffed her heel into Gwen’s defenceless groin. She twisted and grinded until Gwen was spitting out blood and her hard, solid, and nugget-like balls were now soft, mellow, melted disc nibblets floating in her ballsack. Gwen now remembered she could use spells, as opposed to hand to hand combat. Charmcaster let go and floated into the air, and started using her tracker spells again. Gwen’s balls were destroyed and it would be a while until they recovered. Gwen couldn’t move anyway, so she decided to get back to work. Seeing a free opportunity, Gwen got up slowly, still covering her squished balls with her hands, and carried herself to a dark corner of the room and vomited all over the floor.
She saw her balls disappear then reappear, fresh as new. But her pain wasn’t relieved though. So she waited for a few minutes until she was well enough to walk properly and cast one of her immunity spells. She took a rusty nail, walked over to Charmcaster (who was still in her globe of mana) and thrust the nail into her crotch. Charmcaster’s eyes flew open, her globe disappeared, and she fell to the floor, clutching her groin. She let out a high pitched wail as she fell to her knees and then fell over again on the floor.
“How does it feel to be on the receiving end?” Gwen mocked proudly, standing upright in front of Charmcaster’s writhing, restless body. Charmcaster slowly got up, and pulled the nail out of her vagina. She noticed the two bulges at the bottom of Gwen’s groin.
“I see your balls have recovered from the beating I gave them.”
“What?” Before Gwen had time to answer, Charmcaster had already plunged her fist into her new balls and she was again flying across the room. She landed on the floor, again clutching her balls and crying. Now, her balls were throbbing badly and she thought they might burst. She looked inside her underwear, to see that her balls were completely red, and they were jiggling around, and bulging, like a heart.
“If you feel too much pain, lie down, hold your knees up to your chest and breathe. Your testicles will return to their rightful position and relieve your pain.”
Charmcaster was now mocking her by giving her solutions to pain caused by her herself. While she was thinking, Charmcaster again charged and this time sent a flurry of fists on her defenceless breasts and then sent an uppercut into her balls.
“You’d better try relieving the pain with my methods, Gwendy. You don’t have enough time to wait for the pain to go away.”
Charmcaster was right. So Gwen curled up and breathed. Charmcaster watched as the two bulges moved from the middle to the bottom of Gwen’s underwear and rested against her pelvic bone. So she ran and clutched Gwen’s testicles with her hand, then dragged her for a few meters, and tossed her into a wall. Gwen’s ballsack had stretched, almost ripped, and now her balls were feeling a new type of pain. The pain of humiliation.
Please tell me what you think, guys,I will post Part 2 soon!. Any feedback, improvements, or general opinions and comments are welcome. Just please not any "This story sucks!" or "I just wasted an hour of my life reading crap". Again, sorry for the perverted content!
I gotta say I'm a little disappointed you gave Gwen balls since she's one of my cartoon crushes and her having them is kind of off putting. It's your story though and you have the right to do as you please. I was kinda hoping her medical condition was that she couldn't stop kicking balls but like I said your story. Despite the Gwen balls thing it's actually a really good story and very detailed. I'm kinda skeptical about reading part 2 when you make it but I probably will and be more open minded about it.
G Reezik- Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate the fact you like my story and like the details, and I am thankful that you said your opinion and were disappointed on the idea. That just means there are things I can improve on in the future, and if there are people who don't like it, I can perfect it more. Gwen has been one of my cartoon crushes as well, ever since Alien Force aired and her look was made really hot (to be honest, she was a bit geeky looking in the original series. Alien Force and Ultimate Alien really upped her image). I just thought it would make the story a bit more fetishistic if a hot girl gets busted.
I greatly value your opinion, and in my next story series (not part 2 of this one however), I will try to make the weirdness level toned down.
Really good story! Interesting concept! Awaiting part 2!
Anthony- Thank you for your comment. It is great to see that a few members have already read and liked my story! I am an amateur, and this is my first story, so I am a bit rusty with components and ideas.
I am glad you liked the story and the concept, and Part 2 will be out soon, as soon as I get a stable net connection and a little free time from all my assignments.
Pixelated Nightmare- Thank you for your comment. Thank you for all the feedback you have given and I will definitely try to improve on the points you have mentioned. I was intending the 'regeneration' bit to be for torture purposes, like they could be destroyed for an indefinite amount of times, but they would always grow back, but the idea could be used very well to exploit the genre a bit more. As an amateur, feedback is very valuable to me, and especially when I have things to improve on.
About Part 2- Great idea! I hadn't even thought about that, and I thank you for mentioning it. I am still shady about Part 2, and don't have a clear idea about what I should do, but the concept is great!
Btw, do you know Ben 10 though? Maybe to add a little more detail I will show what both characters look like.
Gwen Tennyson (16 years old, Ultimate Alien)-
Charmcaster (17 years old, Ultimate Alien)-
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