Greeting my ball busting sisters.  I've had a thing for ball busting for a very long time probably late teens to early 20's.  However, I was not aware that it was fetish that other people were into until my ex told me that he liked it when I expressed my passion by saying that guys should be kicked in the balls.  Anyway, I use to say it very frequently with very descriptive phrases because it was natural, that is until, I started kicking my ex, and he would say most of the time it wasn't right.  Initially, I was concerned about hurting him, but being concerned created many problems. Eventually, I lost my joy for BB due to lose of confidence.  I eventually got my desire back, but still remain not as confident when it comes to busting him. 

my questions are:


Have you ladies always been confident; even from the beginning?

Was there ever a time when you were afraid to hurt your loved one?

Have you ever lost your passion for a while? 


Please share


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I'm not a lady, but I can try to answer from the perspective of my ex.  My ex, when I introduced her to ballbusting, was very timid about the whole idea.  She didn't like it at all, and it wasn't until she talked to some family/friends that she decided to give it a try.  She was very much uncomfortable when she began, but once she found out her niche, she enjoyed it immensely.  Her favorite would be sitting in the car listening to Lakeside with her feet in my lap (me facing her, she facing me).  After belting out a few lyrics, she would just slam her foot/feet repeatedly into my groin and pour on as much pressure as she could (or enough to make me whimper in defeat).  She loved how hard I would get, and would do this for hours.  

However over time she began to despise it.  As she put it, she began getting concerned that she would destroy something 'down there' and that I wouldn't be able to have kids.  She didn't like me being in pain, and only liked doing it when it pleased me.  So she went an incredibly long time before she ever ballbusted me again, and once she realized that she could manipulate me with ballbusting, well her interest peaked.  This is also the time we started to become just friends.

I remember one time in particular that we were at my place and she wanted to play.  She wanted to try out a new technique and lied down on the floor.  With my pants off she planted her feet into my groin, grabbed my hands, and lifted me into the air.  Her face was all giggles and euphoria as she wiggled her toes in my mashed balls.  At times she even bounced me up an down, and before long I was in pain/pleasure city!  I don't know what caused the change at this point, but I know she didn't stop bashing my balls around that day until I was fully and completely satisfied.  My balls were sore for days afterward.  

So that's my tale.  I believe that ladies do come to a point of not wanting to ballbust their loved ones, partially because of how society views such behavior.  Typically you ballbust to protect yourself, not to portray love, and that contradiction can really cause tension.  Even more so when an interest arrives that the partner wishes not to indulge in.  That can be a blow to a person's confidence as well.  

If confidence is the issue, I say find a good friend that is into ballbusting.  Keep it flirty and light, and set the mood.  Build up to the busts, and enjoy the ride.  Focus on wearing an outfit that makes you feel empowered and confident.  Get rid of negative thoughts for there is nothing wrong with a little ballbusting.  It's just being adults, we have an extra set of rules and regulations we have to follow before indulging.  Unlike being teenagers where you could ballbust the entire school with little consequence, stakes are high as adults.  So relax, find a good friend, and when the time comes, enjoy the ballbusting experience and let the good feelings flow in! 

Yes, ive always been confident about it, ive always been a proper tomboy though so i duno if that would influence it. Ive never actually busted a loved one though, i mean i love those little things it would feel wrong to hurt them in that instance.



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