UPDATED: September 26, 2010

Q1. ASL?
A. Stupid question, move on to the next.

Q2. Do you start getting excited with an anticipatory anxiety when you know you are about to kick somebody?
A. yes, i feel my blood pressure rise with anticipation, i become warm and flush. I've experienced this same feeling when I've competed in scholastic level basketball and also before i would roll out on convoy in Iraq, there is a sense of excitement and danger. Probably a more tangible example for many of you would be the feeling we all felt as children on Mischief Night. The feeling Just before you were about to soap up your neighbors window or wrap his favorite tree with toilet paper. That's the feeling i get the second i realize I'm going for the balls.

Q3. Would you damage (Pop) a man's testicles if he asked you to?
A. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Q4 - Are you interested in meeting anyone for a special session?
A - No, I've been a part of the bb community for over 5 years, I never met anyone from the Cyber World and i never plan to.

Q5 - Why don't you try to get Ashley to join this site?
A - Sorry people, Ashley will never join the Internet ballbusting community. I have tried for several years to get her to do a simple Kramtoad survey, but she has no interest in it.

Q6 - What's going to happen once you get married?
A - I'm not going to change my ways because I'm married, I plan on being myself. My future husband used to really get into this fetish when we first met. I used to bust him a few times a month, but maturity took over and the busting dwindled for various reasons, I think. In the past two and a half years he's been busted only four times by me. Once we're married and live together, I can't promise those numbers will remain that low or high, who knows : )

Q7 - Are you still in the Army?
A - I'm a member of the New Jersey National Guard, I'm a reservist, not a full time Soldier.

Q8 -
As a female, what drew you into military service?
A - About eight years ago, I was a student at a local Community College, i had just finished my Associates in Accounting. After receiving my two year degree, i knew i didn't want to become an Accountant or continue my education in Accounting. My Father and Grandfather became very upset with my choice. They said If i wanted to continue with my college education, it would be on me, they weren't going to fund my education anymore. I didn't know what i was going to do, I was driving around one day and i passed a recruiting station, i walked in and learned about all the educational benefits the NJNG had to offer it's soldiers, I signed up that day, two months later i was at Fort Leonardswood, MO and the rest is history. Both my Father and Grandfather tried talking me out of my choice, they said they would pay for my education, but i stuck to it and now I'm a part time MP/ weekend warrior.

P.S. Both my father and Grandfather are Accountants.

Q9 - Were you also attracted to her (the bartender from that bar bust) or any other woman ?
A - I was actually very flattered by the way the bartender became attracted to me, It didn't go any further then a few smiles and kind words.

To answer the second part of your question, yes, I have been attracted to other women and i have become intimate with one or two, i may not share the same passion you have, Tawny, but i do love the tender exchange i receive from another woman. I consider myself very Bi-curious.

Last autumn while on my way to work, I decided to visit a small coffee shop that I rarely frequent.  I got my coffee and sat down at an open table, I had some time so I just relaxed with my cup of Joe and did a little people watching. I looked over and noticed a woman in her early 30’s staring at me and then my legs, she did this several times. She’d smile and look shyly away from me. I was so tempted to walk over and talk to her, but as I was about to, she shot me a smile got up and walked away.  She had such beautiful and full lips with chocolate brown lipstick and an amazing smile that would light up a room. As she walked out towards the door, I couldn’t help but notice her tight spandex pants and nice mid calf leather boots showing off her shapely legs and butt. When I think about her, Alyssa Milano first comes to mind and honestly, I would have enjoyed a little taste.

Q10 - What's your opinion on Cyberbusting?

A - I've been asked this particular question many, many times. At first, i had fun with at least the scenario driven version of Cyberbusting where we would come up with a improvisational story line, but i was asked to do this so many times over such a short period of time that i became totally burnt out on doing it ever again. The second version of Cyberbusting of telling the guy what to do with his balls over messenger doesn't make any sense at all and just isn't fun period. Yes, I've played both versions before. 

Q11 - Have u ever been asked by website owners to be a ballbusting model?

A - I have been asked once or twice, but being in the military with a security clearance and having a job in the corporate world, this would be totally detrimental to that part of my life, I have a feeling my chain of command with either of these institutions would not look favorably on my starring roll.

ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS: if you have any further questions to ask this individual please leave a reply comment below. No this does not replace the Chat Room or the Inbox, it just helps this individual streamline their time better on the site.

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That's actually a lot of guys, i was a pretty bad little girl from 12 to 15 years old, i actually busted all the guys within my age group in my neighborhood.

One example, I guess i was 12 or 13 at the time, a group of us were out talking in the street and for no reason I kicked one of the boys in the balls that was standing there across from me. He was 2 years younger then i was. I remember him grabbing his groin and doubled over. He walked home with his hands on his groin and was crying. I thought i was going to get in big trouble again, but nothing happened, i can only assume he didn't mention a word to his parents.

He could have been thankful that he was kicked by the great Susan as he was walking home realizing that he didn't want you to get in trouble.

That poor neighborhood though haha, Was that your hardest bust in that neighborhood?

That time was to a younger guy...Did you also bust a lot of older guys in your neighborhood? What was the biggest age difference? I imagine it was embarassing for them to be busted by a younger girl,were they angry or changed their behavior towards you?

The guys in my neighborhood that I personally busted were around my age. Yhere were a few guys that were a little older, but only by one year. I didn't notice a change in their attitude too much, maybe i just wasn't as perceptive at that age as i am now.

have you ever been kicked in the crotch? how did it happened ? how did you feel ?

Yes, i have been kicked in the crotch before, it was during a HS basketball game and the team we were playing against was upset about the score, we were up by 20 to 25 points. As a sophomore, i rarely saw time on the court, but since it was late in the game and we were so far ahead, the coach put me in. Even with the sophomores in, we were outscoring their varsity starting team. The girls on the other team were quite frustrated and throwing flagrant fouls. One girl just out of no where kicked me in the crotch, it stung quite a bit and I'm sure i doubled over and grabbed my crotch momentarily. I gathered myself, walked over to her and clocked her in the jaw with a good right cross, i blooded her and made her cry. We were both removed from the game and my team went on to roll to a crushing victory.

Oh...what a painful experience! did you feel the pain in your stomach too?
was the only experience of yours?

The pain didn't travel into my stomach. This is my only experience and i still feel i got the upper hand that afternoon.

You certainly did get the upper hand, or should I say fist? Anyway, the punch to the jaw settled it.

I think that when a woman wants to hurt a man she'll go for the balls, but if it's another woman she'll attack the face. My theory is that the essence of masculinity is the balls, and their vulnerable to, making them the obvious target for a vengeful girl. But with women their facial looks are so important to them, so if one woman wants to hurt another that's where she'll attack, as a facial injury will cause the most distress. Well, that's my theory, do you agree?

kind of a repeat question but What was the hardest bust you did to all the boys you tormented in your neighborhood when you were younger? Also have you ever hit anybody more than once at a time when you were in that neighborhood?

The hardest from my neighborhood busts? Wow, hard to say now, but there were several that were definitely harder then others, about 4 or 5 I'd say are like that. My worst were definitely when i was 12 and 13 years old. One was a knee during a football game and another was during a fight with one of the guys and one was a revenge bust just to name a few.

I never hit any of those guys more then once at time.

I'm actually kinda curious to hear about the one that was the fight.  What happened?



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