I'd just like to say I'm open to any questions you may have for me.

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Just pick one that you think is a good one? :D

sorry I've left you hanging, but college work is my top priority.

ok, random story. School bus, 7th grade, I was riding the school bus home one afternoon. One of my fello passengers came after me playfully but yet rather rough. As i was sitting in my seat and i kicked him in the nuts when he got too close for my comfort.

haha very nice

It seens you tend to bust on the harder side of the scale most of the time. Would you say this bust was on the harder side? also how did he react?

Have you ever regret or felt bad about a bust?

Now? Probably the one that i did in the pool because i did it just to be mean and for no other reason. We all know 10 year old girls can be just as mean as boys :D

The school bus kick? I'd say it was more on the harder side. He fell back down into the seat next to mine and bent over in a lot of pain.

Sounds like you enjoy it quite a bit too regret it but maybe it's just me. When you do hit a guy what is your favorite part of the reaction? Try to explain what he does if you can.

Each guy is different and it all depends on how hard or soft the punt is. I do like his initial shocked look, like he's scared and not sure how bad it's going to hurt, but he knows it's going to be bad sort of revelation. All this in a split second too. I his next reactions when it's starting to hurt, he then has this "OH SHIT" look on his face and his uncontrollable grunts, doubling over, falling. writhing.

Very nice explanation a nice a read thank you.

Have you ever been hit in the vag? could you please share the story? ( i would like to know) :-)

no, i have not.

by the way is Ballbusting at all a sexual thing for you?

It's arousing at least, but i don't use busting as a form of foreplay or sexual play if that's what you mean.

This is more of a silly question that is a bit off topic. Are you still friends with your colleen friend? The one from your kramtoad survey that you kissed?



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