The apartment was freshly vacuumed, the accumulated junk hidden away, and everything else straightened neatly. Ryan paced his living room, glancing in the hall mirror every few turns to make sure he looked his best. Ah, the jitters that come with a first date. Ryan had finally summoned the nerve to ask his classmate Rebecca out on a date after fantasizing about the possibility all semester, and now his fantasy was becoming reality.

As he waited for her, Ryan reflected back on that first rhetoric class (one he was absolutely dreading) when he first laid eyes on Rebecca. He was as nervous then as he was right now, only his nerves on that day were due to fear and worry, not hope and excitement.

Waiting for class to begin, he watched the minutes creep by on the clock over the door. It was because of this sightline that Ryan happened to catch an eyeful of Rebecca as she entered the room. There were no singing choirs of angelic voices, no sudden gust of wind to cinematically blow her hair into a swirl. In truth, he was probably the only one who noticed. Her frumpy sweatshirt and faded jeans whispered of reluctance to the spotlight, but for Ryan, her long black hair and cream-colored skin immediately captured his attention. There was something else, but he struggled to place it. Her ears. They peeked out from her hair in a pixie-like fashion. So small and delicate, they still somehow disarmed him. They were a perfect complement to the rest of her feminine features which included warm, round and dark eyes, a small nose and inviting mouth. His gaze followed her as she crossed the front of the room and took a seat caddy corner from his. This class just got more interesting, he thought.

All semester, Ryan and Rebecca, clad always in the same banal attire, sat in class with the ocean between them. Despite the 22 person class size, they never really did interact. There were no group projects and, Ryan, naturally quiet and more of the loner type, couldn’t find a way to insert himself into Rebecca’s world. Though she, too, seemed a bit of a loner, she was not shy about voicing her opinion and stirring up class-wide debates. Such fire made her all the more appealing in Ryan’s eyes. It felt like she had an opinion on everything and all of them were strong. How could so much passion come from such a small package?

He remembered in particular the discussion about women in the workplace and the use of rhetoric that opened up such possibilities. The discussion eventually disintegrated into a debate of sexism (as these topics are wont to do), and some poor sap happened to say that men should be in positions of power because they are better decision makers. In other words, they have the cajones to do what needs to be done and then move on. Of course Rebecca immediately took exception to this and made a point that women have no problems making decisions and taking action, but then they also understand how to work through the ensuing consequences. Her argument was something to effect that women are global thinkers who combine all aspects when making a decision while men compartmentalize things and make decisions that target one aspect of the problem regardless of the effect on all the other aspects. Of course, the guy didn’t like her response and said something disparaging about Rebecca and the female sex in general, to which she made some catty reply. From there it digressed further, almost to the point of name-calling, and then ended when Rebecca indicated that it was a good thing they were both in class and not at a bar because she would have no trouble making the decision to slap him off his high horse. At this, the professor, who was visibly reddening, called a halt to the discussion and made a feeble attempt to change the topic, amidst the rowdy tittering of the other students.

As he checked himself in the mirror one more time, Ryan realized that particular class discussion was what finally pushed him over the edge and take action. There had been real backbone in her words and definitely bite in her bark. He liked that she was strong in spirit in spite of her delicate appearance.

A glance at his watch told him she was running a little behind and he immediately worried that she might stand him up. The buzzer to his apartment snapped him from his needless worry and he recovered to buzz Rebecca in. When she knocked on his door, he was completely awed by what he saw upon opening it.

Rebecca wore a touch of rouge with glossy red lipstick and the dark eyeliner accenting her perfectly round eyes served to make them look even wider and more innocent. As always, her ears peeked out from her hair. Unlike always, Rebecca wore a dress. And further, Ryan discovered, she had a body. Her mid-thigh length dress gave him glimpse of her cream-colored, smooth thighs and calves, which looked all the more toned in her strappy black three inch heels. He was even more surprised to find that the scoop neck front revealed bountiful cleavage. How had he not noticed before, even with her usual baggy clothing?

Ryan took it all in quickly as he did not want Rebecca to see him stare. He reached out for her hand and led her into his apartment, saying, “Great to see you. Did you find it okay?”

She took his hand and moved inside. “No problem at all. Thank you for having me.” Then, with a wink, she added, “I think tonight will be a great learning experience.” Ryan laughed, thinking she was alluding to their professor who started each class saying, “Today is a great day to learn.”

Ryan leaned in to give her a hug and she opened up her arms and embraced him. He rested his arms gently around her shoulders in a light hug, so as not to seem too forward. But Rebecca pulled him in tightly, pressing their bodies together. Ryan could feel her breasts push against him and it made him dance a little in his nether regions. He thought maybe she felt it, too, since she started to draw back. As he began to release her, he was shocked to find her knee bury itself deep between his legs. He started to think, did she just knee me in the balls? But then his legs went to jelly and he could only think about staying upright. As he fought to stay on his feet he looked at Rebecca with hurt and questioning eyes. As she looked into his face, she guided his hands to his groin so he could help alleviate the sickening burst of pain. Ryan accepted her guidance and tenderly cupped his busted balls as Rebecca then took his head in her hands and pulled it to her soft bosom.

“There, there – just breathe,” he thought he heard her coo, though her voice sounded miles away. Ryan’s universe was fading into blackness and he felt tears leaking out of his eyes as he squeezed them shut.

With short gasps, he obeyed, trying futilely to stop the gut-wrenching waves gripping his abdomen and testicles. Rebecca patiently held his head to her chest while caressing his head soothingly, enjoying the sound of his jagged breathing and the dead weight of his body against hers. If there was ever a moment to savor patiently, this was it, she thought. She smiled at the thought of him slowly regaining his wits as the initial pain ebbed, wondering what the hell just happened, as a myriad of emotions rushed into his brain. Confusion, hurt, embarrassment, anger, helplessness.

Rebecca felt Ryan’s hands move from his groin and grab onto her thighs, as he sagged lower. She understood his gesture and let him slide to the ground on his knees in front of her. Face to the ground, Ryan’s hands resumed the cradling position around his balls, where he moaned quietly. After a few shudders, she could tell the worst of the pain had passed and bent down to help him to a more upright position. He remained on his knees, but Rebecca steadied him with her hands on his shoulders until he fully regained his balance.

As he raised his head to hers, she wondered what expression would be on his face. Because she truly liked Ryan and had come to respect his thoughtful contributions in class, she hoped it would not be one of anger. As he looked at her full in the face, she was relieved to see that he still looked confused and hurt, with eyes that betrayed a million questions running through his mind. She would not have to kick him again.

“Whu – why did you do that?” He croaked, searching her eyes with his.

She smiled tenderly down at him. “You needed it,” she said sincerely.

“I needed what? To get hit in the groin? Why?” He asked incredulously. 

“A man must get kicked in the balls by a woman. It is the ultimate learning experience,” she said, and with a wider smile, “I told you tonight was going to be a great learning experience!”

“That’s bull – “ he caught himself from saying shit, as he remembered he was in the company of a female. “That’s just bull. I don’t need to get kicked in the groin by a girl.”

Ryan spoke more forcefully than he intended and the tightening of his diaphragm sent another smaller burst of pain through him. He winced with a grimace.

Rebecca, a small smile still playing on her lips, leaned down to him. “Is the pain easing up?”

Without opening his eyes, Ryan just nodded his head in assent and continued to breathe deeply. In fact, the physical pain was now just more of a dull ache, quite manageable, really. It was the emotional pain that troubled him. He was still digesting Rebecca’s statement that he needed to get kicked in the balls – the way she said it so matter-of-fact. She firmly believed what she said.

The uncertainty of how to feel about her now, coupled with the outrage and embarrassment of having been hurt in such an intimate way, left Ryan unable to express any emotion at all.

“Can you sit back against the wall?” She asked while gently grabbing his elbow in an effort to help him into a sitting position. “I can tell you have a lot of questions.”

As he let her help him into a sitting position he found himself torn between wanting to physically push her out of the apartment or to yell at her or to simply let it go so he could get some answers. Because he was still feeling weak, he decided to just let her talk.

“Let me start by apologizing,” Rebecca began, “not for kneeing you but for the lack of warning. I just had a feeling that you wouldn’t react in violence – though I can tell it crossed your mind, which is good – so I thought I’d hit you with it right away, before the date got any further. I really like you and I was very excited that you asked me out but I wanted to see if there was any kind of future for us before I let myself get too involved.”

She started to sit down and asked, “Do you mind?”

Ryan looked up at her and swept his hand across the floor, a sarcastic gesture that said, “Be my guest.”

She sat cross legged and put her hand on his thigh in an attempt to calm the tension. “Do you have anything to say?”

He turned his head toward her and saw in her eyes that she was serious about talking things through. She didn’t look upset or angry, but rather kind and concerned. The whole thing didn’t make any sense to him, so he decided to ask.

“Why did you say I needed to get kicked in the…uh…you know, in the balls?” It came out sounding rather sheepish.

Rebecca noticed the hesitation and countered, “Does it make you uncomfortable to say out loud that I kicked you in the balls?” She put heavy emphasis on “balls.”

Ryan thought for a moment. “I guess it kinda does. It’s embarrassing.”

“Why is it embarrassing?” She probed.

“I don’t know,” he paused, “I guess because you caught me off-guard and really hurt me…and, well…”

“Well, what?” She asked. “And, well, because I’m a girl?”

He blushed at that and quickly dropped his head.

“Do you think that, as a man, you shouldn’t be vulnerable to a woman? That you’re stronger than she is?”

“No, it’s not that…well, maybe a little…it’s more that everyone else thinks men are stronger. I mean, people laugh when a guy gets hit there, especially by a girl. It’s completely embarrassing. I don’t want to be embarrassed.”

“So why is it embarrassing?” Rebecca asked, her eyes searching his as if she already knew the answer.

“I guess because it makes us look weak. It’s as much a blow to the ego as the body,” he admitted.

“Ah,” she nearly cooed, “Now we’re getting somewhere. You understand the deeper root: a man’s ego.”

Ryan brightened at the compliment; a student gets the teacher’s praise.

Rebecca went on, “Men need to get kicked in their balls because of their egos. Deep down they feel that they are superior to women – even if they’re not conscious of it. It’s with you guys from birth, something that has to be unlearned. I’ll bet you don’t think that’s how you feel, now do you?”

“I know I don’t look at women as inferior,” he said emphatically.

“Then why would you be embarrassed if a girl hurt you? I know you’d be more embarrassed if a girl hurt you than if another guy did. It feels different, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’d be pissed off more than embarrassed if another guy beat me up, but I’m definitely more ashamed to know that you – a girl – got me.”

Rebecca jumped in, ”And it’s not just that I hurt you, but how I hurt you. If I would’ve slapped you, you’d be smarting for a second and probably a little embarrassed, but you’d have recovered enough to get back at me. But because I kneed you in the balls, I took away all your strength. I felt your legs go weak,” she chuckled a little, “frankly, I was impressed you didn’t just drop right to the floor.”

She massaged his thigh a little as she continued, “For a moment you wanted to react with violence – “

Ryan interjected, “Yeah – and you said it was good. Why?”

“It was good for you to get angry and want to get back at me because you couldn’t! It’s like another level of hurt and embarrassment. You were physically unable to do anything about it. Talk about complete helplessness.  I’m sure it was all you could do not to cry.”

She took her hand at placed it on his cheek, turning his head toward her. She wanted his full attention and he met her gaze.

“I love that for a minute you wanted to hurt me like I hurt you.” She smiled, maybe just a little cruelly, “It means you truly felt just how helpless and powerless you are as a man. And then to know that a woman can render you this way, it must be completely ego-shattering.”

She stroked his chin and he added, “Not to mention painful.”

She put her hand back on his leg, squeezing dangerously close to his crotch. “Well, the pain, to me, is just a reminder of the truth that women are superior to men. The important thing is that you understand a woman can render you powerless and the pain just reinforces this lesson. Though, I’ll admit, there is something beautiful and erotic watching you men struggle with the pain. I mean, I can’t imagine the pain, but your face earlier made it seem terrific and terrible.”

Though even the dull ache was now mostly gone, Ryan could swear he felt the pain all over again as she spoke. He put his hand to his groin to reassure himself the pain was actually gone.

“It’s not still hurting, is it?” Rebecca asked when she noticed his hands go to his crotch.

“No, it’s not…I was just making sure.”

“Well, I can make you hurt again,” she said, with a wink, adding, “If you want. Or have you learned my little lesson?”

“Oh, I think I’ve learned it. Not sure I’ve accepted it, but I definitely hear you loud and clear.”

“Well, don’t worry, I’m not going to kick you again,” she paused with a second thought. “Though I’d bet I’ll have to in the future since you aren’t ready to actually accept it.”

She looked at him hard for a moment and then broke into a huge grin. “So, you still want to have dinner with me? It takes a real man to take a gal to dinner after she’s just kneed him in the balls.”








Views: 1901

Replies to This Discussion

you are a genius, your story was so close, intimal, beutiful, i love how she control him with just one knee and the fear of him when she puts her hand close of his balls, i love her explanation, i love her.

 good job


Plaese make another

Wow...thank you. I'd like to continue the story of their relationship in a future story, so hopefully I'll have some time to write one up. BTW - I love her, too. *sigh*

I LOVE IT!!!!  Great story!

Great story.

Please keep going.



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