OK ladies, what questions do you hate being asked the most while in chatrooms?

For me it's when a guy asks me when was the last time I busted a guy in the balls, even if it's been only three weeks, they'll respond with "Why so long? or "That's a long time ago". When in all reality it's pretty frigin recent, even a bust that's five months old is fairly recent. Girls aren't busting machines, we don't go around kicking balls on a daily basis. So the next time a girl says two month ago, you can respond by say, "Oh, very cool" or something very similar. Thank you and have a nice day.

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My ex G/F seemed to enjoy ballbusting...but I don't know if it was just because she knew I liked it or if she REALLY did like it. She would bust me at times when I let it known that I wanted the boys handled gently...so I guess she did get a kick out of it.

I think a lot of guys are worried they are talking to a gay dude or just somebody that gets turned on by M/M bb... I know every time I talk to a girl on the net I worry about that lol, that's why I don't much anymore. I mean I know there are girls out there who probably like ballbusting, but I guess most of us are skeptical that any girl would like it ENOUGH that she'd want to go to a site to talk about it. This is probably sterotyping though just in the same way that guys tend to think girls aren't out there looking for sex. I know i'm a 23 year old guy and even I forget sometimes that there are many girls out there who want to 'get layed" just as much as guys do....so I suppose there are girls out there wanting to BB as well.

Don't forget a lot of the videos out there are done by paid females or girls just playing a joke/think it's funny... I think a very small percent of the videos out there are dont by girls who actually enjoy doing it (not just in a 'hey that's funny, lets make a youtube video of it' way) and aren't getting paid to .
Hi Michelle, is it a good book?
No, it's a great book... according to Michelle. I've never read it. Maybe I will soon though.
Here it is; 1) I'm not your "baby", 2) I'm not your "babe" 3) I'm not your "honey" 4) I'm not your "sweetie" 5) I'm not your "sweetheart" and 6) I'm not your "love".

I'm Amanda
I know this was posted on this forum already, but couldn't find it.

I just had a repeat offender log off and not say a word, it's really rude to just log off like that and leave people hanging in mid conversation. This one particular guy does it a lot. It's an easy fix, I won't be talking to him anymore.
Kind of funny, I'm sure this happens a lot too. I had a guy ask If I would damage his balls for him, I told him no. He asked why not, I told him I don't do that, he just logged off. I just shake my head.
Thanks for the information, I'm definitely not as experienced as you all are, this is actually my first attempt at online discussion on the topic of ballbusting. I really hope I don't get the same nonsense you've all experienced, but I'm sure in due time I will. What do you do when this stuff happens?
This is a ballbusting fetish site, men here want to talk about ballbusting, women here are rare, get real , what do you ladies expect from a sex fetish site? And for the record, I have not chatted with anyone on this site yet.
So do you do all the infractions listed on this forum? Are you the guy that's going to send me a picture of your junk through my email or while talking on messenger? I suggest you read the forum. Are you going to be another guy I have to ignore?
Dave seriously, you are 1000% wrong. If you go to the About section it clearly states. "This site was ment to be a non sexually oriented ballbusting and cuntbusting site offering a Youtubesque PG-13 mainstream appeal."

Please understand that yes this is a site about ballbusting and cuntbusting but these are regular women not paid professionals. Part of the reason women have stayed out of these communities is because of this misunderstanding and just because someone or something is rare it doesn't mean we chastise them or make them feel there is an expectation. It is your prerogative to have that attitude but might I suggest you talk to these women like you would if you met them on the street or at work or something. These girls don't want to see our balls or hear "how will you bust me" .. why not speak to them about what they like and get to know them a bit before you venture into such presumptuous conversations. This is a civilized, respectful user friendly environment so lets keep it that way.

Tawny & Laura I'm pretty firm on harassment on this website. If harassment occurs & persists, contact me, I will immediately look into the issue. Several people have been removed from this site because they had tried to upset the balance of this website. I mean by you coming to me it does not automatically get them booted it takes a lot to get booted its just that we need both guys and girls to speak up so that the individual feels uncomfortable and stops their harassment or I take matters to the next step.

Hello TIna - yes and when in doubt always go find Tina she will iron everything out :)
Hello Tawny, It's no big deal, if the guy is harassing you let the administrator know, but the best thing I found to do is to just ignore him, he'll go away.
I'll sum it down to 3 categories.
1) "a/s/l" greetings
2) "bust me please?"
3) "any recent bbusts?"

Coming from a complete stranger to me, shows absolutely no inclination to knowing me (esp the last two). I am by nature a bit paranoid, and I don't like giving away RL info, especially not on first chats. The latter two showed no effort to know that I'm into cbusts, not bbusts as such. Oh, even if I was to bbust, it's not something I do every day.



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