Hello, just thought I'd start a topic where we can list all the busts we run into in video games. There's a LOT of games coming out these days with various kinds busts in them, more than any one person can keep up with! If you run across any and want to add to this topic, please mention the title, the system (pc, xbox360, etc), which character, what kind of bust (kick, stomp, weapon, etc), who does it (f/m, m/m, f/f etc), and perhaps how to perform the move, if it's a combo, etc.
--Wet. (PS3, F/M, weapons: gun, sword). Single player third person shooter game, sort of Kill Bill style. Had a chance to try this one briefly a while ago so I can only list what I briefly saw. When your character takes out her opponents she can hit them in different parts of their body. It's possible to hit them in the groin, they react (from what I saw) and if your character kills them with a move to the groin the screen flashes the text "ball breaker!" (There's a whole list of other moves as well).
--Mirror's Edge (PC, other systems? F/M. Kick.) Just picked this game up for $5 last weekend, playing it now. The game is a first-person perspective platformer with a female character. She has a kick to the groin move if you do a run and slide kick. It's probably one of the most useful moves in the game as well as it stuns your opponents, leaving you enough time to defeat them with a follow-up move ;) She also defeats a baddie in a cut sequence in the game with this move. Although the game is in first person, you can mod it to see the move in 3rd person (google it)