From speaking to a number of the girls on this site, I get the impression that their favourite activities on this site are reading the profiles and talking in the chatroom. Am I right? Are there any photo or video types that you prefer, or is the visual aspect less appealing to you?

A number of you have also told me that you enjoyed reading the surveys from Kramtoad which, truth be told, I didn't even know existed.

Also, what about the RealBusts category which shows clips from various blogs?

I've started posting a number of captioned pics and a number of the boys seem to like them an awful lot. Are there any caption-themes that would appeal to the women? I would be happy to try my hand at some of your suggestions.

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well, at least I know what they DON"T want - they don't want to respond to this thread. Oh, well
whew, somebody finally replied!

Thanks for your input, SarahT - I'll try to do a caption or two like you suggested...please let me know if you like



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